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Presented on 29, May 2006 CHAPTER 14 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW Listening.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented on 29, May 2006 CHAPTER 14 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW Listening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented on 29, May 2006 CHAPTER 14 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW Listening

2 Listening Practice 1.Partnership Partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit. Each partner is viewed as others ’ agent. Every partner may take part in the management in partnership ’ s business. 2.Company law A company director owns fiduciary duty( 诚 信责任 ) to the company A company is regarded by the law as a person, an artificial person An enterprise as an legal person shall conduct operations within the arrangement approved and registered.

3 Overview of IPR Intellectual property right A legal entitlement --- to the expressed form of an idea or information Enables its holder to exercise exclusive rights May be protected at law

4 Overview of IPR Copyright –literary and artistic works –To control reproduction or adaptation of such works for a certain period of time.(normally less than 50 years) Patent –a new and useful invention,design, utility –an exclusive right to commercially exploit the invention for a certain period of time (typically less than 20 years). Trademark –a distinctive sign –Used to distinguish the product or service of one business from those of another business Trade secret –an item of confidential information concerning the commercial practices of a business.

5 Words and Expressions 1.Intangible personal property 无形人 身财产 2.Patent 专利 3.Subject matter 对象 4.Monopoly right 专有权 5.Copyright 版权、著作权 6.Exclusive right 排他性权利 7.Original literary 原创性文学 8.Dramatic works 戏剧 9.Artistic works 艺术 10.Musical works 音乐作品

6 Words and Expressions 11.Sound recording 有声唱片 12.Database right 数据权 13.Performers ’ right 表演者权利 14.Trade mark 商标权 15.Confidential information 保密信息 16.Trade secret 商业秘密:技术资讯、 顾客名单、销售资料、行销计划、投 标价格、成本报告 17.Compulsory licences 强制许可证 18.Patentee 专利所有人 19.House of lords 英国上议院


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