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Presented by: Finance Department Sheri Sparks, Kim Hall, and Colleen Davis.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Finance Department Sheri Sparks, Kim Hall, and Colleen Davis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Finance Department Sheri Sparks, Kim Hall, and Colleen Davis

2 TOPICS Expense Reimbursements Procurement In-kind Inventory Retirement


4 Due on Friday at noon for that payroll ending date Forms are on our website and ADP ADP: Bottom right hand corner on Resource page WCCA website: Forms

5 TRAVEL Travel Request can be found on our Website and ADP Per Diem can be found at

6 PROCUREMENT Petty Cash Purchase Orders Documentation to support purchase Vendors Davis Bacon

7 PETTY CASH Uses Applies when Standard Purchasing Procedures can’t be followed Example: Small Emergency items needed in the classrooms Forms to be filled out –can be found on our website After completion turn into Debbie Sims for purchase order

8 PURCHASE ORDERS Prepared in advance for all purchases and maintenance Call Finance Department for Purchases over $5000. Purchase Orders are prepared by Debbie and approved by Betty

9 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Bids and Quotations Purchases in excess of $1500 Three phone, written, or online source Purchases in excess of $5000 Three written bids Executive Director must approve Free and open competition- Ex. Times News, Website, etc. Invoices submitted to be paid Receipts -Original Bills of lading, packing slips, etc.- Original Sign and date (to show that you have received item(s)) If a discrepancy, please make a note- Example-Back Order, broken item-returned, missing item

10 VENDORS Forms needed W9 License and Insurance Contract if Applicable

11 Davis Bacon History Enacted in 1931 Trigger is for jobs that are $2000 or more Ensures vendors employee’s are being paid a prevailing wage Requirements Approved Vendor for WCCA and not the Federal non-approved vendors Wage form completed and provided to us W9, Licenses, Contracts and Insurance

12 IN-KIND Federal Match 25% of the money that we receive Need over 1 million for our match All In-Kind must be documented Match Can Be Space Volunteer Hours Professional Services

13 IN-KIND Allowable Volunteer hours in classroom- Document like a time sheet Professional Services Home Based Activities-if within written plans for child Time Spent by Policy Council Members Space

14 IN-KIND Unallowable Parent Orientation Home visits Meetings & Activities Related to Goal setting Parents having lunch with their child Transition Meetings

15 INVENTORY Inventory included on the list: Furniture Electronic Equipment(computer, laptop, cd players) Playground Equipment

16 INVENTORY Inventory not included: Consumable items: Paper Games and Toys Smocks Puzzles

17 RETIREMENT Qualifying Employees receive 5% of gross contribution per payroll Employees that contribute their own money will receive a match of up to 2.5% Vested after 3 years All information can be accessed online Contact : Finance Department or Principal 1-800-547-7754

18 RETIREMENT PayWCCA Contributes 5% You Contribute 2.5% WCCA Matches 2.5% WCCA & Employee Contribution 10% Total $15.00 80 hrs $1200$60$30 $120 A 2.5% employee contribution will double your retirement contribution

19 RETIREMENT Qualifying employees can contribute money with their 1 st check. Contact for Information Finance Department Local Advisors- Wells Fargo-Jim and John (available to help guide with your investment decisions) 828-692-2526

20 Finance Department Sheri Sparks, Kim Hall, and Colleen Davis

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