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CHAPTER 13 Negotiating Buyer Concerns 1.

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1 CHAPTER 13 Negotiating Buyer Concerns 1

2 Learning Objectives Describe the principles of formal negotiations as part of a win-win strategy Describe common types of buyer concerns Discuss specific methods of negotiating buyer concerns Outline methods for creating value in formal negotiations Work with buyers who are trained in negotiating

3 Six-Step Presentation Plan
Approach (Chapter 10) Presentation (Chapter 11) Demonstration (Chapter 12) Negotiation Close Servicing the Sale

4 Six-Step Presentation Plan

5 Negotiation Defined Working to reach an agreement that is mutually satisfactory to both buyer and seller Negotiation is a process Ability to negotiate problems or objections is a most effective way to create value

6 Negotiation: A Win-Win Strategy
Personal selling is not a “we versus they” process If trust is strong, negotiation becomes a partnership to work through, if not, negotiation becomes combative Seek to maintain long-term relationship

7 Strategic Planning Leads to Actions

8 Planning for Formal Negotiations
Gather information before the negotiation Decide team versus individual negotiations for both seller and buyer Understand the value of what you are offering Determine your goals and financial objectives

9 Planning for Formal Negotiations
Prepare an agenda Review adaptive selling styles Use the Negotiations Worksheet

10 The Negotiations Worksheet

11 Conducting the Negotiation Session
Understand the problem Create alternative solutions that can add value Periodically review acknowledged points of agreement Do not make concessions too quickly Be mindful of your timing (Pareto Law) Know when to walk away

12 Common Types of Buyer Concerns
Customers may have concerns related to: Need for the product Product itself Source of the product Timing Price

13 Need for Product Conditioned response: “I don’t need the product.”
Sincere need resistance a great challenge Not convinced of your product’s benefits Best way to overcome—prove your product is a good investment

14 Concerns About the Product or Services
Product not well established Present product/system is satisfactory

15 Concerns Related to the Source of Product
Positive ways to overcome include: Work harder to identify how product solves problems Point out the superior benefits of your product and your company Work on recruiting internal champions to build more support for your message Try to stay visible and connected

16 Concerns Related to Time
Also known as “the stall” Usually customer does not perceive benefits of buying now—or sees both positive and negative in product

17 Concerns Related to Price
Price is one of the most common buyer concerns Skillful negotiation in this area is required Price objections may be nothing more than an excuse To most buyers, value is more important than price Position your product or service with a convincing value proposition Customers who perceive added value are less likely to object on basis of price

18 Specific Methods for Negotiating Buyer Concerns
Direct denial Refute prospect’s opinion or belief Be firm, not offensive, think win-win Indirect denial Acknowledge prospects as partly right Feel-Felt-Found “I understand how you feel” “Others have felt that way” “Until they used the product and found it quite easy and reliable”

19 Specific Methods for Negotiating Buyer Concerns
Questions Convert problem into need-satisfaction question “What would a 10 percent reduction in employee turnover save your company?” Superior benefit Acknowledge prospect has valid concern and focus on superior benefit Superior benefits should outweigh specific customer concerns

20 Specific Methods for Negotiating Buyer Concerns
Demonstration Discuss competitive advantages of your product Demonstrations overcome buyer skepticism effectively Trial offer Prospect tries product without purchase commitment

21 Ask Positive Questions
In their best-selling The New Conceptual Selling, authors Heiman, Sanchez, and Tuleja recommend using questions framed in a positive way rather than negatively. See the Website

22 Specific Methods for Negotiating Buyer Concerns
Third-party testimony Neutral third-party testimony adds credibility Almost never triggers client argument Postpone method Postpone answers to client concerns until later in dialogue Explain why you want to postpone

23 Creating Value During Formal Negotiations
Do clarify price concerns with questions Do add value with a cluster of satisfactions Do not make price focal point Do not apologize for the price Do point out the relationship between price and quality Do explain and demonstrate the difference between price and cost

24 The Price Iceberg Price is only the tip of the iceberg. Remind customer of value-added factors below tip FIGURE 13.4

25 The “Winner in the Short Run”
The cavernous Airbus leads on seat cost per mile, but the much lower price per trip of the CRJ200 makes it a winner in the minds of some buyers. FIGURE 13.5

26 Working with Buyers Trained in Formal Negotiation
Budget limitation tactic Take-it-or-leave-it tactic Let’s-split-the-difference tactic “If then” tactic “Sell low now, make profits later” tactic

27 Sales Negotiation Training
Acclivus offers the Acclivus Sales Negotiation System for salespeople who work in the business-to-business sales arena. See the Website

28 Sales Negotiation Training
Karrass Limited offers the Effective Sales Negotiating Seminar See the Website

29 Key Concept Discussion Questions
Describe the principles of formal negotiations as part of the win-win strategy Describe common types of buyer concerns Discuss specific methods of negotiating buyer concerns

30 Key Concept Discussion Questions
Outline methods for creating value in formal negotiations Describe how you would work with buyers trained in formal negotiation

31 Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.   Publishing as Prentice Hall 13-31

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