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Presentation on theme: "A TTENDANCE AND P UNCTUALITY THE ULTIMATE KEY TO SUCCESS! By members of the Student Leadership Team."— Presentation transcript:


2 C ONGRATULATIONS ! We would like to start by saying a massive well done to you all as you are representing your year group for having the least people with under 88 % attendance. WELL DONE GIRLS! Keep up the great attendance, and your year group will be the TOP of the school!

3 A LWAYS R OOM F OR I MPROVEMENT...! Now for slightly bad part... (not to worry its not the worst) Yes, the year group is doing extremely well compared to the rest of the school... BUT attendance between 88% and 95% is still a concern; to be achieving your best, you need to be in school 100%, and if not that then at least 95%...!

4 R EWARDS ! There are plenty of rewards you could receive for having amazing attendance: House points to put towards helping your house win the trip to Thorpe park. End of term certificate for improved attendance and 95 to 100%. Each term the form with best punctuality gets punctuality cup to show off in their form room! Students with perfect attendance will have their names put into a lucky draw each term for a chance to win an iPod shuffle. All you simply have to do is attend school all the time, and SNAP the prize is yours! Not that hard now is it ? NOW FOR THE MOMENT WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR... WHO WILL WIN?

5 S OME G R UESOME F ACTS ?! It is statistically proven that students with the attendance above 93% are likely to get a 70% A to C pass at GCSE. Students with less than 90% attendance, will get LESS THAN 50% A to C pass at GCSE. This will prove to be a bad impression for colleges and therefore may be an obstacle in gaining further education. If your attendance is LESS THAN 88% one would need to be assessed by the Attendance Review Panel. If attendance continues to decrease, the matter would be taken on board by the Educational Welfare. If this continues, then parents may be prosecuted and have to pay a fine of at least £3000.

6 F URTHER F ACTS... If you are late, you would receive a LATE STAMP in your planner. If you are late two times in a week, you will get a detention on that Friday after school. If your attendance is 90%, on average you are missing half a day of every week of school. Can you imagine how much work you will be missing out on? Can you imagine how your grades will get lower and lower for not attending school? If you cannot cope now, how can you cope in future professions? If this is for 90%, imagine what it would be like for less than 88%? How many days of school will you be missing? A LOT !

7 A TTENDANCE P OEM ! I can’t go to school because I am sick If I walk out my house I’ll get hit by a brick I can’t go to school because I’m afraid On my way there I might get run over by a huge parade I can’t go to school because I have a funeral to attend School uniforms just aren’t the new trend I can’t go to school because I woke up late I broke my thumb while learning how to skate I can’t go to school because I feel a little blue My brother stuck my hands together with super glue I can’t go to school because school is boring I wonder what excuses I’ll have tomorrow morning.

8 A NY B RILLIANT I DEAS ?! The school have many ways of trying to improve attendance but we would like to hear your views and ideas!

9 T HANK Y OU ! Thank you for giving up part of your lunchtime to watch our presentation. Please keep what we have told you in mind and pass on the information to your friends and fellow students! If you have any other ideas, or problems of any sort we are always available to listen to them and provide pupil voice.

10 Y EAR 7 I DEAS FROM MEETING More rewards like certificates and prizes Point every time you come into school – at the end of the term exchange the points for prizes like 200 points (a pen)...etc. A report that reviews attendance Breakfast clubs – not everyone is aware that it is happening Waking up – an alarm clock for pupils as some use the excuse of waking up late, in this way they won’t have that excuse anymore Some people think that students will just throw away the alarm clock and find other excuses.

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