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Spreadsheet Software lesson 14. This lesson includes the following sections: Spreadsheet Programs and Their Uses The Spreadsheet's Interface Entering.

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Presentation on theme: "Spreadsheet Software lesson 14. This lesson includes the following sections: Spreadsheet Programs and Their Uses The Spreadsheet's Interface Entering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spreadsheet Software lesson 14

2 This lesson includes the following sections: Spreadsheet Programs and Their Uses The Spreadsheet's Interface Entering Data in a Worksheet Editing and Formatting a Worksheet Adding Charts Analyzing Data in a Spreadsheet

3 Spreadsheets provide tools for working with numerical data. You can use a spreadsheet program to create budgets, balance sheets, and other types of number-based documents. You can display your information in a traditional row-and-column format, or in a chart. Spreadsheet Programs and Their Uses

4 Classic row and column format Report using color and graphics

5 In a spreadsheet program, you work in a document called a worksheet. You can collect multiple worksheets into a file called a workbook. Most Windows-based word spreadsheets offer a similar set of tools, including a formula bar, where you can enter and edit data. Data is displayed in cells. A cell is the intersection of a row and column. Each cell has a cell address – the combination of the cell's column letter and row number. The Spreadsheet's Interface

6 Menu bar Tool bars Column Row Status bar Scroll boxes Cell Formula bar

7 Labels--text or numbers not used in calculations. Values--numbers that can be used in calculations. Dates--a necessary part of most worksheets. Formulas--commands to perform calculations based on numbers or formulas. You enter four types of data in a worksheet's cells: Entering Data in a Worksheet - Types of Data

8 If a formula uses a value in another cell, the formula contains a cell reference, or the address of the referred cell. Formulas can refer to entire ranges (or blocks) of contiguous cells as well as individual cells. A function is a predefined formula, which the spreadsheet provides to perform a specific type of calculation. You provide arguments that tell the function what data to use. Entering Data in a Worksheet - Formulas and Functions

9 Spreadsheets provide many of the same editing and formatting tools found in word processors. You can change, copy, move, and delete the data in any cell. Editing and Formatting a Worksheet

10 An absolute cell reference always refers to the same cell even if the formula is moved to a different place. If a formula uses a relative cell reference, it automatically dates if (copied or moved), to a different place. Relative and Absolute Cell References

11 A chart is a graphical representation of the data in a worksheet. Spreadsheets provide tools that make it easy to create a chart from worksheet data. You can use many different types of charts, and apply many effects to a chart, to present your data in the most appropriate way. Adding Charts


13 What-if analysis, which lets you test scenarios to see how each affects the result. Goal seeking, which finds values that make the result meet your specifications. Sorting, which lets you arrange the worksheet's data in various ways. Three commonly used data-analysis tools are: Analyzing Data in a Spreadsheet

14 Define and differentiate the terms worksheet and spreadsheet. Identify four types of data that can be entered in a worksheet. Explain how cell addresses are used in spreadsheet programs. Explain what a formula is and how formulas can be used in spreadsheet programs. List three types of analytical tools commonly found in spreadsheets. lesson 14 review

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