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NU Primo – What’s Next “What to do with Digital Objects in Primo” IGeLU 2014 Michael North - Sr. Systems Analyst / Programmer Lead, Systems Team.

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Presentation on theme: "NU Primo – What’s Next “What to do with Digital Objects in Primo” IGeLU 2014 Michael North - Sr. Systems Analyst / Programmer Lead, Systems Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 NU Primo – What’s Next “What to do with Digital Objects in Primo” IGeLU 2014 Michael North - Sr. Systems Analyst / Programmer Lead, Systems Team

2 AGENDA.1. Digital Objects and Digital Collections : What is our Plan ? Why Use Primo ?.2. Fedora and Primo workflow / Integrated with Blackboard.3. Fun Item : Dublin Core : Youtube Videos and Blackboard Canvas ???.4. MODS protocol extract and Ingestion (Winterton Collection).5. EAD to Primo (Finding Aids).6. METS schema : African Maps Collection.7. MODS schema : African Posters.8. LibGuides into Primo

3 What is our Plan? … ya gotta have a plan ! Heaviest Traffic Blackboard 2 nd Heaviest Traffic Library Fastest Growing Traffic Repositories = The “sweet spot” Develop integrated solution ISSUES: Metadata choice ? Repository solution ? Primo Configuration ?

4 Working with DC Silo’s Working with Primo Moving to …… Fedora and Primo First Hurdle * All different inside * Consistent Delivery

5 Why use Primo for Digital Collections Viewing ? Built-in facet search capability. Boolean search capability Value of cross collection searching. Facets work (select 2+) Advanced searching Integration into other applications (such as Blackboard CMS) #1 reason: Access points increased (more than one way to find). Entry point for patron into a collection/website they never knew about. NOTE: Use Primo instead of hiring a team of developers to build a repository website capable of cross-collection searching ! ! ! Digital Collections Searching And Cross Collection Searching

6 NEW : Repository Cross Searching VIEW

7 Cross Collection Searching

8 More Options : to facilitate Xsearching

9 Advanced Search Select specific Digital Collection

10 Repository Metadata Workflow into Primo So-Far ! EAD/MODS to PNX/Primo (Winterton / Africana Posters) METS/MODS to PNX/Primo (Africana Maps) EAD to PNX/Primo (Archon - Finding Aids) XML to PNX/Primo (LibGuides) Dublin Core to PNX/Primo (YouTube Videos)

11 Fedora to Primo Overview Metadata Schema EAD, MODS, METS, DC, etc. MODS Datafile (xml) PNX Datafile PNX DB FEDORA PRIMO Fedora Objects Schema Conversions: Convert non- MODS metadata to MODS xml files. Ruby/Rails script with XSLT Primo Harvest: XML File Splitter & Harvest MODS to PNX : Convert MODS xml files into single PNX file. Ruby/Rails script with XSLT Primo BackOffice using basic XML pipe ITQL or SPARQL query PIDs file Fedora Exported File Extract Fedora Metadata: Extract Fedora Objects Metadata Schema to xml files. (mets, dc, ead, etc) MODS metadata export Non- MODS metadata export 1 2 2 3 4 5 OR 23 5 Extract PIDs File: Use ITQL to create file with PIDs. 1 4 Add Collection Updates: Use above procedure – only use the add_content.rb script. 6 Ruby/ Rails script * 4 Ruby Scripts (export, convert, mods_2_pnx, add_content.rb ) * Fedora = modular repository system for management and dissemination of digital content. * Why do we run 3 scripts ? It will be one script eventually ! ! !


13 Something Special for our Teaching Faculty With Primo and Blackboard interoperability ================= Dublin Core Use DC to manually add YouTube Videos for Faculty Classroom use with Blackboard CMS.

14 Example: DC record from Faculty Form

15 PULL E-Shelf folders into Blackboard Primo E-Shelf Folders built by Faculty Member

16 PULL feature

17 E-Shelf Folders in Blackboard Course Documents Page With additional instructions * Dynamically linked ! ! !

18 DYNAMIC Links ! ! !

19 YouTube Videos History

20 The professor was thrilled.

21 PUSH feature of Primo/Blackboard interoperability

22 Side note : We added Primo Searching (and Library Resources) into Blackboard

23 How the Primo/Bb Project Comes Around "FULL CIRCLE" with our repository development Teachers provide digital objects or request one (NU scanning project). These objects are made available through Primo via "harvesting." Teachers pull or push this material into their Blackboard Course Materials pages. Students use the material in a classroom environment.

24 Primo/Blackboard Video’s YouTube : Northwestern Primo/Blackboard PULL Integration Demo YouTube : Northwestern Primo/Blackboard PUSH Integration Demo PLEASE USE BOTH LINKS (there are older vids on this site)

25 CANVAS ???? Northwestern is moving to Canvas this fall and will no longer be using Blackboard so we are now looking at replicating these features in Canvas, and possible using LTI. Our next major undertaking ! ! ! ! Blackboard

26 MODS Harvesting MODs  Primo (Winterton Collection)

27 The Winterton Collection (using MODS)

28 We chose MODS because it lets us document “hierarchical” metadata. Provenance ! ! ! Important to Special Collections and Archives. Winteron Case. Why MODS ?

29 MODS Datafile (xml) PNX Datafile PNX DB FEDORA PRIMO Fedora Objects Ruby/Rails script with XSLT Primo Harvest: XML File Splitter & Harvest MODS to PNX : Convert MODS xml files into single PNX file. Primo BackOffice using file splitter and basic XML pipe ITQL or SPARQL query PIDs file Extract Fedora Metadata: Extract Fedora Objects Metadata Schema to xml files. MODS metadata export 1 2 4 5 2 5 Extract PIDs File: Use ITQL to create file with PIDs. 1 4 XSLT EADEAD MODSMODS EAD/MODS to PNX/Primo Winterton Collection Ruby/Rails script

30 Winterton Process The Winterton records in Fedora are stored, along with corresponding images, as Fedora Objects. These objects include multiple files including descriptive metadata. The Fedora object (theoretically) might have a tiff file, a jpeg file, a pdf. First, we created an XSLT script which created the MODS portion of the Fedora objects and these are the record form one sees on the Digital Collections site. Then we created a Ruby on Rails script that exports the MODS files out of Fedora. Then we created a Ruby/Rails script that uses an XSLT script that transforms the MODS records into PNX records. Finally, we ingest the PNX record into using the default XML file splitter and pipe.

31 Primo Record Discovery – Details Tab

32 Parent of image Actual image (item record) Primo Record Discovery – Online Resource Tab

33 Actual Photo display Click on “thumbnail” or image displayed in Online Resource or Details tabs.

34 Image on parent page Parent of actual image record (hierarchy provided) Click on the “Link to source in Winterton Collection of East African Photographs” link in the “Online Resource” or “Details” tabs. This will display the parent page of the individual record (shows where the image came from).

35 Clicking on Component Page provides Picture detail …. Plus metadata for the picture.

36 So, Why Is This So GREAT ! ! ! This harvesting method incorporates hierarchical metadata into Primo for our collections, and provides another access point for patrons who never knew about the Winterton Collection. So now, patrons can look at the digital object directly in a webpage, or they can go to the Winterton Repository website via Primo and be placed right into the collection website so they can look at other related objects.

37 EAD Finding Aids (Archon) into Primo

38 Metadata Schema: EAD MODS Datafile (xml) PNX Datafile PNX DB FEDORA PRIMO Fedora Objects Schema Conversions: Convert non- MODS metadata to MODS xml files. Ruby/Rails script with XSLT Primo Harvest: XML File Splitter & Harvest MODS to PNX : Convert MODS xml files into single PNX file. Ruby/Rails script with XSLT Primo BackOffice using basic XML pipe ITQL or SPARQL query PIDs file Fedora Export File Extract Fedora Metadata: Extract Fedora Objects Metadata Schema to xml files. Non- MODS metadat a export 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 5 Extract PIDs File: Use ITQL to create file with PIDs. 1 4 EAD to PNX/Primo Archon – Finding Aids Ruby/ Rails script ARCHON (Finding Aids - publishes archival descriptive information ) EAD

39 EAD  Metadata for the Finding Aids (inventories, indexes or guides)

40 Archival and Manuscript Collection Portal : Over 400 collections are accessible using EAD Finding Aids

41 Just listings – indexes – guides - inventories

42 Getting from here…. To here….

43 Ingested into Fedora Archon EAD record

44 Extract PIDS file from FEDORA using ITQL query Ruby on Rails script Uses PIDs file to extract the entire EAD record from FEDORA

45 EAD record extracted from FEDORA MODS records created from descriptive section of EAD XSLT script

46 XSLT script transforms records into PNX data file Set up pipe and simple normalization rules that copy the PNX data file into Primo

47 Finding aids in Primo Another ACCESS POINT ! ! !

48 Metadata Schema: EAD MODS Datafile (xml) PNX Datafile PNX DB FEDORA PRIMO Fedora Objects Schema Conversions: Convert non- MODS metadata to MODS xml files. Ruby/Rails script with XSLT Primo Harvest: XML File Splitter & Harvest MODS to PNX : Convert MODS xml files into single PNX file. Ruby/Rails script with XSLT Primo BackOffice using basic XML pipe ITQL or SPARQL query PIDs file Fedora Export File Extract Fedora Metadata: Extract Fedora Objects Metadata Schema to xml files. Non- MODS metadat a export 1 2 3 4 5 23 5 Extract PIDs File: Use ITQL to create file with PIDs. 1 4 EAD to PNX/Primo Archon – Finding Aids Ruby/ Rails script REVIEW SLIDE ARCHON (Finding Aids) EAD

49 METS Metadata Schema into Primo (African Maps)

50 MODS Datafile (xml) PNX Datafile PNX DB FEDORA PRIMO Ruby/Rails script with XSLT Primo Harvest: XML File Splitter & Harvest MODS to PNX : Convert MODS xml files into single PNX file. Primo BackOffice using file splitter and basic XML pipe ITQL or SPARQL query PIDs file Extract Fedora Metadata: Extract Fedora Objects Metadata Schema to xml files. MODS metadata export 1 2 4 5 2 5 Extract PIDs File: Use ITQL to create file with PIDs. 1 4 METS/MODS to PNX/Primo Africana Maps Collection Ruby/Rails script MODS DC Africana Maps Fedora Objects METS

51 Africana Maps Process In our Fedora Africana Maps Collection, the Fedora Objects contain METS files that function as a wrapper around MODS and Dublin Core metadata. The METS file contains a Description Section that contain MODS metadata and Dublin Core metadata. The MODS and DC metadata was created by using the VB script behind Gary Strawn’s Catalogers Toolkit Program (not the actual program menu itself)..1. In short, MODS and DC metadata is contained within the METS metadata schema..2. Then, a Ruby/Rails script accesses the MODS metadata (within METS) and creates a MODS XML file..3. Then, a Ruby/Rails script is run with an XSLT file, that converts the MODS XML to a PNX file..4. Using the Primo XML File Splitter, the Africana Maps PNX file is harvested by Primo.

52 AFRI-MAPS : METS Wrapper with MODS

53 Primo Record for African Map Collection

54 View and Zoom in Primo VIEW ONLINE tab



57 MODS: African Posters into Primo

58 MODS Datafile (xml) PNX Datafile PNX DB FEDORA PRIMO Fedora Objects Ruby/Rail s script with XSLT Primo Harvest: XML File Splitter & Harvest MODS to PNX : Convert MODS xml files into single PNX file. Primo BackOffice using file splitter and basic XML pipe ITQL or SPARQL query PIDs file Extract Fedora Metadata: Extract Fedora Objects Metadata Schema to xml files. MODS metadata export 1 2 4 5 2 5 Extract PIDs File: Use ITQL to create file with PIDs. 1 4 XSLT EADEAD MODSMODS EAD/MODS to PNX/Primo African Posters Collection Ruby/Rails script

59 Image appears in the Primo Online Resource tab

60 Linking takes the user to the image inside the Collection website (new “access”)

61 LibGuides into Primo

62 LibGuides into Primo LibGuides records Send link that will generate an XML file Springshare XML Datafile XSLT script Excel table (links guide ID number with guide creator name) PRIMO libguide accounts Mapping table Primo BackOffice using file splitter and basic XML pipe PNX DB

63 LibGuides into Primo – why good!

64 Use XSLT script to create mapping table that will link LibGuide creator to guide LibGuides into Primo XSLT script Accounts, Categories, Guides

65 LibGuides into Primo Upload mapping table in Primo Back Office

66 LibGuides into Primo Configure file splitter Create normalization rules

67 Configure data source LibGuides into Primo Define pipe

68 LibGuides into Primo Records appear in Primo:

69 LibGuides into Primo Records appear in Primo “VIEW ONLINE” tab

70 DID I SAY YET............ What I have shown you today provides additional ACCESS POINTS to your digital collections such that users can find your digital collection, LibGuides, AND Finding Aids, without ever knowing where they are ! ! ! ! And once Primo links take them to the collection website (that they did not know existed), they will discover MORE ! ! !

71 Session Review.1. Digital Objects and Digital Collections : What is our Plan ? Why Use Primo ?.2. Fedora and Primo workflow / Integrated with Blackboard.3. Fun Item : Dublin Core : Youtube Videos and Blackboard Canvas ???.4. MODS protocol extract and Ingestion (Winterton Collection).5. EAD to Primo (Finding Aids).6. METS to Primo : African Maps Collection.7. MODS to Primo : African Posters.8. LibGuides XML into Primo

72 What’s Next.1. Deep Search setup with News Archives from Vanderbilt University..2. More Digital Collections at Northwestern..3. Looking at ingesting external collections of interest (Africana). Example : DPLA collections harvest ??? Smithsonian ???

73 Thank You Michael

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