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Published byLeila Elswick Modified over 10 years ago
Hello. I am Richard Palmquist. Are you ready for a trip through Romans 13 – backwards?
as structured by God through the Apostle Paul
Romans 13 unravelled This chapter could be called God's Constitution or Articles of Incorporation.
Romans 13 unravelled Paul tells how we find order in life so we can live in peace, allowing us to be creative as we Glorify God.
Romans 13 unravelled Paul tells us how to live so that we fulfill God's purpose for our lives.
Romans 13 unravelled We are one-on-one with the Lord. HE is our authority.
Romans 13 unravelled The average reader of Romans 13 gets it wrong. Let's try backing up, starting at the end.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life; not dead flesh.
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 13:14 Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not obey your flesh and its desires.
Romans 13 unravelled You Choose You Choose: Road kill type dead flesh or Vitally, spiritually alive Dead Flesh
Romans 13 unravelled OR Alive in the Spirit
Romans 13 unravelled Paul tells us what happens when we allow the Lord Jesus to fill our lives, living in us and working through us by the power of His Holy Spirit.
Romans 13 unravelled Before Romans 13, Paul wrote Romans 12.
Romans 13 unravelled Without Romans 12, Romans 13 will not work.
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 12:1-2 I therefore urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercies, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices that are holy and pleasing to God, for this is the reasonable way for you to worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but continually be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God's will is-what is proper, pleasing, and perfect.
Romans 13 unravelled HOW?
Romans 13 unravelled In His image, as His companions, we are one-on-one with the Lord Jesus Christ. No priest need apply.
Romans 13 unravelled Limits set by God create a vibrant life, lived with joy.
Romans 13 unravelled Society is well ordered when we live within limits set by God.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. The Romans 13 way of life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh.
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 13:13 Let us behave decently, as people who live in the light of day. No wild parties, drunkenness, sexual immorality, promiscuity, rivalry, or jealousy!
Romans 13 unravelled If the Holy Spirit lives in us we want to fulfil the law. When His Holy Spirit takes over our spirit, we are so busy serving people, we live within the limits of socieity's order, without trying.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh- death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived.
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 13:12 The night is almost over, and the day is near. Let us therefore put aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh-death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived. In this relationship, we become engaged – gears meshed – and have a sense of urgency.
Romans 13 unravelled Rom 13:11 This is necessary because you know the times-that it's time for you to wake up from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we became believers.
Romans 13 unravelled What Paul has written earlier in this chapter must be important.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh-death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived. In this relationship, we become engaged – gears meshed – and have a sense of urgenc Every day we delay is a day lost forever.
Romans 13 unravelled What attitude should we have as we urgenty follow Paul's advice?
Romans 13 unravelled The jobs God wants us to do are important to God.
Romans 13 unravelled Rom 13:10 Love never does anything that is harmful to its neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh-death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived. In this relationship, we become engaged – gears meshed – and have a sense of urgency. Every day we delay is a day lost forever. His love motivates us.
Romans 13 unravelled In love, we make sure to do no harm.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh-death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived. In this relationship, we become engaged – gears meshed – and have a sense of urgency. Every day we delay is a day lost forever. His love motivates us. We WANT to obey the law – to live right.
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 13:9 For the commandments, "You must not commit adultery; you must not murder; you must not steal; you must not covet," and every other commandment are summed up in this statement: "You must love your neighbor as yourself."
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh-death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived. In this relationship, we become engaged – gears meshed – and have a sense of urgency. Every day we delay is a day lost forever. His love motivates us. We WANT to obey the law – to live right. We will love each other not out of duty, but because of Who works through us.
Romans 13 unravelled We look outward, not inward. We love to express love to others.
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 13:8 Do not owe anyone anything-except to love one another. For the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
Romans 13 unravelled We avoid debt, But we live so that others see us as owing them respect and love.
Romans 13 unravelled We live to please Him, setting aside our desires. Remember, this is not about “dead flesh.”
Romans 13 unravelled Creative social order comes from individuals set on being so selfish that they devote their lives to serving others – for the sheer joy that comes from service.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh-death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived. In this relationship, we become engaged – gears meshed – and have a sense of urgency. Every day we delay is a day lost forever. His love motivates us. We WANT to obey the law – to live right. We will love each other not out of duty, but because of Who works through us. We will avoid conflict (unloving emotion) by meeting our obligations.
Romans 13 unravelled Remember, we are coming in the “back door” of this chapter. Be aware, now, that Paul is not just addressing believers. Now, he involves “authority.” There is a difference.
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 13:6-7 This is also why you pay taxes. For rulers are God's servants faithfully devoting themselves to their work. Pay everyone whatever you owe them-taxes to whom taxes are due, tolls to whom tolls are due, fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due.
Romans 13 unravelled Paul is telling us that if we want to be creative, we must order our lives to live in peace. How do we do that?
Romans 13 unravelled We respect our leaders enough to hold them accountable. Let's learn where we get the power to control government servants.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within will enliven us from flesh-death, to be awake to opportunity. In this relationship, we become engaged – gears meshed – and have a sense of urgency. Every day we delay is a day lost forever. His love motivates us. We WANT to obey the law – to live right. We will love each other not out of duty, but because of Who works through us. We will avoid conflict (unloving emotion) by meeting our obligations. We cooperate with authority because it is good to avoid punishment.
Romans 13 unravelled We cooperate. We do what we are forced to do. If the Emperor (Caesar) needs money, we pay the emperor.
Romans 13 unravelled WHY?
Romans 13 unravelled Because we cannot be creative, living in orderly peace, unless we can breathe, and Caesar can make us stop breating.
Romans 13 unravelled Now, it gets tricky. Paul here writes of “God's servants.” Who are they?
Romans 13 unravelled In Paul's day, “God's servants” were the soldiers and officials working under the control of Caesar.
Romans 13 unravelled Who are God's servants today?
Romans 13 unravelled More important, who is Caesar today?
Romans 13 unravelled “God's servants?” Who speaks for God today?
Romans 13 unravelled King George was the “voice of God” before the Revolution.
Romans 13 unravelled Who has the King's job today?
Romans 13 unravelled We the people are the “Voice of God” to government today.
Romans 13 unravelled We rule through voting, serving on Grand Juries, serving on Petit Juries and exercising the right of “citizen's arrest.”
Romans 13 unravelled Now read verses four and five and ask “who should be afraid?”
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 13:4-5 For they are God's servants working for your good. But if you do what is wrong, you should be afraid, for it is not without reason that they bear the sword. Indeed, they are God's servants to execute wrath on anyone who does wrong. Therefore, it is necessary for you to be subject, not only because of God's wrath but also because of your own conscience.
Romans 13 unravelled It is the “Servant of God,” meaning the public servant, who should recognize that “We the people” are God's servants “working for good,” and that the police, judges and public administrators should fear the “sword” of the Second Amendment.
Romans 13 unravelled Every “good citizen” should be passionate to insist that government servants are consistent, fair and just in applying the law.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh-death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived.. In this relationship, we become engaged – gears meshed – and have a sense of urgency. Every day we delay is a day lost forever. His love motivates us. We WANT to obey the law – to live right. We will love each other not out of duty, but because of Who works through us. We will avoid conflict (unloving emotion) by meeting our obligations. We cooperate with authority because it is right: not to avoid punishment. We avoid confrontations, seeking peace.
Romans 13 unravelled When we as individuals fall under the authority of those placed in office by “We the people” we do what we are told.
Romans 13 unravelled Likewise, government servants – knowing of the balance of power – are obligated to “do no harm” if they wish to live in peace.
Romans 13 unravelled This is Paul's recipe for ORDER in society that brings peace and allows for dynamic creativity.
Romans 13 unravelled We respect government servants, but they must respect “We the people” by providing honest elections, obeying Grand Juries and honoring fully informed Petit Juries.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within will enliven us from flesh-death, to be awake to opportunity. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh-death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived. Every day we delay is a day lost forever. His love motivates us. We WANT to obey the law – to live right. We will love each other not out of duty, but because of Who works through us. We will avoid conflict (unloving emotion) by meeting our obligations. We cooperate with authority because it is right: not to avoid punishment. We avoid confrontations, seeking peace. Yielding ourselves and our society to God.
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 13:2-3 so that whoever resists the authorities opposes what God has established, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For the authorities are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you like to live without being afraid of the authorities? Then do what is right, and you will receive their approval.
Romans 13 unravelled Who is in charge, under God?
Romans 13 unravelled Not you!
Romans 13 unravelled Not me!
Romans 13 unravelled WE!
Romans 13 unravelled We the People!
Romans 13 unravelled Under God
Romans 13 unravelled Voting in honest elections.
Romans 13 unravelled Serving on fully informed juries.
Romans 13 unravelled Volunteering to be Grand Jurors.
Romans 13 unravelled Carefully using our right to arrest someone out of line – including government officials.
Romans 13 unravelled Romans 13:1 Every person must be subject to the governing authorities, for no authority exists except by God's permission. The existing authorities have been established by God,
Romans 13 unravelled EVERY PERSON
Romans 13 unravelled Including you
Romans 13 unravelled God used the American Revolution to put “We the People” in authority instead of Caesar. Ignore this job at your peril.
Romans 13 unravelled In Jesus we have spiritual life contrasted with dead flesh. This life helps us live honestly, with values pleasing to the Lord, unlike dead flesh. The Life of Christ within takes us from flesh-death. We light up when He gives us opportunities to live life as it should be lived. In this relationship, we become engaged – gears meshed – and have a sense of urgency. Every day we delay is a day lost forever. His love motivates us. We WANT to obey the law – to live right. We will love each other not out of duty, but because of Who works through us. We will avoid conflict (unloving emotion) by meeting our obligations. We cooperate with authority because it is right: not to avoid punishment. We avoid confrontations, seeking peace. Yielding ourselves and our society to God.
Romans 13 unravelled Respect officials and expect officials to respect the law.
Romans 13 unravelled Vote your authority.
Romans 13 unravelled Serve with authority on a jury, insisting on getting ALL the evidence.
Romans 13 unravelled As a Grand Juror, lead the other jurors to take authority over government: demand, do not simply “recommend” when you find something wrong.
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