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Marie Curie Initial Training Networks 2012-2016 SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THE PEOPLE PROGRAMME.

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Presentation on theme: "Marie Curie Initial Training Networks 2012-2016 SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THE PEOPLE PROGRAMME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie Curie Initial Training Networks 2012-2016 SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THE PEOPLE PROGRAMME

2 Project title: ReUseWaste - Recovery and Use of Nutrients, Energy and Organic Matter from Animal Waste Funding: € 3.24 million over the period 2012-2015 Source: EU FP7 Marie Curie Action programme, under the Initial Training Network call. Training: 13 young researchers (PhD students and post-docs) will be trained in the project. Project website: Partners: Universities, research institutes, private companies and public authorities from 6 European countries. ReUseWaste in brief Primary partners University of Copenhagen University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Wageningen University, the Netherlands Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal Univ. Tras-os-Montes & Alto Douro, Portugal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain University of Torino, Italy University of Limerick, Ireland Associate partners University Miguel Hernández, Spain Energy Research Centre, Holland PTM s.r.l, Italy Alfa Laval Nakskov A/S, Denmark Pieralisi Group, Italy Biomass Heating Solutions Ltd., Ireland Granja Pedro Guevara, Spain Bio Systems Europe, UK Verification Agency for Environmental Technologies in Agricultural Production, Denmark Regione Piemonte, Italy

3 Project Background (a) Manure N input density kg N/ha (b) Topsoil Carbon content Soil fertility gradient %C Location of project partners Source: JRC: EUR-22334, 2006 and Soil Atlas of Europe 2008

4 ReUseWaste objectives ReUseWaste is a multi-site and multidisciplinary training network, bringing together major EU research groups from leading universities and research institutes, key agri-environmental technology companies and public authorities, from the countries and regions of most intensive livestock production in Europe The ReUseWaste network will: provide new ideas, methods and principles that lead to a major rethink in the current, established animal waste management systems train a group of young researchers in developing new technologies for improved and sustainable utilisation of valuable organic matter and plant nutrient resources in animal waste provide companies with improved and new technologies to produce both bioenergy and ”green” bio-fertilisers, leading to improved soil, water and air quality ReUseWaste is a multi-site and multidisciplinary training network, bringing together major EU research groups from leading universities and research institutes, key agri-environmental technology companies and public authorities, from the countries and regions of most intensive livestock production in Europe The ReUseWaste network will: provide new ideas, methods and principles that lead to a major rethink in the current, established animal waste management systems train a group of young researchers in developing new technologies for improved and sustainable utilisation of valuable organic matter and plant nutrient resources in animal waste provide companies with improved and new technologies to produce both bioenergy and ”green” bio-fertilisers, leading to improved soil, water and air quality

5 Research concept Animal waste = Environmental problems Characterisation Fractionation Thermogravimetry Spectroscopy Pyrolysis-GC/MS ICP/IRMS NIR/MIR XANES Treatment Liquid-solids separation Acidification/inhibitors AD / Biogasification for energy Incineration/Gasification/Pyrolysis Composting Waste upgrading/Nutrient recovery Bio-fertilizer production Function Energy source Crop fertiliser value Soil quality amelioration Carbon sequestration Utilisation Crop field application Horticultural growth media Landscaping Soil remediation …but also valuable manure resources: - Nutrients - Organic Matter  Need for research training and competence building in all of these Assessment System analyses Stakeholder analyses Life cycle assessment Integrated sustainability

6 Animal waste Animal waste 13 young researchers 13 scientists trained to develop sustainable animal manure solutions WP1 Scientific training WP2 Generic training WP0 Project manag. Organic fertilizers Bioenergy Improved environment WP5 Energy recovery WP5 Energy recovery WP3 OM & nutrients characterisation WP7 Synthesis & assessment WP7 Synthesis & assessment WP6 Land recycling WP4 Technology & management Project structure

7 WP7 Synthesis & integrat. assess. 2 ESR/ER project WP7 Synthesis & integrat. assess. 2 ESR/ER project WP4 Technology & management 5 ESR/ER projects WP4 Technology & management 5 ESR/ER projects WP5 Energy and P recovery 3 ESR/ER projects WP5 Energy and P recovery 3 ESR/ER projects WP6 Recycling of C & nutrients to land 3 ESR projects WP6 Recycling of C & nutrients to land 3 ESR projects WP3 OM & nutrients characterisation 1 ESR/ER projects WP3 OM & nutrients characterisation 1 ESR/ER projects WP1 Scientific training WP2 Generic and complementary training WP0 Project management & dissemination STRUCURED TRAINING ACTIVITIES Network meetings ESR recruitment 1.01 Gas emissions process & meas. 1.02 Bioenergy from animal manure 1.03 Appl. membrane technology 1.04 Implementation in govern. policies 1.05 Env. tech. for manag. bio-waste 1.06 Plant nutrients terr. ecosystems 1.07 Isotope methods for nutrient dynam. 1.08 Adv. analytical techniques. ESR Intro worksh. IPR plan 2.01 Intro-course for ReUseWaste PhD Man. & daily adm. Dissemination pl. International seminar / conference 2.02 Project management 2.04 IPR and patenting 2.05 Scientific writing (fundamentals) 1.09 Soil-plant- climate models 1.10 Agro-environ. economics 1.11 Org. residues management 1.12 Life Cycle Ass. in Biol. Prod. Syst. 2.07 Res. communi- cation & outreach 2.08 How to write grant proposals New PhD courses Existing PhD courses 2.03 Phil. science & research ethics 2.06 Scientific writing (English language) 2.09 Study tours & secondments Joint experiments Study tours Training activities

8 3.1. New spectroscopic and thermogravimetric methods for determining manure composition and degradability George Bekiaris (UCPH) 4.1 Development of enhanced mechanical separation effi­ciency by combined separation techniques, pre- and post-treatment, Olga Popovic (UTO) 4.2 Dev of combined acidification and separation: impact on manure and slurry fractions composition and gas emission, Iria Regueiro (ISA-UTL) 4.3 Development of membrane technology for production of concentrated fertiliser and clean water, Salud Camilleri Rumbau (SDU) 4.4 Development of composting technology for bio-fertiliser production, André Santos (CSIC) 5.1 Development of anaerobic digestion methods for optimal energy yield and P recovery from animal manure production, Phuong Vu (WU) 5.2 Development of thermal treatment technologies (pyrolysis & gasification) for low moisture and dehydrated manure feedstock, Natalie Taupe (ULIM) 5.3 Optimal combustion technology for on-farm conversion of animal manures to heat and ash, (2013) (ULIM) 6.1 Field application and gas emissions of slurry treated by additives and mechanical separation, Maxwell Owusu-Twum (UTAD) 6.2 Land utilisation, crop nutrient value and GHG emission of digestate and compost-based biofertilisers, Raghunath Subedi (UTO) 6.3 Assessment of soil quality effects and nutrient availability of manure ash and biochar based biofertilisers, Thanos Pantelopoulos (UCPH) 7.1 Integrated assessment of manure management chains, Yong Hou (WU) 7.2 Evaluation of market acceptability of manure derived biofertilizer products, (2013) (UCPH) ReUseWaste research projects and fellows

9 Organic fertilizers Bioenergy Better environment 13 scientists trained to develop sustainable animal manure solutions 14 young researchers 14 young researchers WP5 Energy recovery WP5 Energy recovery WP3 OM & nutrients characterisation WP7 Synthesis & assessment WP7 Synthesis & assessment WP6 Land recycling WP4 Technology & management UCPH SDU WU ISA-UTL UTAD CSIC/UMH UTO ULI KOM* GSR * AL * PTM * ECN VERA ** BHS * PG * TI * Animal waste RP-DA ** Innovative manure treatment solutions New meas. & monitoring products Improved energy and nutrient recovery systems Novel bio- fertilizer products Joint, mutually recognised doctoral training-program Public-private R&D and extension network for manure recycling technology RAMIRAN International conference Career oppor- tunities SE Asia partners Students other projects Technology & Innovation WP1 Scientific training WP1 Scientific training WP2 Generic training WP2 Generic training Training + R&D networks Environmental technology companies Universities Public and regulatory authorities Dissemination networks BSE * Farmers org. & advisory Lasting research collaboration

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