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Design Rainfall Distributions Based on NOAA Atlas 14

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1 Design Rainfall Distributions Based on NOAA Atlas 14

2 General Considerations
Standard NRCS rainfall distributions were developed between 1960 and 1985. NRCS is adopting NOAA Atlas 14 in the states where it is applicable. Will a new set of rainfall distributions be required ? If so, how to develop and apply them ? Types I, II, and IA were developed in 1960’s. Type III was developed in WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

3 Standard Rainfall Distributions
WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

4 Geographic Application
WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

5 Steps in developing a distribution
Determine ratios of x hour / 24 hour rainfall. Place the rainfall ratio for the shortest duration in the center of the distribution. Symmetrically place each larger duration to include the shorter durations. WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

6 Example of a Nested Distribution
6 hr 0.7 0.6 3 hr WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

7 NOAA Atlas 14 web site Download rainfall frequency data at:
WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

8 Select State WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009
Purtto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Hawaii now have updated data as well as the areas shown in purple on this map. WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

9 Selected Ohio WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

10 Selected Columbus Ohio
WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

11 NOAA 14 Rainfall Ratios WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

12 Symmetrical Distribution
WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

13 Compare to Type II WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009
At this location, the distribution based on NOAA 14 data is more intense than the Type 2. WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

14 Where Type II and Type III compare with NOAA-derived distribution, 25-yr rainfall
Purple: Type II Pink: Type III Green: both WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

15 Points used to represent Maryland Counties
100-year 24-hour rainfall was averaged for each county and a point selected with that rainfall. At the latitude and longitude of each point a NOAA 14 text file was downloaded. Washington and Frederick Counties were split in two parts due to differences in rainfall. The background of this slide is the 100-year 24-hour rainfall GIS grid layer downloaded from the NOAA 14 web site. WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

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17 WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

18 Future Directions Develop software to easily use the data.
Use GIS data layers to derive site-specific rainfall data for hydrologic modeling. WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

19 WinTR-20 NOAA 14 Data March 2009

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