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1 68th IETF, Prague, March 2007 Graceful Shutdown in MPLS Traffic Engineering Networks draft-ietf-ccamp-mpls-graceful-shutdown-02.txt Zafar Ali

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1 1 68th IETF, Prague, March 2007 Graceful Shutdown in MPLS Traffic Engineering Networks draft-ietf-ccamp-mpls-graceful-shutdown-02.txt Zafar Ali ( Jean Philippe Vasseur ( Anca Zamfir (

2 222 68th IETF, Prague, March 2007 Agenda How review comments received are addressed? Next Steps

3 333 68th IETF, Prague, March 2007 Graceful Shutdown and FRR/ Segment Recovery Graceful shutdown may be exercised using make- before-break or FRR/ segment recovery procedure. When PLR/ branch node receive a Path Error with Graceful Shutdown indication,  It MUST forward the Path Error to the Ingress node.  Based on a local decision, PLR/ Branch Node MAY trigger FRR/ segment recovery.

4 444 68th IETF, Prague, March 2007 Graceful Shutdown and Stitched LSP-es Component LSP segments are signaled as distinct TE LSPs in the control plane. In this example, the ABRs are responsible for "cross-connecting" the LSP segments. Ingress LSR of each LSP segment (S-LSP) performs make- before-break or triggers FRR/ segment protection to move traffic from segment affected by GS of a node/ link, to a new segment avoiding node/ link under GS.  In this example, the ABR-1 will be performing make-before-break or FRR/ segment protection operation when GS-1 event is triggered. Definition of the node that can perform GS procedure has been extended to include Ingress LSR of an S-LSP. Area 1 ABR-1 ABR-2 Area 2 Area 0 GS-1 LSP Segment 1 LSP Segment 2 LSP Segment 3

5 555 68th IETF, Prague, March 2007 Graceful Shutdown and Bundled Links Local repair by using a different component link within the bundled TE link.  Based on a local decision, PLR/ branch node MAY trigger FRR/ segment recovery to recover from failure of a component link.

6 666 68th IETF, Prague, March 2007 Overloading error code from RFC 4736 This ID inherits the Ingress behavior from RFC 4736, which says-  “Upon receiving an RSVP PERR message with Error code 25 and Error sub- code 7 (Local link maintenance required) or 8 (Local node maintenance required), the Head-end LSR SHOULD perform a TE LSP reoptimization”. This drafts relies on TE LSP reoptimization at Ingress but also extends the handling of this error code/ sub-code at PLR/ branch node (which includes the case where ingress node is PLR/ branch node).

7 777 68th IETF, Prague, March 2007 Next Steps Need to address a nit, which as received after the revision. Addressed all major outstanding comments. The ID has been quite stable since version 1 and authors would like to call for a last call (on a quick re-spin that will address the above-mentioned nit and any further comments).

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