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Why are there so many myths, opinions and concerns about penis size?

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1 Why are there so many myths, opinions and concerns about penis size?
(WebMD, 2012) Cedric Pacaud

2 The Penis and its myths, opinions and concerns
Concerns of penis size world wide has led to many mythologies and attitudes that men have about this organ Penis panic has been led from a group hysteria that believe that there penis is shrinking and in some point will disappear The greatly marketed spans are from products to enlarge the penis (penis pills, penis pumps, cosmetic etc.) There was a study in Britain, which informed that 55% of men are unsatisfied with there penis size, and almost half wanted a bigger penis These scientists are trying to reassure men with penis anxiety that there penis is fine. The husband’s penis size actually did not affect 85% of the women in this survey, and having a small penis does not mean your health in necessarily bad. (Pretty Skeptical If Penis Enlargement Actually Works , 2011)

3 Survey Results: Have you ever believed in any sort of mythology about your penis size? (conducted to 9th grade boys)

4 The survey results show that almost half the people in 9th people believed in a sort of mythology on the penis size. (40%) The penis size is different for each individual so many people have awareness of this.

5 Why are there so many myths, opinions and concerns about penis size?
When a person finds there own penis small it is hard for them to change there consciousness Where these feelings come from: Sighting of a penis - As a young person when seeing an adults penis for once it can have an influence. You get this awareness of an adult penis as bigger than your own, which stays in your mind. Watching porn There are many teenagers and adults who have watched porn in there life. When watching porn many of the men make there penis look big with camera angles and they themselves have penises bigger compared to the average size. This makes men and boys who watch this feel they have a small penis. Locker room Some young aged boys tend to compare penis size in the locker rooms, by there flaccid length and determine how big there penis are if it erects. From doing this at a young age “62% of men said” it began there anxiety on penis size (Clark, 2012).

6 Findings Many men have concerns, opinions and myths about penis size because they see it, which affects the way they think Men also are not aware of what other people think of their penis because its not something that we discuss usually so it leaves them thinking Men have a penis themselves so there aware of how important it is because it is an organ of the male body

7 Relevancy of Knowing Men should not have a penis panic. They should not be so considerate of there own penis or others because we have different genetics and environment, which forms different penises. (Male Enhancement, 2009)

8 Recap: The penis size is different for each individual so many people have awareness of this. When a person finds there own penis small it is hard for them to change there consciousness

9 Reflection I learned about why men are so concerned about penises.
What people around them actually think about small penises and that it is not a problem Many people are aware of there own penis

10 References (2012). Retrieved from WebMD: Clark, P. S. (2012). Small Penis Syndrome: Why Do So Many Men Think That Their Penis Is Too Small? Retrieved from Ezine articles: .com/?Small-Penis-Syndrome:-Why-Do-So-Many-Men-Think-That-Their-Penis-Is-Too-Small? &id= Driskell, N. (2009). Genital Retraction Syndrome: Penis Panic. Retrieved from penis-panic/ Male Enhancement. (2009). Retrieved from Penis Extender and Penis Enlargement Tips and tricks: Stöcker, C. (2007). Scientists Reassure Men Worried About Penis Size. Retrieved from Spiegel Online:

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