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The Transition To ISBN-13. NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 2 Agenda  Book Industry Study Group  ISBN-10 Transitions To ISBN-13  What is the transition?

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Presentation on theme: "The Transition To ISBN-13. NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 2 Agenda  Book Industry Study Group  ISBN-10 Transitions To ISBN-13  What is the transition?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Transition To ISBN-13

2 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 2 Agenda  Book Industry Study Group  ISBN-10 Transitions To ISBN-13  What is the transition?  Why is the transition happening?  ISBN-13 and the Bar Code  Global Trade Item Number - GTIN

3 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 3 BISG Book Industry Study Group The Transition To ISBN-13

4 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 4 About BISG Industry-wide trade association for policy, standards, and research, composed of: Publishers Libraries Booksellers, Retailers Wholesalers, Distributors Printers and Paper Manufacturers Consulting, Service & Tech Companies

5 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 5 BISG, BISAC, and the ISBN  BISAC is a division of BISG  BISAC has promoted ISBN and its use in the book industry supply chain for over 30 years  BISG and BISAC are partnering with other industry organizations to prepare for the ISBN-13 transition  AAP  US ISBN Agency  ABA  ACTS and NASTA

6 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 6 ISBN-10 Transitions To ISBN-13 The Transition To ISBN-13

7 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 7 ISBN (ISBN-10) Origin  International Standard Book Number  Developed over 30 years ago to provide a unique, standard identifier for books  Prior to the ISBN, publishers either did not assign numbers to books or assigned proprietary numbers  When ISBN was introduced, transactions between organizations in the book industry were largely manual

8 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 8 ISBN – How We’ve Benefited  ISBN-10 as a standard product identifier has enabled significant efficiencies all along the book industry supply chain  Publishing  Distribution  Retailing  Industry-wide Reporting  Now, ISBN-13 opens the door to efficiencies on an even broader scale, through compatibility with global standards

9 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 9 ISBN-10 Transitions To ISBN-13  As of January 1, 2007, the ISBN will be re- defined in length and construction  It will become a 13-digit identifier (ISBN-13) rather than a 10-digit identifier (ISBN-10)  Initially, ISBN-13 will be identical to today ’ s Bookland EAN - 9780940016736  As the current supply of numbers is exhausted, some new ISBN-13s will be prefixed with ‘ 979 ’ instead of ‘ 978 ’

10 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 10 ISBN-10 Components 0-940016-73-7  Part I – Language Group0  Part II – (Assigning) Publisher940016  Part III – Title73  Part IV – Check Digit7

11 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 11 ISBN-10 Transitions to ISBN-13 0-940016-73-7 978-0-940016-73-6  EAN Country Prefix978 (979)  Part I – Language Group0  Part II – (Assigning) Publisher940016  Part III – Title73  Part IV – Check Digit6

12 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 12 Bookland EAN is the ISBN-13  For over 20 years, the Bookland EAN has been used as a mechanism to convey the ISBN-10  Now it will become the ISBN-13 ISBN-10 Bookland EAN ISBN-13

13 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 13 ISBN-13 – Why Is It Happening?  To increase available numbers for books  There are many new publishers, especially small presses, who need ISBNs  Publishing in areas where there was little activity has increased significantly  Introducing a new prefix to increase the available numbers has been compared to introducing new area codes to provide more telephone numbers

14 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 14 ISBN-13 – Why Is It Happening?  To become part of the global numbering system for product identification  Trade booksellers offer many non-book products  General retailers sell books  ISBN-13 represents a step in standardization just as ISBN-10 did 30 years ago  ISBN-13 becomes part of the EAN.UCC global product numbering system

15 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 15 ISBN-13s Are EANs  EANs are the 13-digit product identification numbers used globally  EAN is the “International Article Number”  Originally “European Article Number”  General retailing is aligning with global practice through “2005 Sunrise”  Compliant organizations are able to handle 13- digit identifiers in addition to the UPC  In format, construction, and allocation ISBN-13s are EANs

16 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 16 Converting ISBN-10s to ISBN-13s  The conversion procedure is the same one used for 20 years to encode the ISBN-10 for the Bookland EAN You may:  Convert existing ISBN-10s to ISBN-13s with EAN prefix 978  Convert ISBN-13s with EAN prefix 978 back to ISBN-10 equivalents

17 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 17 Conversion Don’ts Do not:  Attempt to convert ISBN-13s with EAN prefix 979 to ISBN-10s!  There is no ISBN-10 equivalent for an ISBN-13 beginning with 979  Attempt to make ISBN-13s by prefixing an existing ISBN-10 with 979!  The result is either invalid or duplicates a valid ISBN-13 assigned elsewhere

18 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 18 Handling the Full ISBN-13  Can we base internal systems on ISBN-10 and just convert to ISBN-13 for the “outside world”?  Significant reason not to – eventually, new ISBN-13s will begin with ‘979’  But what if our systems work on a SKU or “title code”?  Then only cross reference tables and displays need be transitioned to the full ISBN-13

19 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 19 Phasing in the ISBN-13  A phased transition, as compared to an abrupt cutover, is always encouraged  Dual numbering wherever ISBNs are displayed for human reading is strongly advocated during the transition  Show both ISBN-10 and ISBN-13  In books and in printed documents

20 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 20 Dual Numbering – On Cover 4  An example of dual numbering  Displaying ISBN-10 until publication dates of January 2007 is recommended  Some publishers are electing to begin showing both formats now ISBN-10 1-4028-9462-7 ISBN-13 978-1-4028-9462-6

21 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 21 ISBN-13 The Bar Code The Transition To ISBN-13

22 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 22 No Change In The Bar Code  The ISBN-10 transitions to the ISBN-13 in January 2007, but there is no change in the Bookland EAN bar code itself

23 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 23 Two Changes in Bar Coding  Display only the Bookland EAN on Cover 4 (back cover)  One – Discontinue two bar codes on Cover 4  Two - Replace the Price Point UPC on mass market paperbacks and some juvenile titles  These changes are possible as a result of the “2005 Sunrise” initiative  General retailing is making its own transition and will be able to use Bookland EAN bar code

24 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 24 Global Trade Item Number The Transition To ISBN-13 GTIN

25 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 25 What is the GTIN?  The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is actually a family of identifiers that includes:  UPC – Used by general retailing in the US  EAN – Used by retailing globally  ISBN-13 – Becoming the standard for books  “GTIN Format” means expressing any of these identifiers in fourteen digits by prefixing them with zeros  This number is correctly called “EAN/UCC-14”  It is widely referred to simply as “The GTIN”

26 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 26 How Is The GTIN Used?  It is the item identifier for transactions in the global supply chain, such as: Product Data (Metadata)Receiving OrderingInvoicing  GTIN is not a product identifier for marking individual items  GTINs appear today on cartons (cases) in general retailing; they are especially noticeable in grocery stores

27 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 27 How Is The GTIN Built?  At the item level, by placing the ISBN-13 (or any other EAN) in a 14-digit field and prefixing with ‘0’  Prefixes ‘1’ – ‘8’ have significance as packaging level indicators ISBN-13 978-0-940016-73-6 GTIN 09780940016736

28 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 28 Why The GTIN?  Adopting the 14-digit GTIN standard aligns the book industry with national and global supply chain practices  Enables participation in global product data synchronization (data distribution)  Permits the book supply chain to use package level choice (cartons, stacked on pallets)

29 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 29 Data Synchronization – GTIN  The GTIN is the standard identifier for Global Data Synchronization (GDS)  Data synchronization means establishing sources of standardized product data  Data with known, validated attributes (properties)  Data that may be used by all participants in a supply chain

30 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 30 Packaging Level Indication – GTIN  The leading digit of the GTIN permits specifying packaging level (unit, case, pallet)  Packaging level is a major factor in general retail supply chains (case pack handling)  Most ordering is by case pack  The case pack identification in GTIN format is evident in the bar codes on cases in grocery store aisles

31 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 31 GTIN – BISG Policies  BISG endorses only a 14-digit field length for electronic communications  Communications practices are outward facing – they affect trading partners  A single standard for electronic communication is essential to minimize confusion and duplicate provisions for electronic communications  BISG recommends a product identifier field of at least 14-digits in all databases  If a system is SKU-based, then cross reference tables and displays (screen and hard copy) should comply

32 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 32 ISBN-13 – In Summary  The ISBN will be redefined from ISBN-10 to ISBN-13 as of January 1, 2007  The ISBN-13 is the same as the number encoded in the Bookland EAN  Conversion routines and workarounds will aid the transition, but handling the full ISBN-13 will be necessary with ‘979’ prefix  There is no change in the bar code itself  It is important in your planning that you consider expressing the ISBN-13 in 14- digit GTIN format

33 NASTA – Biloxi – July 25, 2005 33 Book Industry Study Group, Inc. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the ISBN-10 to ISBN-13 transition with you!

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