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CHAPTER 14 Education and Religion

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1 CHAPTER 14 Education and Religion
Section 1: The Sociology of Education Section 2: The Sociology of Religion

2 Objectives: Section 1: The Sociology of Education
Explain how the views of functionalist, conflict, and interactionist sociologists differ concerning education. Identify some of the current issues in American education.

3 Section 1: The Sociology of Education
Comparing Functionalist, Conflict, and Interactionist Perspectives of Education Functionalist – schools help maintain the stability and smooth operation of society Conflict – the educational system serves to limit the potential of certain people and groups to gain power and social rewards Interactionist – students’ educational achievements and success are shaped in part by teacher-student interactions

4 Current Issues in American Education
Section 1: The Sociology of Education Current Issues in American Education Educational Reform – to address a decline in the level of the quality of education; has led to some improvements Educational Alternatives – provides school choice through vouchers, charter schools, and options such as homeschooling

5 Current Issues in American Education
Section 1: The Sociology of Education Current Issues in American Education (continued) Violence in the Schools – has led to the use of security measures; zero tolerance policies, and conflict-resolution programs Bilingual Education – controversial, particularly in states with many Hispanics; has led to “English Only” movement

6 Objectives: Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
Identify the basic societal needs that religion serves. Describe the distinctive features of religion in American society.

7 Functions of Religion Section 2: The Sociology of Religion
Social Cohesion – strengthening of bonds among people Social Control – encourages conformity to the norms of society Emotional Support – to provide emotional support during difficult times

8 Religion in American Society
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion Religion in American Society Free from persecution Culturally diverse Highly valued but may be losing influence Separation of church and state Many believe in God but fewer are affiliated with religious organizations and even fewer attend services

9 Religion in American Society
Section 2: The Sociology of Religion Religion in American Society (continued) Most Americans are monotheistic Protestants are most numerous, but the Roman Catholic Church is the largest single organization Rising participation in fundamentalist and evangelical Christian groups

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