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+ 2013-14 Osceola School District’s Classroom Instructor Evaluation The Ins and Outs of Our Classroom Instructor Evaluation 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "+ 2013-14 Osceola School District’s Classroom Instructor Evaluation The Ins and Outs of Our Classroom Instructor Evaluation 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 + 2013-14 Osceola School District’s Classroom Instructor Evaluation The Ins and Outs of Our Classroom Instructor Evaluation 2013-2014

2 + This presentation is specific to Classroom Instructors only Non-classroom Instructors will be evaluated on a new model, which will be reviewed through a separate presentation. Media Specialists Deans Guidance Counselors Psychologists Social Workers Compliance Specialists (ESOL & ESE) Athletic Directors Academic Coaches/Resource Specialists

3 + Today’s Objectives: Participants will examine the basic components of the classroom teacher evaluation. Participants will leave with a working knowledge of some changes associated with the evaluation: Deliberate Practice High Yield Strategies Student Growth Criteria Best Practices for success

4 + New Key Terms: High Yield Strategies: 14 identified elements found in Domain 1 of the Marzano Evaluation Model: Nine elements embedded in the Marzano Evaluation Model that research correlates with a high probability for student achievement. Seven elements embedded in the Marzano Evaluation Model that are correlated with successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Deliberate Practice: Chosen element, based on previous school year data, that is deliberately focused on for the current school year, and given a score based on the ‘growth’ in the implementation of element.

5 + Instructional Practice Student Growth Evaluation- for Classroom Teachers

6 Classroom Teacher Evaluation 50% Instructional Practice Score 80% Domains 1-4 20% Deliberate Practice 50% Student Growth Value (VAM)

7 + Domains 1-4 High impact instructional strategies and professional practices 80% Deliberate Practice Based on past years data, a selected element deliberately practiced for growth on that element. 20%

8 + Domain 1-4 Observations Domain 1 Formal Informal Walk Through Domain 2 Review of Evidence Domain 3 Review of Evidence Domain 4 Review of Evidence Observation: Event when instructional practices are observed (domain 1) or evidences are reviewed ( domain 2-4)

9 + Observations that count towards the Final Evaluation Domains 1-4 FormalInformal Category 122 Category 211 StrugglingAs needed Domain 1 Observations Observational Sessions Categories 1 & 22 StrugglingAs needed Domain 2 Observational Sessions Categories 1 & 22 StrugglingAs needed Observational Sessions Categories 1 & 22 StrugglingAs needed Domain 3 Domain 4

10 Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Planning and Preparing Reflecting on Teaching Collegiality and Professionalism 60 Thin slices of research based instructional strategies/professional practices that have a high impact on student achievement.

11 + Domain 1 41 Thin slices of research based instructional strategies that have a high impact on student achievement. 1 Steering Committee Administratively Assigned 41 Elements 1-2 Teacher Selected 1 selected for Deliberate Practice

12 + Domain 1 Must have pre-conference and post conference (face to face or via the evaluation website) Must be pre-scheduled/announced 25 minutes- entire class period Data points shall count towards Final Evaluation. Only those elements that were identified during pre-conference which may include: Teacher selected element Deliberate Practice element Steering Committee Selected Element Administratively assigned element No more then two of the High Yield Strategies (found on page 36 of the Instructional Employees Evaluation Handbook) Formal Observations

13 High Yield Instructional Strategies

14 + Domain 1 Any of the 41 elements may be scored upon Only instructional strategies that apply at time of observation elements for which the teacher provides substantial behavioral evidence, OR elements which are more appropriate for the lesson but were not observed Unannounced 10-20 minutes Data points may count towards Final Evaluation. Informal observations may serve as feedback only. Informal Observations

15 + Domain 1 Does not count towards final evaluation. Feedback can be provided on any of the 41 elements. Only instructional strategies that apply at time of observation Unannounced 3-5 minutes Walk Through Observations

16 Domain 2 Planning and Preparing 8 Elements Domain 3 Reflecting on Teaching 5 Elements Domain 4 Collegiality and Professionalism 6 Elements

17 + Domain 2 Data points may count towards Final Evaluation. Additional Observational Sessions may serve as feedback only. It is NOT compliance of lesson plan completion. It’s ‘How’ you plan for your Lessons & Units of Instruction using best practices. It is ‘Why’ you focus on certain strategies based on data and student performance. Observational Session: Planning & Preparing

18 + Domain 3 Data points may count towards Final Evaluation. Additional Observational Sessions may serve as feedback only. It is NOT compliance of IPDP/Deliberate Practice completion. It is a reflection of implementation and process of the following: IPDP/ Deliberate Practice Lesson Planning and/or Identification of pedagogical strengths and weakness And how this reflection is being utilized to Improve instructional practice Influence how you plan for lessons and units of instruction. Observational Session: Reflecting on Teaching

19 + Domain 4 Data points may count towards Final Evaluation. Observational session may serve as feedback only. It is: Adherence to District and School Rules and Procedures and, Participating in District and School Initiatives It is also: Serving as a ‘positive contributor’ to the culture and climate of School and District. Observational Session: Collegiality & Professionalism

20 + Deliberate Practice First year of implementation (2013-14 school year) instructors will be held harmless (no growth=no penalty) Based on previous year’s scored elements from formal, informal and walk through observations Value calculated from growth of former year’s average score of element and current year’s average score of element. Counts 20% of the Instructional Practice Score of the Final Evaluation May be the same element as the ‘Teacher Selected Element” But must have previous year’s data to serve as both.

21 Deliberate Practice Element Teacher Selected Element 1 Element

22 + Student Growth Value

23 For the current school year All Instructional Employees Classroom Teacher - State Assessed 50% Marzano Evaluation System Rating 50% Individual VAM Rating Classroom Teacher - NOT State Assessed 50% Marzano Evaluation System Rating 50% IPDP Student Learning Growth Rating

24 + Pre & Post Test Choices for IPDP 35-50 questions (Same number of solutions) Reliable and Valid Academic Rigor Test security Instructional Employees Evaluation Handbook(pages 23-25). Submit copy of pre/post test to your supervisingadministrator by Aug.23 along with signed securityagreement.

25 + Questions?

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