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By: Jasmine Stewart & Shweta Gyasi. Where do you need or use exponents in everyday life? Common people who are not using math in their work or anything.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jasmine Stewart & Shweta Gyasi. Where do you need or use exponents in everyday life? Common people who are not using math in their work or anything."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jasmine Stewart & Shweta Gyasi

2 Where do you need or use exponents in everyday life? Common people who are not using math in their work or anything wouldn't typically use exponents as such in normal life, since it doesn't occur that often that you'd need to calculate 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 or 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 or other such calculations. Exponents are more or less just a shorthand notation for multiplying the same number by itself several times - and in normal life you just don't need such often. One example of how exponents do kind of connect with our everyday lives: when we speak about square feet, square meters, square inches, square miles, square kilometers or any other area units, or when we speak about cubic feet, cubic meters, cubic centimeters or any other such volume units. The unit "square foot" is actually 1 foot x 1 foot, or (1 foot) squared, or (1 foot) to the power of 2. Similarly, a cubic foot is 1 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot, or (1 foot) cubed, or (1 foot) to the power of 3. If you talk about SQUARE shaped areas, for example if you say "My room is twelve by twelve square", you're meaning your room is 12 feet x 12 feet, or 122 square feet. Another kind of indirect example is if you talk about extremely tiny or extremely big quantities. For example, the term 'nanometer' means 10-9 meter. The prefix 'nano' means the number 10-9 - an extremely small number. Or, within computer world you often see megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes. "Mega" means 106 or one million, "giga" means 109, and "tera" means 1012. Or megahertz - million hertz.

3 In that particular article, it explained the basic way that we speak of exponents. Like when we talk about square inches, square feet, square miles and what not, or even cubic inches and along with other volumes, we are talking about exponents Another way that they mention how we speak about it, is when we talk about how huge something is, or how small that quantity may be. When we say how small it is, we say “nano”, like when saying nanometers. (10^-9 is really small). When it comes to computers, we “giga” as in gigabytes, or “tera” as in terabytes when it comes to size.

4 10 Big Reasons Why Division is Important in your LifeMath. The very thought of the word would make me cringe up inside. Some parts I could do well, some, well, not so good. But today I realize the importance of math just by using it so often in my life. Division is a procedure that breaks down a problem into easier steps. Simple isn't it. You would wonder why division is important at all. There are a few reasons why and actually many places where we use division in our lives. A Band or Rock group Division is something that you use daily. If you are in a Rock group of any kind or a band for instance. You might be the lead singer, the guitarist or even the drummer. Each one of you has their own place, and when you play a song, that song is divided into different parts where each one gets a piece to do. In other words you divide up the music or song. Art Projects Have you ever made a collage as a group, or painted a wall for a community project. Whenever you do something like that you are given a certain piece to do. This is division. When divided the workload becomes easy and light and when working together side by side, you are learning valuable people skills. Choreography As a choreographer you need to be able to divide the piece you want to perform, into smaller pieces so that everyone will be able to do and give their best, whether you dance or choreograph an orchestra. In the end of the day they need to flow together in harmony and you will use division to accomplish that.

5 This one is about ten big ways that division is used in everyday life. Radicals are a part of math, and play a big role when it comes done to it. Some of the ways it used, is in creating art, doing choreography, and even when your doing a project. Whether it’s deciding who does what in the project, or exactly how each move is going to be done in a dance, division is used, and one of the ways radicals are, is when doing simplified division. ( 1 3 5 8 )

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