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LADY SHARON J. BEARD National 2 nd Vice President PROJECTS CHAIR National Publicity Chair June 17, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "LADY SHARON J. BEARD National 2 nd Vice President PROJECTS CHAIR National Publicity Chair June 17, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 LADY SHARON J. BEARD National 2 nd Vice President PROJECTS CHAIR National Publicity Chair June 17, 2013

2 GOALS FOR CHANGE Encourage ways to have TLOD benefit more directly from our relations with NCNW, UNCF, NAACP, TLOD literacy and Sickle Cell Awareness. Provide the chapters with the tools and resources necessary to be successful and to increase participation. Share “Tips and Tricks” and strategies to manage the chapters to have positive outcomes on all programs and projects. Develop Partnerships and collaborate with the community and other agencies with like minded goals. We needed to determine how we would measure our successes and to analyze or determine metrics.

3 “ACCOMPLISHMENTS” Secured the buy-in from the members to implement the activities of the National Projects more effectively and efficiently. Encouraged the chapters to share their best practices with others. Provided an open-line of communication to collaborate to network, to form partnerships and to help ease due dates.

4 ”ACCOMPLISHMENTS” Encouraged more verbal communication with equal sharing. Provided inspiration, knowledge and new experiences for members. Maximized collaborations to create a culture of achievement in our communities. Created opportunities for members to use their considerable skill and talent to plan a project or project an idea. Mapped strategies for shaping the future direction of our Top Ladies and Top Teens with each National Project.

5 CHAPTER BOOK REPORTING 2 New Chapters 15 Chapters not reporting 90 Chapters Reporting Total of 107 Chapters

6 National Metrics Display of Volunteer Hours of National Projects as of 06/17/13

7 Cumulative National Project Volunteer Hours  NCNW 78,645  UNCF 8,096  NAACP 11,052  TLOD LITERACY 15,803  SICKLE CELL 6,574 TOTAL 120,170 VOLUNTEER HOURS

8 Cumulative Funds Expended for National Projects NCNW7,139.00 UNCF2,156.00 NAACP3,107.00 TLOD LITERACY8,955.00 SICKLE CELL7,471.00 TOTAL $28,828.00 EXPENDED FUNDS

9 Cumulative Funds Donated by Chapters for National Projects  NCNW 8,358.00  UNCF 73,000.00  NAACP 12,118.00  TLOD LITERACY 5,125.00  SICKLE CELL 10,062.00 TOTAL $108,663.00 DONATED FUNDS

10 PUBLICITY/PUBLIC RELATIONS 80% of the chapters either allocated and or Expended funds for Publicity averaging from $50.00 – $1,500.00 Totaling over a (2) year period $ 42, 973.25

11 SCHOLARSHIPS TOTAL BY LOCAL CHAPTERS as recorded in Chapter Program Report Book  AREA ONE $120,194.00  AREA TWO $23,400.00  AREA THREE $32,400.00  AREA FOUR $40,250.00  AREA FIVE $35,000.00  AREA SIX $ 7,650.00 TOTAL $258,694.00 90% OF THE CHAPTERS REPORTING

12 NEXT STEPS FOR MOVING AHEAD Cultivate relationships and move in the direction of TLOD securing a link on every National Project website. Very close to locking in the UNCF link. Continue to evaluate projects and programs to determine if they are consistent with the organization’s mission, goals, objectives and national theme. On target with mission Develop a method in which National Project Chairs may assess and collect chapter report book information directly related to their National Project for ease of reporting. All National Programs and Project Chairs directly receives a copy of Chapter Report book for easy access and evaluation.

13 NEXT STEPS FOR MOVING AHEAD Offer tools, tricks and tips to continue to enhance the National Projects. Include the Top Teens in everything we do. Continue to have web based learning and development tools apart of our action plan. Include the Top Teens Place the recorded version of the webinar on the website so members may engage at their leisure. Include the Top Teens

14 NEXT STEPS FOR MOVING AHEAD Evaluate the value in developing and posting a World-wide TLOD Calendar At-a-Glance on the National Website to share. A work in progress while collaborating with the National Webmaster on an application. Place more emphasis on the Lucellestine Wilson Print Media Award to assist in the development of a Media Outreach Plan. Revamping LCW Print Media Award Make necessary changes to Chapter Report Book to reflect ease of reporting and more user friendly in areas of concern. Changes were made to the Chapter Report Book to address the issues of concern.

15 Lady Sharon Beard National 2 nd Vice President Lady Audrie Lawton 12 th National President

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