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Final Exam Review Notes

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1 Final Exam Review Notes
Drafting 1 Final Exam Review Notes

2 The thin lines placed between extension lines to indicate a linear distance are ____ lines.
Cutting Plane Dimension Object Section

3 The centers of round objects are indicated using ____.
Centerlines Hidden Lines Object Lines Section Lines

4 General classifications of materials are identified using ____.
Centerlines Hidden Lines Object Lines Section Lines

5 Section lines are typically drawn inclined at ____.
30 degrees 45 degrees 60 degrees 75 degrees

6 Cutting-plane lines are drawn to the same weight as ____.
Centerlines Hidden Lines Object Lines Section Lines

7 Which of the following tools should not be used to sketch lines?
Drawing Pencil Eraser Graph Paper Scale

8 A(n) ____ is sketched by first constructing a rectangle with dimensions equal to the major and minor axes of the object. Circle Ellipse Hexagon Octagon

9 A(n) ____ is sketched by first constructing centerline axes and inclined lines at 30° and 60°.
Circle Ellipse Hexagon Octagon

10 A ____ is used to draw circles.
Compass Protractor Scale Triangle

11 Which of the following tools is used to transfer distances?
Dividers French Curve Protractor Template

12 A ____ can be used as a pencil pointer.
Compass Drafting Machine Sandpaper Pad Template

13 A ____ is used to remove eraser dust from a drawing.
Drafting Machine Dusting Brush Lead Holder Scale

14 A(n) ____ is used to mask items you wish to keep when erasing errors from a drawing.
Dusting Brush Erasing Shield Irregular Curve Protractor

15 A drawing sheet should be fastened to a drawing board using ____.
Drafting Tape Glue Staples Tacks

16 A ____ is used to draw inclined lines that cannot be drawn with triangles.
Compass Protractor Scale T-Square

17 Which of the following is not a form of drafting media?
Drafting Film Drafting Tape Tracing Paper Vellum

18 The dimensions of a B-size sheet are ____.
8.5 x 11 11 x 17 17 x 22 22 x34

19 A(n) ____ scale typically contains scales labeled 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60.
Architect’s Engineer’s Mechanical Drafter’s Metric

20 Which of the following is not a computer input device?
Digitizing Tablet Keyboard Mouse Plotter

21 The best way to attach drafting media to a drawing board is to use ____.
Staples Thumbtacks Rubber Cement Drafting Tape

22 The whole number divisions on an architect’s scale represent ____.
Inches Feet Millimeters Meters

23 ____ are drawn approximately twice as thick as hidden lines.
Centerlines Extension Lines Object Lines Section Lines

24 ____ have alternating long and short dashes drawn through the perimeter of a circular object.
Centerlines Extension Lines Object Lines Section Lines

25 On an architect’s scale, each division on the 16 scale is equal to ____.
½” ¼” 1/8” 1/16”

26 The lines making up the sides of a hexagon form ____ angles.
30 degrees 60 degrees 90 degrees 120 degrees

27 A(n) ____ is a closed curve in the form of a symmetrical oval with four quadrants.
Ellipse Octagon Rhomboid Trapezoid

28 A line that forms a 90° angle with another line is ____.
Concentric Parallel Perpendicular Tangent

29 A regular ____ has five equal sides.
Hexagon Octagon Pentagon Rhomboid

30 A(n) ____ triangle has no equal sides or angles.
Equilateral Isosceles Right Scalene

31 Which of the following is not true with respect to lettering?
Single-stroke Gothic characters are the recommended standard. Vertical and inclined lettering should not be used on the same drawing. All letters should be drawn to a different line weight than the object line weight. Lettering should be made with a drafting grade pencil.

32 The horizontal spacing between words and sentences should be ____.
Half the letter height. Equal to the letter height. Twice the letter height. Three times the letter height.

33 A lettering height of ____ is most commonly used on drawings.
1/8” ¼” ½” ¾”

34 A(n) ____ is operated by guiding a stylus through cuts in a template to place lettering.
Ames lettering guide Braddock lettering triangle Burnishing tool Leroy lettering instrument

35 Letters on drawings should be drawn to the ____ line weight.
Border Hidden Object Section

36 In orthographic projection, the ____ principal plane represents the projection of the top view of the object. Frontal Horizontal Profile Vertical

37 ____ projection is the orthographic projection method most commonly used in the United States.
First-angle Second-angle Third-angle Fourth-angle

38 When locating views on a drawing, the top view should be placed ____ the front view.
Above Below To the left of To the right of

39 When projecting views, depth distances may be projected to side views with a ____ projection angle or a compass. 30 degree 45 degree 60 degree 75 degree

40 General-purpose section lines are typically spaced ____ apart.
1/8” ¼” ½” ¾”

41 A(n) ____ is developed by passing a “stepped” cutting plane through features that do not lie on the same Full section Offset section Removed section Revolved section

42 A(n) ____ is developed by cutting out a portion of a long, uniform object and sliding the ends together. Aligned section Conventional break Offset section Removed section

43 To show where an imaginary cut is made through an object to be sectioned, a(n) ____ line is used.
Cutting-plane Object Phantom Section

44 General-purpose section lines are usually drawn at ____ angles.
15 degrees 30 degrees 45 degrees 60 degrees

45 A(n) ____ section is used to describe objects with irregular features by rotating the features that do not intersect the cutting plane into the same plane. Aligned Broken-out Outline removed

46 A cabinet oblique drawing has a depth axis drawn at ____ scale.
One-quarter One-half Three-quarter Full

47 Which of the following statements is not true in relation to dimensioning pictorial drawings?
Dimension lines are drawn parallel to the direction of measurement. Dimensions on adjacent planes can use the same extension line. Dimension numerals and letters may be unidirectional or parallel to the pictorial planes. Dimensions should be given at a scaled size rather than full scale.

48 A(n) ____ drawing uses two 30° horizontal axes and a vertical axis to represent the basic dimensions of an object. Isometric Multiview Orthographic Section

49 The depth axis lines in a cavalier oblique drawing are drawn at ____ scale.

50 The depth axis lines in a cabinet oblique drawing are drawn at ____ scale.

51 In an oblique drawing, the ____ surface of the object is parallel to the projection plane.
Front Side Top Bottom

52 Which of the following is true of dimensions in pictorial drawings?
They are placed on top of (within) the view. They are placed in pictorial planes. They are duplicated across the views to help clarify the content. They are drawn for hidden features.

53 A two-point perspective drawing is also known as a(n) ____ perspective.
Angular Horizontal Parallel Vertical

54 Exploded assembly drawings are commonly drawn as ____ drawings.
Isometric Multiview Oblique Perspective

55 A is French Curve

56 B is 45 Degree Triangle

57 C is 30-60 Degree Triangle

58 D is T-Square

59 E is Drawing Board

60 F is Erasing Shield

61 G is Pencil

62 H is Proctractor

63 I is Dusting Brush

64 J is Pencil Pointer

65 K is Eraser

66 L is Compass

67 M is Drafting Tape

68 N is Scale

69 A is Section Lines

70 B is Phantom line

71 C is Dimension line

72 E is Object Line

73 F is Border Line

74 G is Cutting-Plane Line

75 H is Hidden Line

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