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Enzyme Lab test tubes with spinach, potato, MnO2, H2O2, chalk, raw liver, cooked liver, raw hamburger, cooked hamburger.

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Presentation on theme: "Enzyme Lab test tubes with spinach, potato, MnO2, H2O2, chalk, raw liver, cooked liver, raw hamburger, cooked hamburger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enzyme Lab test tubes with spinach, potato, MnO2, H2O2, chalk, raw liver, cooked liver, raw hamburger, cooked hamburger

2 The substrate: hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is toxic to cells Produced as a waste product during the reactions that occur in the body. Body needs way to remove it quickly so cells don’t die H > H2O + O2. The products water and oxygen are not harmful. Body can remove it quickly with enzyme called CATALASE. CATALASE changes H202 into water and oxygen.

3 The substrate is hydrogen peroxide H2O2
It is what is being changed. It starts off as Hydrogen peroxide It becomes Water and Oxygen

4 The Enzyme is Catalase Catalase is an enzyme found in all living things (catalase is found in spinach, potato, raw liver, cooked liver, hamburger) Catalase speeds up the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide so cells don’t die. Catalase is the same before the reaction as after. It does not change

5 So what effect does heat have on enzymes?
Raw liver has not had heat added to it, so it works at its best. Cooked liver has been in heat, so the enzymes that were in the liver were denatured, that means they were weakened (unraveled). Remember enzymes are proteins.

6 Substrate: substance the enzyme works on
Active site: where the substrate and enzyme meet

7 Enzymes are very specific
They are named for the substrate they work on: EX: sucrase works on sucrose

8 So is MnO2 an enzyme? NO!!! MnO2 is an inorganic catalyst. That means it is man-made and it speeds up reactions. Enzymes are found in living things. EXAMPLES: catalase, protease, lipase Enzymes can be used again and are not used up in the reaction.

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