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September 14, 2011 Jerry E. Gould

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1 Application of Electro-Spark Deposition for the Joining of Dissimilar Metals
September 14, 2011 Jerry E. Gould Technology Leader, Resistance and Solid-State Welding Phone:

2 Topics to be Addressed Functionality of the electro-spark deposition process Application for joints between Ni-based superalloys and refractory metals Observed microstructures Resulting mechanical properties Interpretation of effective cooling rates Implications for dissimilar joint metallurgy

3 Electro-Spark Deposition (ESD) Process
ESD processing characteristics Repeat fire capacitive discharge power supply Discharge pulse widths on the order of 35 μs Peak currents on the order of 100s of amps ESD torch Hand held Rotating electrode Short circuit sparking Transfer of small metal volumes (microns in diameter) to substrate

4 Firing Efficiency of Electro-Spark Deposition
Firing rates defined by control system Individual pulse widths on the order of 10s of micro-seconds Variable contact pressures affect workpiece resistance and current flow Sparking “efficiency” quality tool for assessing deposition characteristics 70- 90% sparking efficiency deemed ideal

5 Electro-Spark Deposition (ESD) Process
ESD deposit characteristics Deposit layers typically microns thick Deposition rates typically <100 μg/s Multiple layers to create a deposit Virtually no heating of the substrate Application to complex materials joining problems Small splat sizes to achieve a fine material grain structure Fast cooling rates (>105-oC/s) Non equilibrium solidification and suppression of solid-state transformations

6 Thermal Analysis of Various Localized Deposition Processes
Arc and Laser Processes: Arc and Laser Processes: ESD: ESD:

7 Ni-Superalloy to Refractory Metal Joints for Space Nuclear Propulsion
Nuclear-powered space propulsion Lunar-based power Gas cooled reactor Brayton cycle energy conversion Refractory metals at/near the reactor Nickel-based superalloys at/near the turbine Need for dissimilar materials transitions

8 Material Combinations of Interest
Refractory to nickel-based superalloy joints Refractory metal alloys Mo-47.5 Re T-111 (Ta-8%W-2%Hf) Nickel-based superalloys Hastelloy X Mar M247 Melting point suppression associated with eutectics Solidification cracking Liquation cracking Intermetallic formation Joint ductility Pre-mature fracture

9 Electro-Spark Deposition Welding Trials
ASAP 50-μF electro-spark deposition system Welding trials to be done in chamber Hard glove box Oxygen levels <1 ppm Material combinations Mo-47Re strip to Mar M247 strip T-111 strip to Mar M247 strip Mo-47Re strip to Hastelloy X strip T-111 strip to Hastelloy X strip All materials 0.5-mm flat stock Hard Glove Box with ESD Unit used Throughout these Trials ESD Torch and Manual Manipulation used Throughout these Trials

10 Electro-Spark Deposition Welding Trials – Set-Up
Bonding procedure Machined joint prep ESD fill Joint prep on reverse side Final fill Practice taken from EWI experience Small adaptations made to maintain surface quality ESD Electrode Weld groove to be filled with deposited metal ESD Specimen

11 Electro-Spark Deposition Welding Trials
Welding of ½ tensile specimens Weld prep Deposition practice: Hastelloy X electrode (1.5-mm diameter) 40-μF capacitance 120-V charging voltage 500-Hz firing rate Three specimens for materials combination One for metallographic sections Fill patterns Internal fill quality Intermetallic formation Two samples each for mechanical testing Joint Preparation and Electrode Orientation for the ESD Welds made in this Study ESD Weld Current Waveform Taken from a Representative Deposit

12 Wrought Base Metal Microstructures
Microstructure of the Hastelloy X Base Metal Typical of the Material used in this Study Microstructure of the Mo-47%Re Base Metal Typical of the Material used in this Study

13 MarM 247 Base Metal Microstructures
Fine-Grained MarM 247 Base Metal Coarse-Grained MarM 247 Base Metal

14 Electro-Spark Deposition Welding – Mo-47%Re to Hastelloy X
Final Geometry of a ESD Joint Cross Section of a Mo-47%Re to Hastelloy X ESD Weld Procedure included Fill of initial groove Formation of back groove Filling back groove Sideplates used to improve joint geometry Fill nominally >99% dense Splat size nominally 10-μm thick Fill showed good adhesion to both components Processing time: 8 hr/specimen Microstructural Details of the Hastelloy X Deposit

15 Electro-Spark Deposition Welding – Mo-47%Re to Hastelloy X
Hastelloy X/deposit interface Good adhesion of deposited material No degradation of base material noted Splat size in deposit on the order of the BM grain size Mo-47%Re/deposit interface Good deposit adhesion noted Little or no dillution with base metal No evidence of second phases Details of the Hastelloy X/Deposit Interface Details of the Mo-47%Re/Deposit Interface

16 Electro-Spark Deposition Welding – Mo-47%Re to MarM 247
Joint macrostructure Fill characteristics similar to that for other ESD welds Apparent adherence to both the Mo-47%Re and MarM 247 materials Two-side deposition evident MarM 247/deposit interface Good adhesion of deposited material Apparent reaction zone between the base metal and deposited splats Interface morphology similar to that seen for magnetic pulse welds Reaction zone on the order of microns thick Cross Section of a Mo-47%Re to MarM 247 ESD Weld Details of the MarM/Deposit Interface

17 Electro-Spark Deposition Welding – T-111 to Hastelloy X
Joint macrostructure Fill characteristics similar to that for other ESD welds Apparent adherence to both the T-111and Hastelloy X materials Two-side deposition again evident T-111/deposit interface Good adhesion of deposited material No apparent reaction zone No apparent thermal degradation of the base material Cross Section of a T-111 to Hastelloy X 247 ESD Weld Details of the T-111/Deposit Interface

18 Electro-Spark Deposition Welding – T-111 to MarM 247
Joint macrostructure Fill characteristics similar to that for other ESD welds Apparent adherence to both the T-111and MarM 247 materials Two-side deposition again evident Cross Section of a T-111 to MarM 247 ESD Weld

19 Tensile Properties of ESD Welded Ni-Base Superalloy/ Refractory Metal Combinations
Base Metal Properties of the Various Substrates Taken from Standard Reference Texts Duplicate tensile tests conducted for each material combination Tensile yield strengths at or above that of the Hastelloy X filler Elongations dependent on: Strengths of the substrates relative to the filler Ductility of the individual substrates Material YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) MarM 247 828 966 Mo-47%Re 848 1034 T-111 613 679 Hastelloy X 379 767 Duplicate Tensile Test Results from Each Material Combination ESD Welded with a Hastelloy X Filler Refractory Metal Superalloy Yield stress (MPa) UTS (MPa) % strain Mo-47Re MarM247 813 817 0.6 784 807 0.4 Hastelloy-X 430 586 3.5 466 698 5.5 T-111 611 682 4.7 607 683 8.5 465 618 4.3 460 645 6.4

20 Estimation of Cooling Rates During Electro-Spark Deposition – Stage 1: Heat of Fusion Driven
Two stage analysis Heat of fusion conduction Latent heat conduction One dimensional non-steady-state solution (1) Conduction driven boundary condition (2) Heat generation through solidification (2) Defined thermal gradient at solidification boundary (3) Integration to define solidification time (4) Defined transition time between solidification and latent heat driven cooling rates (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

21 Estimation of Cooling Rates During Electro-Spark Deposition – Stage 2: Latent Heat Affects
(6) (7) Transition to latent heat driven conduction Definition of thermal gradient from solidification analysis (6) Substitution to define final expression (7) Predictions of cooling rates at solidification terminus Cooling rates from 107 to 109-oC/s Cooling rates affected by conductivity of the substrate

22 Metallurgical Implications of ESD welding Dissimilar Material Joints
Effects of high cooling rates on solidification Equally high solidification rates Dendritic solidification without segregation Solidification morphology surface tension rather than compositionally driven Elimination of drivers for solidification cracking Potential for a wide range of solid-solution phases Effects on solid-state phase transformations High cooling rates suppress second phases Allows super-saturated phases to exist at room temperature Potential for complex phase distributions with post-weld heating Parallels in other pulse weld technologies Magnetic pulse welding Percussion welding Hastelloy X Deposit on a Mo-47%Re Substrate

23 Summary Characteristics of electro-spark deposition processing
Repetitive capacitive discharge process Deposition volumes on the order of 100 μm2 Adaptable to difficult materials combinations Electro-spark deposition welding Ni-based superalloys to refractory metals Adaptable to all material combinations Fill densities >98% No evidence of detrimental phase formation Processing times ~8 hr/sample Mechanical properties defined by those of the base materials Thermal analysis of the ESD process One dimensional analysis Based on solidification of a single splat Cooling rates at termination of solidification on the order of 107 to 109-oC/s Influence of high cooling rates Solidification without apparent segregation Suppression of solid-state phase transformation products Presence of uniform non-equilibrium super saturated phases Considerable potential for dissimilar material combinations

24 Questions? Jerry E. Gould
Technology Leader, Resistance and Solid-State Welding Phone:


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