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Developing Good Habits
Chapter 13 Developing Good Habits
13 C H A P T E R In Chapter 13 You Will Learn Developing Good Habits
The importance of positive habits The importance of commitment How to change a negative habit The seven positive attitudes of peak performers The best strategies for school success
Feel confident and energized.
When you wake up in the morning, take five minutes to set the tone for the day. Go over your day’s schedule and imagine yourself being focused, positive, and successfully completing your projects. Look forward to the day ahead and prepare yourself mentally for any challenges. Feel confident and energized. Feel confident and energized.
13 Success Principle 13 Focus on CHARACTER, not personality.
“ ” We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.
—John Dryden, poet and playwright
Making a Commitment to Changing Your Habits
Old habits become comfortable parts of your life. Giving them up leaves you feeling insecure. continued
Making a Commitment to Changing Your Habits
cont’d Making a Commitment to Changing Your Habits As a peak performer, you will begin to adopt positive techniques to help change old habits.
Strategies for Creating Positive Change
You must want to change. Develop specific goals. Change one habit at a time. Be patient. Imagine success. continued
Strategies for Creating Positive Change
cont’d Strategies for Creating Positive Change Observe and model others. Self-awareness. Reward yourself. Use affirmations. Write a contract for change.
Make a Commitment to Contribute
By improving yourself, giving to your family, and volunteering your time in the community, you will make the world a better place. continued
Make a Commitment to Contribute
cont’d Make a Commitment to Contribute Consider the contribution you make, the kind of person you want to be, and the ways in which you can make a positive impact in your community and personal life.
Make a Commitment to Develop a Positive Attitude
Achieving excellence is a combination of: Positive attitude Specific skill continued
Make a Commitment to Develop a Positive Attitude
cont’d Make a Commitment to Develop a Positive Attitude Begin by telling yourself the truth about your current skills, abilities, goals, barriers, and both your good and bad habits. continued
Make a Commitment to Develop a Positive Attitude
cont’d Make a Commitment to Develop a Positive Attitude Set your goals to focus your energy on a certain path. Create the specific thoughts and behaviors that will get you results. continued
Make a Commitment to Develop a Positive Attitude
cont’d Make a Commitment to Develop a Positive Attitude After facing setbacks, you will learn to alter your actions to get back on track.
Make a Commitment to Be Resilient
Make adversity work for you. Temporary setbacks are learning experiences, not failure.
Be a Person of Character
Make a Commitment to Be a Person of Character and Integrity The word integrity comes from the Latin word integer, meaning “a sense of wholeness.” continued
Graphic Organizer A Person of Character and Integrity
You are confident about thinking, speaking, living, and taking the right path. You can trust yourself to do the right thing and keep commitments. You are a person of character and integrity. You play by the rules. You have effective communication skills. For you, doing the right thing is a decision and a habit. You teach values by example.
On the Road to Success What else can you do to promote your success in school, on the job, and in your life? Face your fears. Be a good listener. continued
On the Road to Success Assume responsibility. Be a team player.
cont’d On the Road to Success Assume responsibility. Be a team player. Be willing to learn. Be tolerant. Keep on top of it. Be enthusiastic. continued
On the Road to Success Be independent. Be supportive.
cont’d On the Road to Success Be independent. Be supportive. Be sincerely happy for others. Keep things in perspective.
People can change their habits
People can change their habits. Begin to imagine yourself with a new habit or attitude. Notice the sense of confidence you gain. Practice the new habit until it becomes natural.
Peak Performance Success Formula
The same principles of training required to get into Olympic form apply to getting results in school and in work. continued
Peak Performance Success Formula
cont’d Peak Performance Success Formula The four components for success are: Confidence Vision Method Training
Confidence Confidence is: Believing in yourself.
Knowing your self-worth. Recognizing that you have what it takes to do well.
Vision Vision is mental rehearsal of your victory.
You must know clearly what you want to achieve.
Method Method is: The process of achieving your goal.
Knowing the strategies, techniques, tools, and tactics that produce tangible results.
Training Training is the actual practice and the consistent effort required to improve your skill. Practice separates the peak performer the average person.
Making a Commitment to Lifelong Learning
True learning is lifelong and depends on the ability to manage change.
The Changing Workplace
Graphic Organizer The Changing Workplace The Changes Shifts in the economy Corporate buyouts Mergers Downsizing Layoffs Changing trends Learn new skills. Obtain job training. Learn to adapt to change. Transfer learning habits and skills. Be aware and open to new trends. Your Preparedness
Creating Good Habits Make a commitment to take responsibility for your: Thoughts Feelings Words Behavior Habits continued
cont’d Creating Good Habits Learn to interpret events and people’s intentions so that you see the best in others and situations. continued
cont’d Creating Good Habits Create a system for thinking and behaving in positive ways. Practice a behavior or habit you want to adopt until it becomes a way of life. continued
Creating Good Habits You will develop habits that will keep you:
cont’d Creating Good Habits You will develop habits that will keep you: Centered Calm Rational Productive
Resistors and Fears Recognize and confront the following resistors to create lasting change: Fear of the unknown It’s familiar and comfortable. continued
Resistors and Fears Independence Security Tradition Embarrassment
cont’d Resistors and Fears Independence Security Tradition Embarrassment Responsibility continued
cont’d Resistors and Fears Expectations Environment Cost Giving up
Best Strategies for School Success
Here are a few strategies for school success: Attend every class. Go early and stay until the end. Sit in front and participate. continued
Best Strategies for School Success
cont’d Best Strategies for School Success Choose the best instructors and get to know them. Give the first three weeks of classes your best effort. continued
Best Strategies for School Success
cont’d Best Strategies for School Success Use the power of synergy. Preview all reading assignments before classes. Write key words, phrases, and formulas on note cards. continued
Best Strategies for School Success
cont’d Best Strategies for School Success Write a summary of the chapter in your own words. Study in short blocks of time. See your advisors regularly. them. continued
Best Strategies for School Success
cont’d Best Strategies for School Success Review class notes after every class and again within 24 hours.
You must want change.
Set specific goals.
Work on only one habit at a time.
Give yourself 30 days to change a habit.
Observe and model successful people.
Reward yourself.
Use positive self-talk.
Write a contract for change.
Developing Good Habits
End of Chapter 13 Developing Good Habits
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