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Bridge for Beginners Lesson 2 More about MiniBridge.

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1 Bridge for Beginners Lesson 2 More about MiniBridge

2 Homework from Week 1  How Many HCP in each hand? N W E S  Q73 65  JT6  QJ976  J98 QJT8  9752  T8  T542 AK4  K83  A53  AK6 9732  AQ4  K42 16 4 14 6 Hand 1 Dealer W  Who announces the HCP count first?  West  Which is the Declaring side?  N/S  Who is Declarer? NNNN  Who is Dummy? SSSS  Who is First Lead? EEEE Which suit would you lead? How many tricks is Declarer sure to make? 9 Should Declarer bid game? Yes Are there chances of extra tricks? 1 in ‘s and in  ‘s if 3/3 split

3 MiniBridge  We played in ‘No trumps’ last week  All suits were of the same value  But if the defence have a long suit they can easily defeat your contract before you can get started  So declarer can opt to play in a suit contract instead  The suit selected is called ‘TRUMPS’  And any trump card is of more value than any card in another suit

4 Trump Suits  NS have 28HCP  Game in NT fails  So declare game in  So declare game in    Defence make only 1  trick   Then  ’s are trumped   (called a ruff) N W E S  J5 8765  AQ976  J3  T98 J432  JT84  Q5  Q6 QT9  K52  T9842  AK7432 AK  3  AK76 21 4 7 8

5 Scoring in Trump Contracts  NT is the hardest contract  So you get more points for making it  Suits are divided into major and minor  and are majors   and are majors  and are minors   and  are minors  Each trick for a major is worth 30 points  Each trick for a minor is worth 20 points

6 Scoring Tricks 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 40303030303030 40 70 100 130 160 190 220 30303030303030 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 20202020202020 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 NTMajorMinor 100 points is a game score

7 Bidding Game  In NT you need 25 HCP  In a major 25 HCP  In a minor 27 HCP  But look at shape (and ‘fit’) in a suit contract  With a long suit and a short suit  You may get away with fewer HCP

8 Trump Suits  8 card fit  8 card  fit  9 card fit  9 card  fit  So declare game in  So declare game in   Because?  10 tricks for major and  11 for minor N W E S  J5 8765  AQ976  J3  T98 J432  JT84  Q5  Q6 QT9  K52  T9842  AK7432 AK  3  AK76

9 Priorities for Bidding Game  Bid NT if balanced  Bid game in major unbalanced  Bid game in minor as last resort  9 tricks in NT may well be an easier option  Provided you have not got a very bad suit in the 2 hands

10 General Play  Declarer has the Advantage  Can see both the hands  So what can defenders do?  Communicate  By signalling with cards played

11 Communication  Partner leads  You hold  Which card should you play?  A high card is an encouraging signal AA 88 77 44 KK 88

12 Communication  Partner leads  You hold  Which card should you play?  A low card is a discouraging signal 99 77 66 44 KK 44

13 Signalling  Known as HELD  High Encouraging; Low Discouraging  Use the highest card you can afford as a signal  Not something useful!  Important on opening leads  Also useful when a new suit is led

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