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PS ERC 1 T&D Technology Research Stem Mladen Kezunovic, Stem Leader IAB Meeting, Atlanta December 11-13, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "PS ERC 1 T&D Technology Research Stem Mladen Kezunovic, Stem Leader IAB Meeting, Atlanta December 11-13, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 PS ERC 1 T&D Technology Research Stem Mladen Kezunovic, Stem Leader IAB Meeting, Atlanta December 11-13, 2002

2 PS ERC 2 Outline Introduction Stem membership Recent stem activities Updated Research Areas Recently Completed Projects On-going Projects New Projects Proposals Future Stem Activities

3 PS ERC 3 Introduction Research Stems: - Markets - T&D Technology - Systems The Role: - Coordinating research efforts - Producing a list of research focus areas - Facilitating discussion between industry and Academia - Advising Director, IAB and EC on technical issues

4 PS ERC 4 Outline Introduction Stem membership Recent stem activities Updated Research Areas Recently Completed Projects On-going Projects New Projects Proposals Future Stem Activities

5 PS ERC 5 Membership-Industry (20) - Mike Agee (Duke Energy) - Baj Agrawal (APS) - Luc Audette (IREQ) - Jim Bell (Oncor) - Jim Blake (NxtPhase) - James Crane (Exelon) - Bruce Dietzman (Oncor), observer - Craig Herdman (NxtPhase), observer - Mike Ingram (TVA) - Paulette Kaptain (WAPA) - Dale Krummen (AEP), - Art Mander (Tri State G&T) - Ali Nourai (AEP), observer - Mahendra Patel (PJM) - Don S. Pelley (Salt River Project) - Don Sevcik (Center Point Energy) - Mani Subramanian (ABB) - Jerry Thompson (Duke Energy), observer - Devin Van Zandt (GE) - Wendei Wang (GE), observer

6 PS ERC 6 Membership-Academia (11) - Ali Abur (Texas A&M), observer - Gerald (Jerry) Heydt (Arizona State) - Ward Jewell (Wichita State), observer - George Karady (Arizona State), observer - Mladen Kezunovic (Texas A&M) - Bob Lasseter (Wisconsin) - James Momoh (Howard), observer - Bob Olsen (Washington State), observer - Rahmat Shoureshi (Collorado School of Mines) - Kevin Tomsovic (Washington State) - Mani Venkata (Iowa State)

7 PS ERC 7 Outline Introduction Stem membership Recent stem activities Updated Research Areas Recently Completed Projects On-going Projects New Projects Proposals Future Stem Activities

8 PS ERC 8 Recent Stem Activities Meeting #10, Aug. 17, Pserc Retreat Meeting #11, Sept. 27, Conf. Call Meeting #12, Dec 11, Pserc IAB Meeting Voting on New Project Proposals

9 PS ERC 9 Outline Introduction Stem membership Recent stem activities Updated Research Areas Recently Completed Projects On-going Projects New Projects Proposals Future Stem Activities

10 PS ERC 10 UPDATED RESEARCH AREAS I. Substation Data Integration and Enhanced Functions II. Managing an Aging Infrastructure III. Distribution and Transmission Automation IV. New Devices and Related Control Concepts V. New Monitoring, Control and Protection Paradigms

11 PS ERC 11 Outline Introduction Stem membership Recent stem activities Updated Research Areas Recently Completed Projects (12+1) On-going Projects New Projects Proposals Future Stem Activities

12 PS ERC 12 T1: Corona Discharge Deterioration of ADSS Cable Team : George G Karady ASU Industrial team :BPA Results : This project developed a monitoring system for the determination of the intensity and duration of dry band arcing. The instrument shown in the picture measures the leakage current. The statistical analysis of the obtain data permits the estimation of ADSS cable aging. Outcome: The study resulted in an instrument and a report which describes the aging estimation technique.

13 PS ERC 13 T-2: Differential GPS Measurement of Overhead Conductor Sag G. Heydt (Arizona State University) The objective of this project is to develop a Global Positioning Satellite based method for the measurement of overhead conductor sag and to use this device in an on-line EMS aid to operators. Project status: Complete, report available, PhD thesis available, two IEEE transactions papers available Research team: B. Agrawal, R. Olsen, J. Schilleci, G. Heydt

14 PS ERC 14 T3: On-Line Peak Loading of Substation Xfmrs (Tylavsky) Developed a linear model which can accurately extrapolate transformer top-oil temperature performance. Developed a model identification procedure which uses data mining to reliably identify transformer model parameters. Demonstrated that the model is superior to the ANSI/IEEE Standard C57.91 model Currently developing a software tool that will use real-time data for on-line transfomer modeling, and peak loading prediction.

15 PS ERC 15 T4: Electrical Transmission Line Insulator Flashover Predictor Team :George G Karady ASU Industrial team : Salt River Project. (Dan Pelley), Arizona Public Service Co. (Baj Agrawal ) Results : The leakage current of insulator chains were measured in different pollution conditions in ASU’s HV laboratory. The measured data were analyzed and an algorithm was developed to predict upcoming flashover The results were validated by laboratory testing Outcome : The study resulted in a comprehensive report, a transaction paper as well as the graduation of a PHD student

16 PS ERC 16 T6: Condition monitoring of NCI and Cables (Gorur) Established relationship between corona light output with partial discharge magnitude for NCI Demonstrated linearity of relationship for corona on NCI hardware Developed a rapid laboratory test for evaluating underground cables for condition assessment Correlated FTIR spectroscopy measurement of XLPE cable insulation with electrical breakdown voltage

17 PS ERC 17 T-7Redesign and New Interpretation of Power Acceptability Curves for Three Phase Loads G. Heydt (Arizona State University) The project is to design power acceptability curves for general use - for a wide range of loads Main project findings Power acceptability curves for industrial loads can be constructed based on ‘power quality standard’ It is shown that CBEMA is based on the single phase rectifier load with DC threshold voltage of 0.87 p.u in the undervoltage region The ‘formula’ for the CBEMA curve is developed CBEMA-like curves for rotating and electromechanical relay loads developed After suitable period of evaluation of the proposed method of constructing power acceptability curves, it may be possible to use the technique as a recommended practice in industry

18 PS ERC 18 T8: Investigation of Fuel Cell Operation and Interaction within the Surrounding Network Team: George G Karady ASU Industrial team : Salt River Project. (Dan Pelley), Arizona Public Service Co. (Baj Agrawal Results : The operation of a 200kW fuel cell installed in Mesa (AZ) has been remotely monitored for two years and the obtained data has been statistically analyzed. The efficiency of the operation has been evaluated and operating problems has been identified. A computer program has been developed to evaluate the economics of fuel-cell operation. Outcome: The study resulted in a comprehensive report and a user-friendly computer program to evaluate fuel cell operation, as well as, the graduation of a MS student.

19 PS ERC 19 T-9: Enhanced State Estimation by Advanced Substation Monitoring A. Abur, M. Kezunovic (TAMU) A.S. Meliopoulos (Georgia Tech) Industry partners :Oncor, Center Point Energy, Entergy, Mitsubishi and ABB A substation processor and simulator is developed A two-stage state estimator capable of identifying topology errors is developed Use of substation processor to enhance state estimator performance is demonstrated via simulations Effects of three phase unbalance on estimated state are analyzed

20 PS ERC 20 T10: Accurate fault location in transmission network Team : Mladen Kezunovic, S. Luo, Z. Galijasevic, D.Ristanovic Industry team : Center Point Energy, TVA Results : The fault location software was tested using fault cases provided by Center Point Energy and using different version of system models Performance of the fault location software was analyzed and potential improvement were implemented Fitness surface The final result, validated using the tuned model, shows that the scheme of waveform matching is feasible Outcome : The study results in a form of a comprehensive report, user’s manual and a ready-to-use software with friendly user interface.

21 PS ERC 21 T-11: Part I-Wireless Communications in Substations Team: M. Kezunovic, C. Georghiades, A. Shapoury (TAMU) Industry Team:Center Point Energy The potential impacts of substation slow/fast varying electrical and environmental processes on wireless link quality are investigated Several test setups are implemented to probe these processes and their probable impacts on the link The processed results yield time series models for the wireless channel A methodology for wireless site survey in substation is presented

22 PS ERC 22 T-11: Part II-Mobile Agent Software Applications Team members: M. Kezunovic, C. Georghiades, X. Xu (TAMU) Industry members: Mitsubishi ITA Applied mobile agent software for generating unit maintenance scheduling under deregulated environment Developed a prototype system for data interfacing for circuit breaker monitoring and maintenance Explored the agent-oriented approach to the management of the work order workflow in maintenance jobs

23 PS ERC 23 R. Olsen, Wash. State U. S. Meliopoulos, Ga. Tech G. Karady Ariz. State U. T 13. Personnel Grounding and Safety Issues/Solutions Related to Servicing Optical Fiber Telecommunication Circuits in Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) R. Olsen, Wash. State U. S. Meliopoulos, Ga. Tech G. Karady Ariz. State U. Simulation of voltages and currents to which OPGW maintenance workers are exposed. Simulation of voltages and currents to which OPGW maintenance workers are exposed. Identification of measures that can be taken to insure the safety of personnel who work on OPGW cables during faultsIdentification of measures that can be taken to insure the safety of personnel who work on OPGW cables during faults

24 PS ERC 24 T-15GPS Measurement of Overhead Conductor Sag G. Heydt (Arizona State University) The objective of this project is to develop a graphic user interface for the GPS based sag instrument Project status: Complete (report available) Research team: B. Agrawal, R. Olsen, J. Schilleci

25 PS ERC 25 S-10: Power System State Estimation and Optimal Measurement Placement for Distributed Multi-Utility Operation G. Huang, A. Abur (TAMU) Industry partners :Oncor, Center Point Energy, Entergy, Mitsubishi and ABB An asynchronous distributed textured state estimator with bad data detection capability is developed A meter placement program that minimizes installation cost is developed. Some knowledge rules are discovered to form an efficient textured system. A rule based program to identify beneficial data exchanges to form a textured system is developed. Benefits of the distributed state estimator are analyzed

26 PS ERC 26 Outline Introduction Stem membership Recent stem activities Updated Research Areas Recently Completed Projects On-going Projects (8+1) New Projects Proposals Future Stem Activities

27 PS ERC 27 On-going Projects T5, Intelligent Substation (CSM) T-12, Distribution System EM Modeling (GaTech) T-14, NCI Evaluation: Seals and Intrf. (ASU) T-16, Voltage Dip Effectes (ASU) T-17, IEDs for Subst. Autom. (TAMU) T-18, MicroGrid Protection (Wisconsin) T-19, Optimized Maintenance (ISU) T-20, Smart Sensors (CSM) S-19, Cascading Events, (ISU)

28 PS ERC 28 Outline Introduction Stem membership Recent stem activities Updated Research Areas Recently Completed Projects On-going Projects New Projects Proposals (3 proposed, 1 recommended) Future Stem Activities

29 PS ERC 29 New Proposals Performance Assessment of Advanced Digital Measurement and Protection System (ASU) Dynamic Loading and Uprating of Substation Distribution transformers (ASU) Flashover Prediction of Insulators as a Means of Enhancing Reliability in an Aging Infrastructure (ASU)

30 PS ERC 30 Outline Introduction Stem membership Recent stem activities Updated Research Areas Recently Completed Projects On-going Projects New Projects Proposals Future Stem Activities

31 PS ERC 31 Highest priority Reviewing project progress in separate meetings (using distance conferencing or net facilities/services) that will take place in-between the IAB meetings (42) Initiating review of the Statement of Work (SOW) documents for the projects in similar research areas making sure the coordination of the research activities is optimized (18) Making sure the final reports for completed PSerc projects are properly reviewed and advertised (37) Producing a list of research areas of interest for the solicitation of new proposals (37) Conducting the review process and ranking of the proposals (32)

32 PS ERC 32 Vision for the Future Facilitating formulation of targeted projects with supplemental funding Expanding participation of industry experts typically not involved with IAB Enhancing the means of performing an advisory role for IAB, EC and Director Formulating a balanced management strategy for project monitoring and planning Inventing additional means for technical exchange within PSerc

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