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Ritual and Rite of Passage. What is a ritual? Any regular activity done in a set pattern Autopilot that guides us through our daily activities, behaviors,

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Presentation on theme: "Ritual and Rite of Passage. What is a ritual? Any regular activity done in a set pattern Autopilot that guides us through our daily activities, behaviors,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ritual and Rite of Passage

2 What is a ritual? Any regular activity done in a set pattern Autopilot that guides us through our daily activities, behaviors, attitudes and relationships

3 What rituals can do Tell us how to relate to and give meaning to experience Aid or guide life’s transitions

4 The difference between habit and ritual A ritualized activity is habitual, but it serves a psychological purpose or need

5 Everyday rituals Greeting friends Handshakes Dress and behavior at a dance or a concert Types of address used with a superior

6 What are some rituals you have that … Help you get ready for school? Help you get ready for an athletic event, performance, etc.? How does the ritual help? What happens if your ritual is interrupted?

7 What is the meaning of experience? Experience is “polysemous” - it has many potential meanings - so it actually has no meaning until we give meaning to it We make experience mean what we want it to mean

8 However…for a culture to function Certain experiences must have common meanings Rituals help everyone understand, accept and follow standards, relationships or roles Think of examples …

9 Where common meanings apply Getting your driver’s license Graduating from high school Getting married

10 The Rite of Passage is … A ritual that gives significance to the experience of becoming an adult An essential step for the growth of individuals and communities

11 The Rite of Passage has three stages Separation Initiation/transformation Return

12 Traditional cultures and rituals Early people lived in harmony with the flow of life by using rituals … –To celebrate rebirth of the sun at the winter solstice, rebirth of life at the spring equinox –To install leaders –To prepare warriors –To send dead to next life

13 Modern culture and rituals of transition Where are the rituals to accompany these Rites of Passage? –Graduating from high school –Receiving driver’s license

14 Military service as a Rite of Passage Basic training = separation, producing a shift in consciousness Close-knit team ready to follow orders = initiation/transformation ????? = return?

15 The psychological power of ritual Harmonize our attitude toward a transitional situation Prepare us to do something difficult or significant Help us heal after a trauma or tragedy Connect us with the “divine”

16 Rituals can … Emphasize and validate change Help community acknowledge “initiate” as an adult

17 No more Rites of Passage? Do we have clear points of passage that separate the child from the adult?

18 What happens without them? The line between childhood and adulthood is blurred “Child adults” (non-initiates) act without regard for how behavior affects the community that supports them They may become dangerous to the common good They do not realize that what benefits the community benefits them They take support of society but do not give support in return

19 Metaphors/symbols of rebirth Cave (or other deep, dark place) Water

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