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A Draft National Policy for Farmers Director, Fisheries, Haryana

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1 A Draft National Policy for Farmers Director, Fisheries, Haryana
Suggestions By :- Dr. S.C. Agarwal Director, Fisheries, Haryana On 6th July 2006

2 Functions & Objectives of Department
To conserve fisheries in natural water bodies. To produce the quality fish seed. To utilize village ponds for aquaculture. To provide technical and financial assistance for fish farming. To provide employment opportunities to the unemployed persons. To train human resource for fisheries development. ***

3 BACKGROUND Haryana is land locked State bounded by two hills and two rivers. 58 hect. Water area with stocking 1.5 lakh fish seed and total production 600 tonne in 1966. 10532 hect. Water area with fish seed stocking lakhs and tonne fish in 9466 farmers and persons engaged in fisheries. Haryana ranks 2nd in the country per hect. Fish production. Total water area is hect. i.e. 2% of the total land area. ***

4 Water Resources (in hect.)
River, canal and drains Lakes and Reservoirs Marshy area Saline effected water area Waterlogged area Village ponds Total ***

5 INFRASTRUCTURE 14 Functional Govt. Fish Seed Farms.
14 Fish Seed Hatcheries in Private Sector. Three Fish Markets. State Level Aquaculture Research and Training Institute. 18 Fish Farmers Development Agencies at District level. Statistical Cell at Directorate Level. HRD and Extension Cell at Directorate Level. Legal Cell at Directorate Level. Engineering wing at Directorate level. ***

6 Facts About Fisheries Contribution of fisheries to total GDP of the Country 1.04% Contribution of fisheries in Agriculture GDP 5.34% Total fish production in the country million tonne Fisher population million India’s rank total fish production in World 3rd India’s rank in Inland Fish Production in World 2nd Total fish production in Haryana tonne Fish Productivity 4576 Kg./hect. In Haryana 2nd rank in country

7 Facts About Fisheries Contribution of fisheries in GSDP in Haryana 0.3% Contribution of fisheries in agriculture sector GDP in Haryana 5.0% Plan Budget compared to total State budget in Haryana 0.18% Plan budget compared to agriculture sector in Haryana 3.7% Area under aquaculture as compared to available water area 16% Potential for fish production in Haryana (lakh/tonne) 3.25 Present production as compared to potential % fish production in Haryana ***

8 Definition Aquaculture : Rearing and culture of fish or any aquatic animal or plants in confined or open water for economical use. Fish Farmers : Person doing fish farming either in his own pond or leased pond. Fish Seed Producers : Person who produces fish seed by induced breeding of fish. Fisherman : Person who harvest the fish. Fish Market Intermediary : Person involving in sale of fish and fisheries trade comprising wholesales, retailers and hawkers. ***

9 Aquaculture vis-a-vis Agriculture
Both activities required land for farming. Water is the main component for both the activities. Culture practices in both the activities are same i.e. ploughing of the land, sowing of the seed, fertilization, de weeding harvesting, transportation and marketing. Cattle rearing and horticulture are the supplementary activities linked with both the activities. Beneficiaries in both the activities are common. Market procedure is almost same in both the activities. Agriculture as well as Aquaculture development is state subject. ***

10 Benefits for aquaculture are not equal to agriculture
Water Charges Electricity Charges Stamp Duty Crop Insurance Credit to Farmers Minimum Support Price Income Tax Relief for Natural Calamities ***

11 Suggestions Aquaculture at par with Agriculture Leasing Policy
Use of fish pond for Minor Irrigation Utilization of Saline/alkaline and water logged areas for fish farming. Protection of natural water bodies Fish culture in running water

12 Suggestions Diversification of traditional carp culture
Non food fish production Mechanized aquaculture practices Organic aquaculture Fish Marketing Participation of Women in Fisheries ***

13 Thanks

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