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U. S. G E N E R A L S E R V I C E S A D M I N I S T R A T I O N GSA – NOT JUST ARRA Aril 21, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "U. S. G E N E R A L S E R V I C E S A D M I N I S T R A T I O N GSA – NOT JUST ARRA Aril 21, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 U. S. G E N E R A L S E R V I C E S A D M I N I S T R A T I O N GSA – NOT JUST ARRA Aril 21, 2010

2 G S A ’ S MISSION “GSA’s mission is to use expertise to provide innovative solutions for our customers in support of their missions and by so doing foster an effective, sustainable, and transparent government for the American people.”

3 Goals to Meet the Mission Stewardship -- leading federal agencies in economical and efficient management of federal assets…; Superior Workplaces — delivering and maintaining productive workplaces consisting of office space, furnishings, technology, supplies, and related services; Best Value — Developing and delivering timely, accurate and cost-effective acquisition services and business solutions; and, Innovation — Developing new and better ways of conducting business resulting in more productive and effective federal policies and administrative operations.

4 G S A ’ S P U B L I C B U I L D I N G S S E R V I C E (P B S) Landlord for over 400 federal agencies, bureaus & commissions  Portfolio of 353.9 M rentable square feet  Space for over 1,000,000 tenants  8,603 owned and leased assets  30 LEED certified properties  FY09 revenue—$8.61 B  Funding Trend for Line Item Projects  FY09 = $1.089B  FY10 = $1.024B  FY11 Request = $997.52M

5 ARRA F U N D I N G B Y R E G I O N AK Northwest/Arctic Region 10 Rocky Mountain Region 8 Great Lakes Region 5 Heartland Region 6 Greater Southwest Region 7 Southeast Region 4 Mid-Atlantic Region 3 New England Region 1 Pacific Rim Region 9 Northeast & Caribbean Region 2 HI GU VI PR WA OR UT MT ND WY SD CO ID CA NV AZNM OK TXLA AR NEIA KSMO MI WI IL IN MI OH KY TN MSAL GA FL SC NC WV MD VA PA NY NJ DE VT NH ME MA CTRI National Capital Region 11

6 P R E S I D E N T O B A M A O N T H E R E C O V E R Y M A N D A T E “What I will need from all of you is unprecedented responsibility and accountability…the American people are watching. They need this plan to work. They expect to see the money they’ve earned, that they’ve worked so hard to earn, spent in its intended purposes without waste, without inefficiency, without fraud.”

7 P U R P O S E S : T H E A M E R I C A N R E C O V E R Y & R E I N V E S T M E N T A C T OF 2 0 0 9  Creating and saving jobs  Increasing domestic renewable energy capacity  Investing in infrastructure with long-term economic benefits  Stabilizing state and local government budgets  Assisting those most impacted by the recession

8 P B S & T H E R E C O V E R Y A C T $5.55 B* spending plan:  $1.05 B for courthouses, land ports of entry and federal buildings  $4.5 B to convert existing facilities to high-performance green buildings  Projects in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and two territories  New construction, full and partial modernizations, limited scope and small projects  * $1.0 B Potential Other Agencies’ RWA Work (ie. CBP $100M)

9 B U I L D I N G M O D E R N I Z A T I O N S $4.5 B of ARRA focused on high-performance green building projects  Includes such improvements as:  Renewable energy—photovoltaics and wind  Roofing, including green roofs  Windows  Lighting replacement  High-performance building systems  Advanced metering  Ideas that will continue to be at the forefront  using various delivery methods

10 As of this week… Total obligations as of 04/26/10: $4,012,000,000

11 Our Next Billion….and then….. We expect to award an additional $1.0 Billion by Sept 30, 2010: The final $500M by Sept 2011  20 major construction projects  254 projects total Expensing out – Must be completed by Sept 30, 2016

12 Design & Construction Excellence Design and Construction Excellence is a holistic program with the objective to build and preserve a legacy of quality public buildings for the American people. It strives to select the finest architects, engineers and constructors in the nation to design and build these buildings that will serve the American people for many, many generations. It is nothing new.

13 Move the Defining Curve Ahead

14 Assemble the Proper Team with the Right Expertise Encourage Collaboration –Time constraints will require differing delivery methods – Design/Build Bridging CMc 1.Equitable distribution of the risk 2.Mutually beneficial?

15 Project Delivery Methods in Use (recently) 29% - Construction Manager at Risk 16% - Design-Build 3% - Design- Bridging 52% - Traditional design/bid/build (using Source Selection – Best Value) Traditional delivery has declined from 75% to 52% in the past years The trend will be towards CMc

16 Federal Construction Program Capital and Minor Projects Design, Construction, M&I Funding FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 New$792M $701M $713M $746M $894M R&A$861M $618M $722M $692M $413M Total$1.65B $1.31B $1.43B $1.44B $1.31B Repairs and Alterations project dollars are likely to continue to outsize the New Construction program excluding DHS HQ.

17 Project Labor Agreements (PLA) Executive Order 13502 The President’s E.O. provides that it shall be the policy of the Federal Government to encourage use of PLAs in connection with large-scale construction projects (defined as projects where the total cost to the Federal Government of the project is at least $25 million) as appropriate to promote economy and efficiency in Federal procurement. E.O. 13502 Definition - PLA A negotiated, pre-hire collective bargaining agreement between one or more contractors and one or more labor organizations that establishes the terms and conditions of employment for a specific construction project.

18 Scope of Work (SOW) Templates Standard Construction Contracts Revised Division 1 Specifications National Consistency Efforts

19 Public Buildings Service from Meridian Systems Inc. PBS ePM Solution:

20 Project Manager Training and Certification Consistency –Industry partners –Customer interactions –Interoperability between regions PM Training/Certification –Create national standards for PMs –Meet/exceed OMB requirements

21 A R E Y O U R E A D Y ? Register with these websites:  Dun and Bradstreet (D&B)—  Central Contractor Registry (CCR)—  Federal Business Opportunities (FBO)—

22 H O W T O F I N D T H E W O R K  GSA advertises all contracting opportunities on:  Information re GSA’s Recovery Act activities can be found on:  Recovery Act questions (not found on the above sites) can be directed to:  The government’s Recovery Act-related work is tracked on:


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