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Standardized Performance (%) Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market Fund Administration Shares—Data as of 7.31.04 Portfolio Composition (%) Fund FactsCurrent.

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Presentation on theme: "Standardized Performance (%) Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market Fund Administration Shares—Data as of 7.31.04 Portfolio Composition (%) Fund FactsCurrent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standardized Performance (%) Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market Fund Administration Shares—Data as of 7.31.04 Portfolio Composition (%) Fund FactsCurrent Yields (%) Standard & Poor’s AAAm rating: “Safety is excellent. Superior capacity to maintain principal value and limit exposure to loss.” Moody’s Aaa rating: “Money market funds and bond funds rated Aaa are judged to be of an investment quality similar to Aaa-rated fixed income obligations, that is, they are judged to be of the best quality.” Ratings are subject to change and do not imply the elimination of risk. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) lists rated money market funds as eligible investments for insurance companies. Exempt funds do not require a capital reserve; Class 1 funds require insurance companies to set aside a risk- based capital charge when purchasing Class 1 funds. AAAm, Aaa rated by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Group and Moody’s Investors Service, Inc., respectively. NAIC Class I Approved Objective: Maximum current income consistent with preserving capital and maintaining daily liquidity Primary Investments: U.S. and foreign short-term debt obligations Key Benefits: Access to a diversified portfolio that invests in high quality U.S. and foreign money market instruments An efficient alternative to direct securities that delivers same-day access to balances Goldman Sachs’ 20 years of experience as a leading provider of institutional money market fund

2 Goldman Sachs Financial Square Money Market Fund Administration Shares—Data as of 7.31.04 * Simple average yield is used to show performance under a year. The monthly yield represents a simple average of the one-day yield for all of the days within the month shown, net of management fees and fund expenses. These figures may contain capital gains and losses and therefore do not conform to the same formula as the standardized 7-day yield calculations. The standardized 7-day current yield is calculated according to securities industry regulations and may differ slightly from the actual distribution rate of a given portfolio because of the exclusion of capital gains. The standardized 7-day effective yield assumes reinvestment of dividends for one year. The Quarter-End Total Returns are average annual total returns or cumulative total returns (only if the performance period is one year or less) as of the most recent calendar quarter-end. They assume reinvestment of all distributions at net asset value. Institutional Shares, Select Shares, Preferred Shares, Capital Shares, and Service Shares of the Financial Square Funds are also available to certain qualified investors. They are subject to different fees and expenses. Call 1-800-621-2550 for more information. Goldman, Sachs & Co. is the distributor of the Goldman Sachs Money Market Funds. This Fund update must be preceded or accompanied by a current prospectus for the Fund. Financial Square Funds SM is a service mark of Goldman, Sachs & Co. Historic Performance as of 7.31.04 (%) Performance Notes Copyright 2004 Goldman, Sachs & Co. All Rights Reserved. 03-856. Date of First Use: 8.12.04 Financial Square Funds SM An investment in the Fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund. Yields and returns will fluctuate as market conditions change. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The yield quotations more closely reflect the current earnings of the Fund than the total return quotation.

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