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BAPTIST HISTORY Lesson 13 Revival, Missions & Union 1770-1891, Part 1.

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1 BAPTIST HISTORY Lesson 13 Revival, Missions & Union 1770-1891, Part 1

2 Matt Chandler

3 Evangelical Awakening (1738-1760) Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) George Whitefield (1714-1770) John Wesley (1703-1791) Charles Wesley (1707-1788) Evangelicalism Conversion Bible Alone Guide Personal Confession Jesus Only

4 General Baptist Renewal Dan Taylor (1738-1816) 1758 Converted under preaching of John Wesley Founded Independent Arminian congregation; eventually baptized 1763 became active in Lincolnshire Association New Connexion of General Baptists (1770) 1.The Fall of Man 2.The perpetuity of the moral law 3.The person and work of Christ 4.Salvation by faith 5.Regeneration by the Holy Spirit 6.Believer’s baptism “they degraded Jesus Christ and he degraded them”

5 Particular Baptist Renewal Bristol Baptist Academy 1679> Bernard Foskett Hugh Evans Benjamin Beddom John Rippon John Sutcliff of Olney

6 1770: Circular Letter of Northamptonshire Association “ the coming soul need not fear that he is not elected because the very desire to come gives all the warrant you need” Robert Hall, Sr. (1728-1791) Help to Zion’s Travellers 1781 “I do not remember ever to have read any book with such raptures as I did that….those doctrines are the choice of my heart to this day.”Wm Carey

7 Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) Conversion experience in 1769 taught him 3 things: 1.The error of those who maintained that a ‘warrant to believe’ was necessary for salvation 2.The New Testament concept of faith as an objective, not subjective act 3.A concept of conversion as ‘a radical change of the affections of the heart manifested in a lifestyle that is intent on pleasing God’ 1771-1774 occasionally preached at Soham May 3, 1775 ordained as minister of Baptist Church at Soham Soham Church joins Northamptonshire Association; meets John Ryland, Jr. and John Sutcliff of Olney The Gospel Worthy of all Acceptation The Obligations of Men Fully to Credit, and Cordially to Approve, Whatever God Makes Known, Wherein is Considered the Nature of Faith in Christ, and the Duty of Those where the gospel comes in that Matter 2 nd edition the Duty of Sinners to Believe in Jesus Christ

8 The Prayer Call of 1784 “Whenever a long wished for revival of religion takes place, it certainly will be effected by the abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This blessed event, we have reason to believe, will be preceded, or rather its near approach evidenced, by a spirit of prayer among the churches”

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