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Our Alumni... Not So "FAR" Away! Presenting: Michelle Johnston Molly Wasko

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Presentation on theme: "Our Alumni... Not So "FAR" Away! Presenting: Michelle Johnston Molly Wasko"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Alumni... Not So "FAR" Away! Presenting: Michelle Johnston Molly Wasko

2 About the Presenters Case District III Annual Conference2

3 Using Social Media to Engage with students and alumni Leveraging Social Media and APIs to add more Data Using Web Analytics and Digital Trace Data to assess Impact 3Case District III Annual Conference Agenda:

4 4Case District III Annual Conference How do we stay connected with our students once they graduate?

5 Case District III Annual Conference5 What about you? Raise your hand if you have an updated alumni page with your alma mater……

6 Case District III Annaul Conference6 What about you? Raise your hand if you have an updated LinkedIn profile……

7 If we can’t rely on alumni to keep an updated profile, are there ways to tap into the places where students and alumni are engaged? Turning the question around 7Case District III Annual Conference

8 Using Social Media to Engage with students and alumni Leveraging Social Media and APIs to add more Data Using Web Analytics and Digital Trace Data to assess Impact 8Case District III Annual Conference Part I:

9 Trends in social media: overall usage

10 Trends in social media: Facebook

11 Trends in social media: Twitter

12 Trends in social media: LinkedIn 259M + ©2013 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. professionals 3M + companies 150 + industries Executives from every Fortune 500 60K + college and university alumni groups 64% 64% outside the U.S. company 30M + students and recent grads

13 Trends in social media: LinkedIn University LinkedIn updated terms of use to include 14-18 years olds: Emerging as the #1 solution for the entire student lifecycle: enrollment placement alumni engagement

14 Using Social Media to Engage with students and alumni Leveraging Social Media and APIs to add more Data Using Web Analytics and Digital Trace Data to assess Impact 14Case District III Annual Conference Part II:

15 F inancial Pressures: More reliant on alumni giving Public criticisms over tuition increases A ccreditation and Accountability: Higher education accreditation Greater accuracy and transparency across University systems R egulatory Pressures: Higher Education Scorecard What’s a degree worth? Case District III Annaul Conference15 Why you need better alumni data

16 16Case District III Annual Conference What data sources do you need?

17 Can’t rely on alumni to keep an updated profile Current methods of tracking employment, additional degrees, emails etc. are either manually intensive or prone to error Type I Error : You can’t engage with people that you don’t know Type II Error: Taking the wrong approach with the people you do know Type III Error: Taking the right approach, but at the wrong time We would if we could 17Case District III Annual Conference

18 18Case District III Annual Conference How do you get it? Trends for the future…. …. Data partners and APIs

19 19Case District III Annual Conference API – Open data sharing across platforms API stands for ‘application programming interface’ An API is a way for website or service to talk to another website or service. APIs let you mix information and media from other services into your own site or application.

20 20Case District III Annual Conference

21 21Case District III Annual Conference

22 22 by

23 23Case District III Annual Conference API – Social Media API “Universal” API Terms of Use You cannot use the API to crawl or store users' content without their express consent

24 Case District III Annual Conference24 Data Partners offer matching services Education Fields to track graduate education Current Location Current Industry LinkedIn URL Current Position Current Employer Dates Employed

25 25Case District III Annual Conference What do you do with it if you do get it? Have a clear strategy for integrating this data into your current alumni RMS

26 Using Social Media to Engage with students and alumni Leveraging Social Media and APIs to add more Data Using Web Analytics and Digital Trace Data to assess Impact 26Case District III Annual Conference Part III:

27 Limited time and resources Are we making an impact? Are we making the right impact? Developing Key Performance Indicators using digital trace data 27Case District III Annual Conference Busy Engagement

28 28Case District III Annual Conference Digital Trace Data: From Atoms to Bytes

29 29Case District III Annual Conference Example: Print versus Email With computer- mediated channels, you can measure impact Who opened it? Who forwarded it? How long did they view it? Contains a click-through call to action

30 Clickstream Multiple Outcomes Experimentation and Testing Voice of the Customer Competitive Intelligence Insights The What The How Much The Why The What Else The Goal! Avinash Kaushik, Web Analytics 2.0 Multiplicity Analytics strategy 30Case District III Annual Conference

31 The What – Clickstream Data The what is simply collecting and analyzing your website’s click-level data Clickstream is foundational data to help you analyze all kinds of site behavior 31Case District III Annual Conference

32 The How Much - Multiple Outcomes You are trying to deliver on 3 simple things: Increase revenue Reduce cost Improve student/alumni satisfaction/loyalty A million visits to the site – so what? 32Case District III Annual Conference

33 The Why - Experimentation Experiment first, and then build your strategy Take a bigger risk Rapid launch and test Fail fast What is best received by the alumni? 33Case District III Annual Conference

34 The Why – Voice of the Customer Your web analytics tool can only report what it records: quantitative vs. qualitative data Surveys Lab usability tests Visual heat maps Oh, this is why they abandoned ! 34Case District III Annual Conference

35 The What Else – Competitive Intelligence On the web, you can gather tons of information about your competitors Knowing how you’re performing is good Knowing how you’re performing against your competition is priceless How do I compare to the competition? 35Case District III Annual Conference

36 The Goal – Insight! Avoid becoming overwhelmed by digital trace data The critical few Keep it simple Experiment Improve Adapt, test, and measure outcomes 36Case District III Annual Conference

37 37Case District III Annual Conference Sample Impact Matrix Direct ChannelsTypes of ActivitiesMetrics Internal Website Update Information Alumni Directory Alumni Chapters Alumni News Social Media Presence Mentoring Network Alumni Community Give Now Page Views Source Pages Time Spent Unique Visitors Updates Community Activity Giving Mobile Apps Find Nearby Alumni Campus Map Alumni Games Events Give Now Downloads Data Sharing Time on app Giving

38 38Case District III Annual Conference Thank You

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