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So You’re an EM Reg! Jan 2009. Year 1 PRIMARY EXAM Short courses Clinical skills - DOPS - RSI, Central lines, synchronised cardioversion, Procedural sedation.

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Presentation on theme: "So You’re an EM Reg! Jan 2009. Year 1 PRIMARY EXAM Short courses Clinical skills - DOPS - RSI, Central lines, synchronised cardioversion, Procedural sedation."— Presentation transcript:

1 So You’re an EM Reg! Jan 2009

2 Year 1 PRIMARY EXAM Short courses Clinical skills - DOPS - RSI, Central lines, synchronised cardioversion, Procedural sedation



5 Year 2 Short courses Audit and Research Thesis

6 Year 3 Clinical cases - TONTOs Thesis - submission mid march and mid august

7 Year 4 Exam preparation Management

8 EXAM MMED ends October 2009 FCEM - passable

9 Short Courses

10 MIMMS/HMIMMS No disaster medicine in 2009 MIMMS -2days HMIMMS - 2 days April 6-9, 19-22 Oct

11 Undergraduate teaching 3rd Year Teaching 28 April - 8:00-14:00 (covered by Me, Rescue and Comunications) 29 April - 8:00-14:00 (need 6 people to do skills stations - CPR/ AED/ Choking/ Spinal Immobilisation/ Fracture Immobilisation) 30 April - 8:00-14:00 (need 2 people to do Basic airway, Oxygen masks, Nebulisations, BVM, Defib, Shock, Pt assessments cirtically ill) 4th Year Teaching 8:00-16:00 are taught every Monday by the EMS Registrars. Covers ALS CPR, Intubation and taught as practical handson sessions with simman. Always welcome extra hands to help. 5th Year Teaching: 12 Feb - 8:00-16:00 (need 3 people for whole day or 6 people for half day if we split the day. Covers needle cric, surgical cric, CVP, Ext Jugs, Femoral, Intraosseous) 12 Mar - as above 9 April -as above

12 Teaching Grand Ward Rounds - Friday C15 11am FEC 16,17 April M&Ms CME meetings - March and august

13 Conference

14 Management Skills Management course Senior Reg posts

15 Ultrasound Log book Short course 6 week rotation Final exam

16 Other reasons to be an EM reg UK rotations FIFA 2010

17 And then What? Consultant Job Plan Emergency Medicine Structure


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