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Susan Agre-Kippenhan, Portland State University Professor, Art Department Service Learning: Transforming Courses and Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Susan Agre-Kippenhan, Portland State University Professor, Art Department Service Learning: Transforming Courses and Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Susan Agre-Kippenhan, Portland State University Professor, Art Department Service Learning: Transforming Courses and Programs

2 National/CSU Perspective Ù Programs, Institutes, Centers Ù Conferences Ù Research Agenda Ù Visibility at disciplinary meetings Ù Supported - Systems, Institutions, Grantors Ù New rankings

3 New Values  Students: expect connections with the community  Faculty: build off of community activity  University and System: value of working with community  Community: knowledge-based society seeks University resources  Society: expects civic citizens

4 Role of Service Learning  Service Learning is a deliberate, mutually beneficial, connection between academic learning and community needs.

5 Common Criteria  Service Learning courses provide opportunities for students to work with community in structured activities that are related to course content.

6 SL Models  Pure Service Learning  Community as central focus, student serve (CSU MB)  Disciplinary Based Service Learning  Course content drives the area of service  Problem Based Service Learning  Students as “experts”, community problems  Capstone Courses  Transition from theory to practice(PSU)

7 SL Models - examples  Disciplinary Based Service Learning  Math tutoring  Refugee services  Problem Based Service Learning  Graphic Design  Traffic Patterns  Capstone Courses  Sheriff Dept Survey  Media Literacy

8 How to move to SL  Are you using case studies in your classes?  Are you interested in social justice issues?  Are you interested in civic engagement?  Is your research community based?  Do you have community passions outside of academia?  Is your field applied?

9 Courses/Programs Where does SL belong?  How does SL fit with your mission/goals/values?  Should every student have SL experience before graduating?  Does SL fit with other initiatives  Are SL courses integral to some majors?  SL is developmental for students

10 Service Learning  From banking to constructivist learning  Faculty from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side”  From student learner to shared learning  From prescriptive content to responsive content  From faculty control to shared control

11 Its Developmental A Model of Faculty Roles in Service Learning

12 Syllabi Construction Ù Clarity of presentation and expectation Ù Learning objectives connected to service Ù Reflective pedagogy Ù Integration of course components Ù Assessment of community service with clear criteria

13 Course Activity Ù Richness and complexity Ù Atmosphere of shared inquiry Ù “Not knowing” as a resource Ù Classroom as community Ù Value of cross-disciplines Ù Multiple forms of evaluation

14 Advise for Success  Agreements in place before starting  Good constant communication  Reflective pedagogy  Respect of scheduling  Open to “renegotiating”

15  Connect with your passions  Learn from existing models  Relate course content and community  Utilize pedagogy that works  Use a developmental approach Lessons Learned

16 For More Information Susan Agre-Kippenhan 503-725-8506

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