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Revised 08/20/2013 Dr. William D. Impey TEACHER EDUCATION ADVISEMENT CENTER (TEAC) Education Student Services  KH 1314

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Presentation on theme: "Revised 08/20/2013 Dr. William D. Impey TEACHER EDUCATION ADVISEMENT CENTER (TEAC) Education Student Services  KH 1314"— Presentation transcript:

1 Revised 08/20/2013 Dr. William D. Impey TEACHER EDUCATION ADVISEMENT CENTER (TEAC) Education Student Services  KH 1314 EDUC 2110 Fall 2013

2  Admission to Teacher Education is separate from admission to KSU.

3 Completed ENGL 1101 & 1102 with grades of C or higher Completed 45 semester hours of coursework from accredited institutions Registered with the Georgia Professional Standards Commission to obtain a MyPSC account and PSC ID# ( Passed or Exempted GACE Program Admission Tests Teacher Education Admission Criteria

4 Passed or Exempted GACE Program Admission Tests Exemption Options: Passed all three GACE Basic Skills assessments or SAT – Min. 1000* (Critical Reading/Verbal + Math) or ACT – Min. 43* (English + Math) or For GRE and additional exemption options, visit * SAT scores prior to April 1, 1995, and ACT scores prior to 1989, were “recentered,” typically adding points. See the certification officer for additional information.

5 Original score report KSU OWL Express Transcripts - college/high school Testing company ($$) Where might I find my exemption scores?  Official supporting documentation required if not on Owl Express

6 Three tests: Reading, Mathematics, and Writing The Reading and Mathematics tests consist of selected-response questions The Writing test consists of selected-response questions and two constructed-response (written) assignments Passing score required for each test Tests are administered at approved computer testing centers GACE Program Admission Tests

7 Program Admission Test I – Reading (200) Program Admission Test II – Mathematics (201) Program Admission Test III – Writing (202) Program Admission Combined Test I, II, and III (700) GACE Program Admission Tests For additional information, see Certification Office Certification Office Online registration: Fall Semester Testing Blocks: 10/5/13–10/25/13 – scores return 11/1/2013 11/2/13–11/12/13 – scores return 11/29/2013 11/30/13–12/21/13 – scores return 12/27/2013

8 Preparation materials available on the GACE website Math tutoring: Lifelong Learning Center ( Carmichael Student Center 261) Lifelong Learning Center Math Lab (Library 433) Math Lab Writing Center (EB 242)Writing Center Student Success Services ( ex. test-taking strategies, test anxiety)Student Success Services Student Development: Carmichael Student CenterStudent Development How do I prepare for GACE Program Admission Tests?

9 Teacher Education Admission Criteria GPA Requirements ≥ 2.75 KSU AGPA (adjusted GPA) AND ≥ 2.75 Education Transfer GPA (ETGPA) ETGPA includes general education (Areas A- E) and lower division courses required for major

10 EDUC 2110 Instructors have three choices: Recommended or Recommended with reservations or Not recommended Cleared Background Check EDUC 2110 with grade of C or higher A positive teacher recommendation Teacher Education Admission Criteria  You do not need to request the recommendation from your EDUC 2110 instructor

11 Professional, responsible behavior in all classes, field experiences, and interactions with peers, faculty, and staff Positive evaluations in field experiences Satisfied any additional admission requirements specified by a major Teacher Education Admission Criteria  ARED, FLED, HPE, MUED students…see your department advisor for additional program requirements

12 Obtain an application at TEAC (KH 1314) or online at KSU Advisor’s Signature: ECE, MGE and History Education – signed by TEAC  online appointment scheduling online appointment scheduling Advisors in other program areas listed on brochure or TEAC website  Contacts Contacts Return completed applications to TEAC (KH 1314) Teacher Education Application

13 For Spring 2014: Sept. 15 For Summer 2014: Feb. 15 For Fall 2014: April 15  You do NOT have to have completed all the requirements for admission to the teacher education program at the time of application DEADLINES

14 Congratulations! You have been approved for admission into Teacher Education! Activate your KSU Email

15 Costa Rica Belize Ecuador China Korea International Study Abroad and Student Teaching Opportunities

16 Frequently Asked Questions SECOND BACCALAUREATE INFORMATION TEAC Website:

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