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Management and Continuous Improvement: Technology Solution P Mani Joseph Modern College of Business and Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Management and Continuous Improvement: Technology Solution P Mani Joseph Modern College of Business and Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management and Continuous Improvement: Technology Solution P Mani Joseph Modern College of Business and Science

2 Quality Audit@ MCBS  Quality Audit visit took place in 2009.  MCBS received 4 Commendations, 4 Affirmations, and 15 Recommendations.  MoHE follow-up visit took place in December 2012 and endorsed the actions taken by MCBS

3 Two Recommendations from the Quality Audit Reports  OAC recommends that MCBS document the proceedings and decisions arising from committee meetings to improve committees’ effectiveness, guide subsequent actions, and provide a record for future reference.  OAC recommends that MCBS develop evidence-based, systematic short and long-term planning to inform decision making and management actions

4 Corrective steps  The QA Unit recognized the need for a systematic and ongoing tracking and reporting mechanism for assessment across the college.  Avoid chaotic, last-minute approach (fire fighting) to accreditation visits with a more orderly and effective process.  Move away from paper-heavy processes to digital processes  MCBS decided to introduce a technology platform to manage key processes.

5 - MCBS SharePoint Portal Technology platform that supports  Strategic Plan management  Collaborative Work  Central Depository  Survey Management

6 - Plan Management  Educonnect is used in setting up the institutional goals, objectives, actions and targets.  Supports the academic and administrative units to contribute to the achievement of the agreed goals, objectives and targets  Continuous review of performance against defined targets.  Can track performance—down to the individual level  Retrieves and aggregates the data, maps it to individual units/ and institutional goals, and delivers a set of dashboards that provide clear views into performance.

7 Scorecard

8 -Collaborative work  Provides collaborative workspace for the Self-Study process  Works on the principle of electronic check-out of a document before editing can occur.  Multiple writers/reviewers have access to a single document; however, only one person can check the document out at any given time  Avoids creation of multiple versions.  Complete history of all edited versions of the report is archived by the software and is retrievable, so no work is lost.

9 Collaborative Workspace

10 Central Resource Depository  Central location for storing all documents digitally  Holds any document format, including PDFs, images, videos, and text files.  Self study documents can be hyperlinked with these documents  Search capability, so people can find documents based on criteria such as author, date published, topic, or key words.  Organized by category, or alphabetically

11 Documents –Category Wise

12 Documents A- Z

13 Calendar

14 System Integration EduPortal (SIS) Eduoasis (LMS) Educonnect

15 Closing remarks  Recommendation is to have a Management System  Involve all stakeholders  Address recommendations from multiple perspectives  SharePoint is a comprehensive and sufficiently flexible platform for managing performance.  Works with a local IT company to extend functionalities


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