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Status and M1activities implementation Report Presented by Ayenew Tessera Coordinator, EtNBDF At the NBD training for coordinators and financial focals.

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Presentation on theme: "Status and M1activities implementation Report Presented by Ayenew Tessera Coordinator, EtNBDF At the NBD training for coordinators and financial focals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status and M1activities implementation Report Presented by Ayenew Tessera Coordinator, EtNBDF At the NBD training for coordinators and financial focals 2 nd -4 th Nov. 2006 At the Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe- Uganda. The Ethiopian Nile basin Discourse Forum

2 EtNBDF  Established after the launching conference of December 2005;  run by coordinator and researcher;  hosted in the premises of CRDA building.

3 Activities Developed two years work plan; Conducted 5 Regional Consultative Workshops; Established regional Chapters; Shared conference papers with the DD; Conference Proceedings prepared &dispatched to respective regions; Collaboration with the NBI project offices in Addis.

4 Activ.cont. Legalization process going on;  Prepared the statute  Prepared project profile  Hired a legal consultant  Put the application to the MoJ Developed SPM Updated the Ethiopian page of the NBD Web site. Prepared & sent six months technical and financial report to NBD with copy to IUCN. Prepared & sent SMWP to the NBD

5 Activ.cont. Opened the NKRC-collected abt 60 materials; Working on the database.

6 Organizationl structure of EtNBDF Founding Members 9+2 Gambella Regional Office 5 CSOs B/G Regional office 11 CSOs Nekempt Regional Office 9 CSOs Mekele Regional Office 8 CSOs BahirDar Regionl Office 8 CSOs The Secretariat

7 Thank you

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