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Fall 2013 PDD Accreditation Overview Just Completed a Report and were Reaffirmed… Why Another Report ?!

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2013 PDD Accreditation Overview Just Completed a Report and were Reaffirmed… Why Another Report ?!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2013 PDD Accreditation Overview Just Completed a Report and were Reaffirmed… Why Another Report ?!

2 The Standards:  Four Parts  Standard 1: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness  Standard 2: Student Learning Programs and Services  Standard 3: Resources  Standard 4: Leadership and Governance  Work together; interrelated  Facilitates the dialogue on the institution’s effectiveness and on ways in which it may improve. The self-study provides the commission with the institutional assessment of itself as a whole. ACCJC Standards

3 The Process: Comprehensive Report Annual Reports Midterm Report Annual Reports Comprehensive Report  College addresses Progress since Comprehensive Report  Deficiencies Resolved  Status of Improvement Plans (formerly Planning Agenda)  Narrative  Evidence  College meets  Standards  Eligibility Requirements  Commission Policies  Narrative  Evidence  External Evaluation Team Visit  Enrollment  Number of courses  Distance Education  Transfer information  Financial  Student Learning Outcomes Annual Reports

4 2010 Process and Timeline Six-Year Cycle Comprehensive Report Annual & Follow Up Reports Annual & Follow Up Reports Midterm Report Annual Reports Comprehensive Report 2010 2011 2012 2013 2016 2013 Accreditation Midterm Report Timeline AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober Assemble work teams. Template in place Begin writing PDD Campus- wide Vetting/Workshop First rough draft to college by May 20 if possible Review input from rough draft and revise report. Begin gathering evidence. Continue editing; gather evidence; create hard copies Finalize report and check all evidence links. Board Update August 13, 2013 2 nd Campus-wide Vetting/Discussion with the constituency groups 1st Board reading – September 24, 2013 Approval? 2 nd Reading to the Board for approval October 8, 2013 FedEx copies to ACCJC by October 11, 2013

5  2010 Recommendation 2  The team recognizes that progress has occurred with identification of course level student learning outcomes; however, the team recommends that efforts be accelerated to complete SLO identification and expand recurrent cycles of authentic assessment and improvement for all instructional and student services programs, with campus-wide dialogue on results, in order to reach proficiency level by 2012. Furthermore, faculty and others directly responsible for student progress towards achieving student learning outcomes should have, as a component of their evaluation, effectiveness in producing those learning outcomes. EVC Midterm Update

6  Purchase SLO Software (CurricUNET Meta with supplemental SLO Assessment Tracking and Program Review Modules)  SLO Evaluation Component  Campus-wide discussions and forums  Constituent Meetings  Accreditation Steering Committee Meetings EVC Update Cont.

7 SLO Progress Fall ‘12 PDDFall ’13 PDD 58% 92% 26% 60% Courses 21% 41% Programs 65% 96% SS 54% 80% Courses 29% 88% Programs SS

8 ILO Updates Mapping Assessment NAH 44%LA 41% MSE/BWF 31% SS 29% SSHAPE 20% 2012 ILO 3: Information Competency ILO 4: Social Responsibility 12/13 ILO 2: Inquiry Reasoning: data analysis underway 13/14 ILO 1: Communication ILO 5: Personal Development

9  Progress to pink  assessment loop  PDD activities  Semester assessment/analysis/documentation  Reassess & document  Community Dialogue  Curriculum Management System  CurricUNET Meta + SLO + PR Modules  Training to start Spring 2014 SLO: Future Plans

10 Thank You Questions?

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