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AGES: Activating and guiding the engagement of seniors Assessment Training.

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Presentation on theme: "AGES: Activating and guiding the engagement of seniors Assessment Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGES: Activating and guiding the engagement of seniors Assessment Training

2 Project Background  The number and quality of social relationships has important consequences for individual health and well-being.  People with broader social networks, and who are active across multiple social groups:  adjust to change better (Iyer et al., 2009)  are more resilient (Jones & Jetten, 2011; Cohen et al. 1997) al., 1997  live longer (Holt-Lunstad, et al., 2010)  Supporting individuals to create and maintain social connections is an important focus for public health (Cacioppo & Hawkley, 2003)

3 Project Background  Aging can coincide with:  Reduced physical mobility  Difficulties of communication  Increased social isolation  Both actual social isolation and felt social isolation (i.e., loneliness) have been linked to reduced physical, cognitive and mental health.  Social media has the potential to overcome physical constraints, improve communication and social connections and through this support health and well-being in older age.

4 Project Background  Early studies (McConatha et al., 1994, 1995) show positive effects of training older adults in care to use online computing facilities:  Improved daily living skills  Improved cognitive function  Reduced depression  More recent work (Slegers et al, 2008; White et al., 2002) suggests few psychosocial benefits of computer and internet training for older adults in the community.

5 Project Aims  To investigate further the effects of social media training on older adults:  Feelings of social inclusion  Cognitive function  Mental health and well-being  To compare the effects of social media training across older adults in care and those residing in the community.

6 User Pathway Social Media Training Social Inclusion Cognitive Health Mental Health Use

7 Experimental Design 120 60 R 60 D 30 E 1.Recruitment 2.Baseline assessment 3.Training 4.Follow-up assessment 30 C 30 E 30 C 30 E 30 C 30 E 30 C

8 Assessment Process  Two interviews: Before the intervention and 3 months later, each between 1-2 hours.  Measures :  Demographic Questionnaire (e.g., date of birth, gender)  Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination Revised (ACE-R, Misoshi et al., 2006)  General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12; Hankins, 2008)  Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D, Rankin, 1977; short version)  Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI-short form; Byrne & Pachana, 2011)  UCLA Loneliness Scale (short form based on Hays & DiMatteo, 1987)  Basic Needs Satisfaction Scale (autonomy and competence dimensions; Gagne, 2003)  Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985)  Social network diversity index (Cohen et al., 1997) and satisfaction with these connections (adapted for the present study)  Social group membership listing (Haslam et al., 2008)  Personal identity strength (Haslam et al., 2008)  Computer comfort and use scale (adapted from Jay & Willis, 1992; with additional items developed for this study)

9 Assessment Context  Promoting an ideal assessment:  Client-Examiner relationship:  Focus on developing rapport and co-operation. Good humour that is well placed will help to cement these.  Be prepared and know what the assessment involves  Be sensitive to user’s needs (for breaks, drinks, concerns about performance, etc).  The aim is to obtain the best possible performance from people which can only be gained through a good working relationship.  To keep anxiety at a minimum it is best to avoid reference to assessment. Simply refer to an interview.

10 Assessment Context  Promoting an ideal assessment:  Assessment Environment:  You need a quiet, comfortable space free from distraction.  Use a table and comfortable chairs — avoid lounge.  Ensure the room is well lit and aired for comfort.  Make sure you have water available to drink as you both need.

11 Assessment Context  Promoting an ideal assessment:  Client Readiness (or fitness to be assessed):  Arrange assessments in advance; avoid early morning and late afternoon.  Contact person the day before to remind them of your meeting.  Ensure the person is well enough to take part in your interview.  Provide breaks as needed, and do so at the end of a task or questionnaire.

12 Interview Protocol: Stages  Consent and background information  ACE-R  Mood, anxiety and life quality  Social relationships  Computer confidence and use Let’s practice!

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