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Year 13 Project. A2 ICT (AQA) - initial information, subject to change The project is split into sections as follows (suggested completion dates shown):

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1 Year 13 Project

2 A2 ICT (AQA) - initial information, subject to change The project is split into sections as follows (suggested completion dates shown): Background and investigation (Half term) Analysis & deliverables (11th December) Design and planning for implementation (by first week in February) NOTE: HALF TERM Monday 15th Feb - Friday 19th Feb Testing and documentation of implementation (first week in March) Evaluation (Friday 12th March) Feedback for full project to be given by: Friday 17th March NOTE: EASTER BREAK - Monday 29th March - Friday 9th April Dates:

3 Project ICTweb – see GRADING GRIDS for details about how to gain marks ICTweb – see the links for BACKGROUND AND INVESTIGATION ANALYSIS & DELIVERABLES

4 Project AIM to hand in Updated BACKGROUND AND INVESTIGATION First draft of ANALYSIS AND DELIVERABLES By 11 th December…

5 Project For CHRISTMAS you will: Complete any updating to the previous 2 sections Start to put together DRAFT DESIGNS of Spreadsheets Tables Forms Queries Relationships Pages to output etc DRAFT DESIGNS – hand drawn plans are good to start with or… Use WORD or GRAPHICS program to help with layouts

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