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C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 1 INDUSTRIAL GROWTH IN THE NORTH (1790-1860) Section 1:The Industrial Revolution and.

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Presentation on theme: "C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 1 INDUSTRIAL GROWTH IN THE NORTH (1790-1860) Section 1:The Industrial Revolution and."— Presentation transcript:

1 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 1 INDUSTRIAL GROWTH IN THE NORTH (1790-1860) Section 1:The Industrial Revolution and America Section 2:Changes in Working Life Section 3:The Transportation Revolution Section 4:More Technological Advances Chapter 13

2 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 2 OBJECTIVES  How did Samuel Slater contribute to the growth of the textile industry in the Northeast?  How did Eli Whitney’s ideas benefit manufacturing?  How did events before and during the War of 1812 aid the growth of manufacturing and free enterprise in the United States? Section 1: The Industrial Revolution and America

3 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 3 Samuel Slater Samuel Slater improved the textile industry, which led to large profits and the building of textile mills. Section 1: The Industrial Revolution and America

4 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 4 Eli Whitney Eli Whitney improved the manufacturing industry in two ways: interchangeable parts interchangeable parts mass production mass production Section 1: The Industrial Revolution and America

5 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 5 The War of 1812 The War of 1812 aided free enterprise and manufacturing by encouraging Americans to buy from American manufacturers and encouraging industrial growth. Section 1: The Industrial Revolution and America

6 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 6 OBJECTIVES  How were the Rhode Island system and the Lowell system different?  In what ways did the introduction of factories influence the daily life of workers in the northeastern United States?  How did Sarah G. Bagley and other reformers contribute to the early labor-union movement? Section 2: Changes in Working Life

7 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 7 The Rhode Island and Lowell Systems Rhode Island System Rhode Island System Hired entire families Hired entire families Divided factory work into simple tasks Divided factory work into simple tasks Lowell System Lowell System Hired young, unmarried women Hired young, unmarried women Built looms that could weave thread and spin cloth in the mill Built looms that could weave thread and spin cloth in the mill Section 2: Changes in Working Life

8 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 8 Influence of Factories on the Northeast United States new wave of immigration new wave of immigration bad working conditions bad working conditions trade unions formed trade unions formed strikes strikes labor reform labor reform Section 2: Changes in Working Life

9 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 9 Sarah G. Bagley Sarah G. Bagley and other labor reformers fought for a l0-hour workday. Section 2: Changes in Working Life

10 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 10 OBJECTIVES  How did the Transportation Revolution change life in the United States?  What was the effect of the Supreme Court case Gibbons v. Ogden?  How did the growth of railroads benefit the nation? Section 3: The Transportation Revolution

11 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 11 The Transportation Revolution: greater speed and convenience in travel greater speed and convenience in travel expanded free enterprise expanded free enterprise reduced shipping time and cost reduced shipping time and cost led to development of new towns led to development of new towns steamboat ferry service steamboat ferry service encouraged settlers to move to the Midwest encouraged settlers to move to the Midwest Section 3: The Transportation Revolution

12 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 12 Gibbons v. Ogden Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) – Supreme Court ruling that federal law has priority over equivalent state law; expanded definition of interstate commerce Section 3: The Transportation Revolution

13 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 13 Growth of American Railroad made travel easier and faster made travel easier and faster aided economy and trade/lowered prices for consumers aided economy and trade/lowered prices for consumers linked cities in Eastern U.S. and helped other cities grow linked cities in Eastern U.S. and helped other cities grow Section 3: The Transportation Revolution

14 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 14 OBJECTIVES  What ideas did Samuel Morse draw upon in order to invent the telegraph?  How did new developments benefit factory and farm work?  What new inventions did Cyrus McCormick and Isaac Singer develop? Section 4: More Technological Advances

15 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 15 Samuel Morse Samuel Morse combined electricity and magnetism to invent the telegraph. Section 4: More Technological Advances

16 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 16 New Developments Benefit Factory and Farm Workers factories could be built anywhere factories could be built anywhere low labor and shipping costs low labor and shipping costs movement from rural to urban areas and to the west movement from rural to urban areas and to the west growth of machine-tool industry growth of machine-tool industry made planting and harvesting easier made planting and harvesting easier Section 4: More Technological Advances

17 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 17 Inventors Cyrus McCormick – reaper Cyrus McCormick – reaper Isaac Singer – sewing machine Isaac Singer – sewing machine Section 4: More Technological Advances

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