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Education and Training Ensuring quality in education in Europe. Policies and approaches to school evaluation 14 November 2014 Peter Birch 1 EURYDICE Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Education and Training Ensuring quality in education in Europe. Policies and approaches to school evaluation 14 November 2014 Peter Birch 1 EURYDICE Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education and Training Ensuring quality in education in Europe. Policies and approaches to school evaluation 14 November 2014 Peter Birch 1 EURYDICE Network

2 Education and Training Eurydice The forthcoming report on school evaluation (provisional data) Content 2

3 Education and Training Eurydice Eurydice Network in 2014 36 COUNTRIES 40 NATIONAL UNITS (under Ministries’ responsibility) 3

4 Education and Training Eurydice Eurydice: mission statement To provide those responsible for education systems and policies in Europe with European-level analyses and information which will assist them in their decision making. 4

5 Education and Training Eurydice Eurydice national units provide normative and qualitative information (laws, decrees, regulations and recommendations) Descriptive, comparable information on European education systems and policies Comparative analyses on various topics Eurydice contribution at work 5

6 Education and Training Eurydice 3 types of products Harmonised descriptions of education systems - Eurypedia Reports Facts and Figures 6

7 Education and Training Eurydice 7

8 Education and Training Eurydice Reports 8

9 Education and Training Eurydice Facts and Figures Structure and main features of European education systems School and academic calendars Structure of European education systems Teacher and School Heads Salaries Student fees and support systems in Higher Education 9

10 Education and Training Eurydice The report on school evaluation Comparative analysis of school evaluation systems External evaluation Internal evaluation National Profiles External evaluation Internal evaluation Other quality assurance methods Reforms Contents Provisional data 10

11 Education and Training Eurydice Why school evaluation Recommendations of the European Parliament and Council on European cooperation in quality evaluation in school education. OJ C 116, 1.3.2001 Council conclusions ET2020: emphasis on quality in education (Strategic objective 2). OJ C 119, 28.5.2009 Council conclusions on quality assurance supporting education and training. OJ C 183, 14.6.2014 Provisional data 11

12 Education and Training Eurydice What is school evaluation Evaluation: systematic and critical analysis of a defined subject One among other quality assurance approaches in education Focuses on the school as an entity and unity Does not place responsibility on individuals but on the overall functioning of the school Provisional data 12

13 Education and Training Eurydice Scope of the report Full-time compulsory education Public schools (private only in Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands, United Kingdom) Reference year 2013/2014 EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Turkey and former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Provisional data 13

14 Education and Training Eurydice Overall main findings In 25 countries both external and internal evaluation In 5 countries school evaluation relies more on internal than external evaluation In 3 education systems there are no central/top level regulations on both external and internal evaluation Provisional data 14

15 Education and Training Eurydice External evaluation Development over the last ten years Additional countries have developed it Evolution of its nature: From individual staff to school as a whole From 'checklist' to culture of quality enhancement (legal compliance dimension AND efficiency/efficacy) Provisional data 15

16 Education and Training Eurydice Figure 1.1: Status of the external evaluation of schools according to central/top level regulations, full-time compulsory general education, 2013/14 Data not available External evaluation of school is carried out No external evaluation of school is carried out External evaluation of school carried out as a piloting phase External evaluation 1/7 Provisional data 16

17 Education and Training Eurydice External evaluation 2/7 Figure 1.3: Central/top level arrangements for establishing the content and criteria of external school evaluation, full-time compulsory general education, 2013/14 Data not available Specific framework with parameters but no standard No external evaluation of schools List of topics to cover/indicators to consider Provisional data Specific framework with parameters and standards 17

18 Education and Training Eurydice Figure 1.4: Procedures for external evaluation, full-time compulsory general education, 2013/14 External evaluation 3/7 Left ISCED1 Right ISCED 2-3  No external evaluation of school Analysis of documents Risk analysis Visit to the school Classroom observation Interviews with school staff Involvement of stakeholders Final report Provisional data 18

19 Education and Training Eurydice External evaluation 4/7 Figure 1.5: Involvement of pupils, parents, and the local community in external evaluation, full-time compulsory general education, 2013/14 Data not available Pupils Local community Parents All three typologies No participation of stakeholders No external evaluation Provisional data 19

20 Education and Training Eurydice External evaluation 5/7 Figure 1.7: Typology of outcomes following the school external evaluation report, full-time compulsory general education, 2013/14 Data not available Remedial actions No external evaluation Disciplinary actions Profile-raising actions Provisional data 20

21 Education and Training Eurydice Approaches: Risk Analysis (process) 'Profile-raising' actions (use) Systemic accountability (belief) Government-based Market-based Innovative approaches and systemic accountability External evaluation 6/7 Provisional data 21

22 Education and Training Eurydice PARENTS choose a school External evaluation 7/7 Distribution of evaluation reports Data not available Reports are made public No external evaluation Reports are distributed with restrictions No distribution of the reports to outside parties ISCED 2 ISCED 2 and 3 Degree of parental/pupil freedom in choice of school KD on educ 2012 STUDENTS are allocated to a specific school by the public autho- rities based on geographical criteria a school but parents may request an alternative but the public authorities may intervene if it is over-subscribed with no action by the public authorities to regulate pupil numbers Provisional data 22

23 Education and Training Eurydice Internal evaluation Compulsory in 28 education systems In most of the others it is recommended Only in France (ISCED1) and Bulgaria there is no obligation or recommnedation at central/top level Provisional data 23

24 Education and Training Eurydice Internal evaluation 1/3 Figure 2.2: Parties involved in internal evaluation of schools according to central/top-level regulations, full-time compulsory general education, 2013/14 Data not available School staff No central/top level regulations on parties involved School staff + parents/students/ other school stakeholders Provisional data 24

25 Education and Training Eurydice Figure 2.3: Supporting measures available to internal evaluators of schools; full-time compulsory general education, 2013/14 Internal evaluation 2/3 Left ISCED1 Right ISCED 2-3  No internal and/or external evaluation of school Training in int. eval. External evaluation framework/parameters Indic. enabling schools to compare with other sch. Guidelines and manuals specific to int. eval. Online forums External specialists Financial support Provisional data 25

26 Education and Training Eurydice Figure 2.4: Uses and users of the results of the internal school evaluation, full-time compulsory general education, 2013/14 Internal evaluation 3/3 Left ISCED1 Right ISCED 2-3  No internal and/or external evaluation Schools for improvement purposes Central/top-level or reg. autho- rities for external evaluation Central/top-level or reg. autho- rities for monitoring purposes Local authorities for the mana- gement/evaluation of schools Local authorities for preparing reports for central authorities Compulsory publication Provisional data 26

27 Education and Training Eurydice Interactions between internal and external evaluation Use of internal evaluation as source of information for the external evaluation Compulsory use of external evaluation framework for internal evaluation (rare) Systems where internal evaluation is key to external evaluation Provisional data 27

28 Education and Training Eurydice 28

29 Education and Training Eurydice Most knowledge is learning from the other across the border. Amartya Sen - Indian Economist Nobel-prize winner Thank you Website: Functional mailbox: 29

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