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Using REST and Freemarker to Build Components “let’s make something”

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Presentation on theme: "Using REST and Freemarker to Build Components “let’s make something”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using REST and Freemarker to Build Components “let’s make something”

2 “I want to show the most recent blog article and when it was posted” Ok, no problem. First get the message from REST. /topics/style/blog/recent?page_size=1 And assign that to a freemarker variable

3 “No,wait! I only want it to come from my blog. It’s called “Bloggy” and it’s the best Still no problem. We’ll just change our REST call to be specific to one board. s/recent?page_size=1

4 “What’s that ‘/restapi/vc’ thing? If you want to see your pure xml response in the browser you need to have “restapi/vc” in the url. If you are making the call in Freemarker, we take care of that part for you. This: age_size=1 Is the same as this:

5 Now let’s write out our article title and date ${recent.message.subject} ${recent.message.post_time}

6 “What kind of date is that?? I can’t read that!” Welcome to Bloggy 2013-11-18T17:34:08+00:00 Good point, you can get more user friendly info by adding a parameter to your rest call ?restapi.response_style=view

7 This changes the response for post time from this: 2013-11-18T17:34:08+00:00 To this: 2013-12- 02T19:13:12+00:00

8 Now we have: ${recent.message.subject} ${recent.message.post_time.@view_friendly_date} Welcome to Bloggy Yesterday Yay, I love it. Let’s test it!

9 Aaahhhhhh!

10 What Happened? We used @view_friendly_date without ever checking that it existed.

11 “FIX IT!!” ${recent.message.subject} ${recent.message.post_time.@view_friendly_date} ${recent.message.post_time.@view_date} Gives you:

12 “Yay, it’s perfect” Happy Dance

13 Tips for Development Always check the XML first Test for variables before you use them. De-FENCE, De-FENCE! Test as both an admin user and a regular user - permissions will kill you – “unit test” Versions tab is your friend Think about performance

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