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NNMREC Estimating the Acoustic Impact of a Tidal Energy Project Chris Bassett, Jim Thomson, and Brian Polagye University of Washington Mechanical Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "NNMREC Estimating the Acoustic Impact of a Tidal Energy Project Chris Bassett, Jim Thomson, and Brian Polagye University of Washington Mechanical Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 NNMREC Estimating the Acoustic Impact of a Tidal Energy Project Chris Bassett, Jim Thomson, and Brian Polagye University of Washington Mechanical Engineering 161 st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Seattle, WA May 24, 2011

2 NNMREC Tidal Energy Basics  Power  Technology requires strong currents (> 1 m/s)  Power density ~ V 3  Siting  Estuaries with large tidal ranges  Relatively shallow (< 80 m) for operational reasons  Ideally near load center  Devices – early development  Cross-flow and horizontal-axis  Pile and gravity foundations  Generators & gear boxes MCT Strangford, UK 14x2 m, 1200 kW Clean Current Race Rocks, BC 3.5 m, ~65 kW Verdant Power New York, East River 5 m, 33 kW

3 NNMREC Tidal Energy Technology  OpenHydro 6m turbine:  Direct-drive permanent magnet generator  Gravity foundation  No yaw mechanism  Cut-in speed ~ 0.7 m/s OpenHydro 10 m Bay of Fundy Turbine (Source: OpenHydro)

4 NNMREC Site Information Tripod Deployments  Proposed pilot project Admiralty Inlet, Washington  Primary inlet to Puget Sound  Depth ~ 60 m  Urban waterway

5 NNMREC Stationary Hydrophone Measurements  Autonomous hydrophone (16 GB capacity)  80 kHz sampling  1% duty cycle for 3 months  Records 7 sec. every 10 min.

6 NNMREC Ambient Noise  Mean SPL (0.02 – 30 kHz)  119 dB re 1μPa  Significant variability associated with anthropogenic noise (Example spectra)(All data) Bedload Transport Ship Average Conditions Quiet

7 NNMREC Pseudosound  Pseudosound due to turbulent pressure fluctuations  Recorded above 20 Hz above 0.3 m/s  Masks low frequency ambient noise  Removed from ambient noise analysis  Ongoing work with flow shields

8 NNMREC Estimated Source Level  Broadband SL (0.02 – 3 kHz):  Operating at peak power output (14 rpm)  154 dB per turbine  Measurements by the Scottish Association of Marine Sciences (SAMS) (Source: OpenHydro)

9 NNMREC Implication for Received Levels Broadband Levels  SONAR Equation: RL = SL – 15log(r) – α r 0  Broadband SL:  Operating at peak power output (14 rpm)  2 turbines  Incoherent sources

10 NNMREC Implication for Received Levels Broadband Received Levels  Artificial time series with ambient SPLs and RLs from turbines added in to 70% of recordings.  Assume limited spatial variability in ambient noise levels.  Calculated for multiple distances assumed to be equidistant from sources  Turbine impact is relatively small except locally

11 NNMREC Comparison to Other Sources  Puget Sound  urban waterway with many anthropogenic sources

12 NNMREC Conclusion  Insufficient source data are currently available  Complex environments suitable for tidal energy are difficult to study  Noise impacts will likely be local  context is important

13 NNMREC Thank You This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy, Snohomish County PUD, the National Science Foundation.  Field Engineers Joe Talbert and Alex DeKlerk  Captain Andy Reay-Ellers

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