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New board policy adopted in June 2010 Changes to SFUSD graduation requirements All graduates under new requirements are required to complete the a-g course.

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Presentation on theme: "New board policy adopted in June 2010 Changes to SFUSD graduation requirements All graduates under new requirements are required to complete the a-g course."— Presentation transcript:

1 New board policy adopted in June 2010 Changes to SFUSD graduation requirements All graduates under new requirements are required to complete the a-g course sequence Math requirement increased to 30 credits/3 years World Language increased to 20 credits/ 2 years

2 Administrative Regulations Counseling Manual Professional Development Supporting counselors to earn a College Counseling Certificate GEAR UP Financial Aid for All College/Career Centers College and Career Course Plan Ahead Curriculum AVID Office of Extended Learning & Support


4 » District Goals Plan Ahead Access and Equity – make social justice a reality by ensuring every student has access to high quality teaching and learning. Provides highly engaging relevant curriculum to all 9 th graders to systematize a pathway to success in high school and beyond. Student Achievement – create learning environments in all SFUSD schools that foster highly engaged and joyful learners and that support every student reaching his or her potential Plan Ahead provides a platform to give students the knowledge and the skills to increase success in high school and beyond. Accountability – keep district promises to students and families and enlist everyone in the community to join in doing so. Plan Ahead serves as a cornerstone in San Francisco to create an aligned system to prepare students for college and career readiness at all levels.

5 PLAN AHEAD SCORECARD Note: This data dashboard was last updated January 2014 with data from students enrolled in fall 2013 classes. Board Presentation February 2014 YOUTH STRATEGIES YOUTH OUTCOMES College/Career Skills & Knowledge Percentage of youth reporting improvement in their understanding the required skills, knowledge needed to succeed in college or a career. Classes Needed to Graduate Percentage of youth reporting improvement in their knowledge of the classes needed to graduate high school and get into college (A-G Requirements) Confidence to Achieve Goals Percentage of youth reporting improved confidence to achieve personal and career goals. Plan Development Percentage of youth reporting that they developed a college & career plan with a high school and career action plan Teacher Impact Percentage of youth reporting having a Plan Ahead teacher who helped them understand what they need to do to prepare for the college/career they are interested in Youth Served 12, 249 youth have participated in the program

6 Tier 3: Intensive Services 1:1- AA, Latino, Under- represented Groups Tier 2: Small Groups- HBCU, LaRaza Day, SpEd, Test Prep (Utilizing Data Tool) Tier 1: All Students- Workshops, family events, college/career day Tiered Model of School Supports & the Problem-Solving Process from RTI in Restrictive Settings by Cook & Browning Wright 2009 Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized Interventions & Supports The most intense (increased time, narrowed focus, reduced group size) instruction and intervention based on individual student need provided in addition to and aligned with Tier 1 & 2 academic and behavior instruction and supports. Tier 2: Targeted, Supplemental Interventions & Supports More targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental support in addition to and aligned with the core academic and behavior curriculum. Tier 1: Core, Universal Instruction & Supports General academic and behavior instruction and support provided to all students in all settings.


8 » Bill Sanderson ˃Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction, SFUSD ˃ ˃415-379-7753 » Karen Fraleigh Norman ˃Supervisor of Counseling and Post-Secondary Success, SFUSD ˃ ˃415-750-4500 ext. 1029 » Jenny Rong ˃Program Administrator GEAR UP, SFUSD ˃ ˃415-750-4500 ext. 1043

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