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Martin Bikram Rony Özgür Mani. The 6 Key Elements 1. Work spezialisation 2. Department 3. Chain of cammand 4. Span of control 5. Centrelization / decentrelization.

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Bikram Rony Özgür Mani. The 6 Key Elements 1. Work spezialisation 2. Department 3. Chain of cammand 4. Span of control 5. Centrelization / decentrelization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Bikram Rony Özgür Mani

2 The 6 Key Elements 1. Work spezialisation 2. Department 3. Chain of cammand 4. Span of control 5. Centrelization / decentrelization 6. formalisation

3 Corporate and administration Finance Human resources innovation and devolpment iT Logistics planning and procurement Production Sale and marketing

4 2.Departmentalization Functions(Economic,Sale,) Type of product ( milk cheese other milk products) Basis of geography(Uk Canada Denmark Sweden Germany Netherland process

5 3.Chain of Command Director Project manager Team leader Employers

6 4.Span of control its a international company with about 22,000 workers They have many man powers and work is divided(advantage) Wider spans reduce effictiveness (disadvantage)

7 5.Centralization and Decentralization They have divided many country and all departments have to make their own decision. Distribution (12 country) Sales officers (44) Arla food ingredientes (4)

8 6.Formalisation There are two formalisation High formalisation Low formalisation since arla foods in a big compny with large number of employers there is a high formalisation there is clearly define procedure covring work processes

9 Organizational Culture Organizational culture is concerned with how employees percieve the characteristics of an organization’s culture,not with whatever or not they like them. In Arla Food, farmers from 13 different countries unites and work for better quality products.

10 Primary Characteristics 1. Innovation and risk taking: Arla food is the company which has got a nice history.During the periods the company had added different brands and the quality of product is also increasing.It proves that they are a risk taker. 2. Attention to details:Arla Food is the company that analyse both the quality and quality of the products.The company is always concerned towards better products.

11 Primary Characteristics 6. Aggresiveness:Arla Food is medium aggresive company.They buying others company to not have opponents out the market. 7. Stability:Since from 2000 till 2012,the company has maintained its status good.They have got good marketing.

12 Primary Characteristics 3. Outcome Orientation: The sale of Arla Food is increasing yearly and large number of farmers are involved in this organisation.It clearly shows that they are focused on outcome. 4. People Orientation:The project manager of the company takes the decision considering the effect made by farmers in the organisation. 5. Team Orientation:Arla Food is the company where farmers from 13 different countries unites to make a better quality product.So,it clearifies there is a good team work.

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