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FP6 CivicActive Institutional arrangements for European Parliament elections: Do they facilitate? Do they mobilise? Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher.

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Presentation on theme: "FP6 CivicActive Institutional arrangements for European Parliament elections: Do they facilitate? Do they mobilise? Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher."— Presentation transcript:

1 FP6 CivicActive Institutional arrangements for European Parliament elections: Do they facilitate? Do they mobilise? Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher University of Plymouth, UK Eva Anduiza Perea and Joan Font Barcelona and Madrid, Spain

2 Institutional mobilisation – Attributes of the political system and of the political process that make people want to vote Institutional facilitation – Attributes of the administration of elections and of the political communication process that make it easy to vote FP6 CivicActive

3 Underlying mobilizing indicators Degree of political decentralization Financial autonomy of local units Indices on degree of federalism and decentralisation State format and organisation FP6 CivicActive

4 Scores on the composite index of non-central independence from central government FP6 CivicActive 643210 GermanyAustriaFrance HungaryCzech RGreece Belgium Italy LithuaniaEstonia Denmark Poland Lux’bourgIreland Finland UK Netherl’sLatvia Spain PortugalMalta Sweden SloveniaSlovakia

5 Underlying mobilizing indicators Availability of direct democracy institutions FP6 CivicActive

6 Underlying mobilizing indicators Social fragmentation Religious fragmentation Linguistic fragmentation Ethnic fragmentation FP6 CivicActive

7 Linguistic fragmentation Belgium2.2Finland1.1 Spain1.8Netherlands1.1 France1.3Ireland1.1 Sweden 1.2Denmark1.1 Germany1.2Austria1.0 Italy1.2Portugal1.0 UK1.2 FP6 CivicActive

8 Contextual mobilizing indicators Degree of political fragmentation and polarization Party system fragmentation Government Fragmentation Political Polarisation FP6 CivicActive

9 20 40 60 80 Voter turnout in the 2004 EP elections (%) 010203040 Vote for extreme political parties (%) % voteFitted values Vote for ‘extreme’ political parties

10 Contextual mobilizing indicators Electoral cycle Time since last elections Simultaneous elections FP6 CivicActive


12 Facilitating indicators Pre-vote ‘Automatic’ registration Flexible voting opportunities Voter education Campaign funding FP6 CivicActive

13 Flexible voting opportunities Postal voting – GB all postal (14m); on demand -Spain, Germany; at post offices -Finland, Sweden E-voting – polling place -Belgium (3.2m), France, Portugal (pilots) remote –Netherlands (very limited) ‘Mobile’ voting – any polling station in country -Czech R, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia FP6 CivicActive

14 Facilitating indicators At vote Ballot paper design Availability of ‘choice’ FP6 CivicActive

15 Ballot paper design Party symbols/logos – Colour -Ireland, Italy Black and White -Latvia, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, UK Candidate photographs – Cyprus, Ireland Non-alphabetic ordering – Lithuania (random listing), Netherlands (parl. strength), Slovakia (random within parties) FP6 CivicActive

16 Explaining turnout change 1999-2004 Turnout increases 19992004 Finland31.441.1 GE 31 st March ‘Candidate-centred’/media Ireland50.259.7 Local elections + Ref Local elections + Ref Netherlands30.039.1 ‘More polarised parties’ UK24.038.9 Locals 6 th MayLocal elections + all postal FP6 CivicActive

17 Explaining turnout change 1999-2004 Turnout decreases 19992004 Austria49.441.8 (GE 3 rd October)Pres 25 th April Greece75.362.8 GE 7 th March Spain63.045.9 Local + Reg electionsGE 14 th March FP6 CivicActive

18 The British case I % increase in turnout 1999-2004 All-postal regions Local electionNo local elections North East133.692.1 North West119.566.2 Yorkshire /Humber130.068.2 East Midlands96.690.5 Non-postal regions West Midlands76.844.3 Eastern62.435.5 South East61.338.8 South West56.230.6 FP6 CivicActive

19 The British case II Dependent variable = change in % turnout 1999-2004 BStd error All postal9.69*0.33 Locals4.07*0.30 % aged 65+-0.020.07 % aged 18-29-0.180.06 % manag/prof0.12*0.03 % council/HA0.020.03 % white-0.16*0.02 (constant)24.17*3.02 Adjusted R 2 0.78*significant at 0.01 level FP6 CivicActive

20 Countries seem to have ‘normal’ turnout levels which can be depressed/boosted by specific events/initiatives Moving a country to a different level is more difficult –and requires legislative change/long bedding in period Therefore, 2009 likely to be much like 2004 – with observed differences ‘explainable’ in a similar way Conclusions

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