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BLENDED LEARNING An investigation of an ACTIVE learning approach with a focus on…….

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1 BLENDED LEARNING An investigation of an ACTIVE learning approach with a focus on…….

2 Enhancing Activ -ity in E -tivity DTLT502 / Sharon Spence

3  A combination of web-based online learning and traditional face to face interaction when in a blended context  Typically employing a mix of media and tools of technology  Subject to a wide range of teaching styles and practice, context and technologies

4  Allows for a flexible approach to course design and delivery structure (pedagogy)  Able to customise to suit the needs and knowledge base of the student group  Increasingly being integrated and applied into 21 st century learning environments

5 To enhance new student engagement and build online communities Ed Hootstein tells us to:  Guide self-directed, realistic, problem-based learning experiences.  Structure learning opportunities that learners can discover content on their own, make their own meaning.  Encourage high degrees of participation and interactivity.  Offer prompt, informative feedback.  Provide strong leadership.  Help learners feel comfortable with technology. Incorporate visual and aural learning style solutionsEliminate isolation

6  A scaffolded approach is essential to building confidence, motivation and skill base in a student new to an online learning environment.  Professor Gilly Salmon tells us that there are 5 learning stages for online engagement: I. Access and motivation. II. Online socialisation. III. Information exchange. IV. Knowledge construction. V. Development. G. Salmon ‘Five Stage Model of Online Learning’  The first 3 steps are significant for a learner new to e-learning.

7 Scaffolded, practical activity to create and support confident, motivated, self-directed learners, enabled by applying Gilly Salmon’s 5 stage model:  Regular logon – ½ hour/day, instead of once/week  Access a forum, read other students messages  Actively participate by writing a response to messages  Actively participate in real time chat room communication with other students  To research and compile information for exchange with the use of online tools/programmes

8 ‘E-moderators add the real value to learning technologies by designing and running e-tivities’. (G. Salmon, 2002) Facilitation skills that : Build relationships Enhance engagement Provide timely feedback Guide self-directed learning Foster confidence, skill base Support motivation and discipline Encourage interaction in action, online learning Enrich the learning experience

9 Implementing the first 3 stages of Gilly Salmons ‘Five Stage Model of Online Learning’ To Engage the New Learner Access and Motivation First ‘Assessment’. Induction Activities: ILP / L&N / VARK. Required engagement prior to gaining access to the course material. Online Socialisation An Icebreaker. Introduce yourself to the group by posting a short bio to forum, view all and reply to one other member of the group. Information Exchange In-course learning activities and collaboration tools.

10 ‘ Feedback is even more critical in e-learning than traditional classrooms because learners may feel isolated and detached due to a lack of environmental and nonverbal signals’. (E. Hootstein, TANZ, 2013). Active kinaesthetic learning : Blended learning, residential block courses for practical application of course content. Technology support : by a dedicated team, allows the online facilitator to focus on evolution of the students learning. Collaborative environments: Both online & real-time. ‘Learners achieve best in social interactions based on consensus building and cooperation’. (E. Hootstein, TANZ, 2013).


12  ?id=175 ?id=175  s_paedagogik/gilly.aspx s_paedagogik/gilly.aspx This site contains a summary of the following resources:  Salmon, G. (2002). E-tivities. The key to active online learning. Oxford, UK. Taylor & Francis.  Salmon, G. (2005). E-moderating. The key to teaching and learning online. London, New York. Routledge & Falmer.

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