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© 2012 Fluor. All Rights Reserved. Strategies and Activities Utilized for D&D in the U.S. and Other Countries AtomEco Intrernational Conference, MoscowOctober.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2012 Fluor. All Rights Reserved. Strategies and Activities Utilized for D&D in the U.S. and Other Countries AtomEco Intrernational Conference, MoscowOctober."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2012 Fluor. All Rights Reserved. Strategies and Activities Utilized for D&D in the U.S. and Other Countries AtomEco Intrernational Conference, MoscowOctober 2012

2 Fluor Corporation Overview  Celebrating 100 years in 2012  Workforce of over 42,000 men and women executing projects globally Revenue by Business Segment Power Global Services Government Industrial & Infrastructure Energy & Chemicals  Fluor is one of the world’s leading publicly traded engineering, procurement, construction, maintenance, and project management companies  2011 Revenue: $23.4 billion  2011 New Awards: $26.9 billion  Current Backlog: $39.5 billion  International: 75%  #124 in the FORTUNE 500 in 2011  Over 1,000 projects annually, serving more than 600 clients in 66 different countries  Offices in 28 countries on 6 continents 1

3 2 Fluor’s Diversified Businesses  Chemicals  Downstream  Offshore Solutions  Upstream  ICA Fluor  Operations & Maintenance  Construction Equipment & Tools  Staffing  Nuclear Decommissioning  Logistics & Construction  Contingency Operations  Services  Clients:  DOD  DOE  DHS  DOL  NASA  UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority  Alternative Power  Commercial & Institutional  Healthcare  Life Sciences  Manufacturing  Mining & Metals  Telecom  Transportation  Water  Solid-Fueled  Gas-Fueled/IGCC  Renewable Energy  Commercial Nuclear  Environmental Compliance  Power Services Energy & Chemicals Industrial & Infrastructure Government Global Services Power

4 Fluor’s Safety Performance 3 Total Case Incident Rate (TRIR) based on more that 250 million hours worked

5 Nuclear Decommissioning  K Basin Spent Nuclear Fuel & Sludge Removal Project – U.S. DOE, Hanford 1996-2006  Portsmouth Decommissioning Project – U.S. DOE, Ohio 2011-Present Workers using video equipment at K-Basins, DOE Hanford, Washington  Fernald Environmental Remediation Project – U.S. DOE Ohio 1998-2007  Savannah River Nuclear Site (SRS) – U.S. DOE, South Carolina 2008-Present  International Remediation Projects – U.K. and Russia, 2004-2008 5 sample projects: 4

6 Hanford K-Basins – High Hazard Project 95 percent of the radioactivity in Hanford’s reactor area - Over 2.11 million kilograms of deteriorated and damaged fuel removed, washed, dried, containerized, and stored - Approximately 2.0 x 10 6 TBq Hanford Site - 1517 km 2 5

7 Hanford Project - K Reactor Fuel Basins Highly radioactive fuel and debris handling tool Highly corroded metal uranium fuels in a canister Disintegrated fuel in containers 105,000 fuel assemblies covered with miscellaneous contaminated debris 6

8 Hanford Project - K Basin – Challenges Met Six engineered containers of sludge (46 m3) in K-Basins while awaiting transfer & treatment 2007 2000 135.4 metric tons of debris, racks and canisters removed from K-Basin K-Basins as it appeared in 2000 7

9 Hanford Project Management - Sludge Transfer Booster Station and Hose Transferred approximately 38 m3 of highly radioactive sludge from engineered containers in K East to engineered containers in K West via approximately 0.8 km long hose-in-hose system with 4 booster pump stations 8

10 Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant D&D 9  Fluor is responsible for performing the decontamination and demolition (D&D) of three massive uranium enrichment process buildings – each covering more than 12-hectares  10-year, $2.1 billion contract awarded in 2011  1,600+ employees  1,500-hectare site  Fluor is providing economic development advisors to bring new industry to the depressed Portsmouth region D&D of 415 buildings at Portsmouth Gas Diffusion Plant formally used to enrich uranium hexafluoride (UF6)

11 Fernald Environmental Remediation Project  Reduced original clean-up schedule by 12 years and project cost by US $7.8 billion (original schedule was 27 years and $12.2 billion).  Dismantled over 300 buildings, including 250 radiologically-contaminated buildings and structures.  Excavated and shipped 1 million tons of waste from 6 waste pits.  Removed 31 million pounds of uranium product  Disposed of 2.0 million cubic meters of contaminated soil, including shipping 1.4 million cubic meters off site.  Remediated a 90-hectare uranium-contaminated groundwater plume. DOE Fernald site, Ohio United States Two silos and processing facilities Converted a 425-hectare U.S. DOE Fernald Uranium Processing Complex to a Nature Reserve 10

12 Sellafield – Resource Enhancement Contract  Contract with British Nuclear Group (BNG)  2-year contract focused on improving cleanup and decommissioning.  Scope approx. $400 million/year out of $1.2 billion Site budget.  Seconded 24 Senior Fluor employees into site management team  Head of B30 ponds  Head of low-level disposal facility  Head of project controls  Reduced Site Lifetime Plan costs by several hundred million dollars and accelerated baseline schedules Resource Enhancement contract to improve cleanup and decommissioning performance Sellafield Site 11

13 Sellafield - B30 Sludge Inventory 350 tons of degraded fuel 1,204m3 sludge inventory 1,234 containers in the pond 12

14 Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership, Russia  Project funded by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and managed by Russian Academy of Sciences, Nuclear Safety Institute.  Fluor specialists were fully integrated into project teams and worked hand in hand with Russian experts.  Introduced best practice processes used for strategic planning. Multi-purpose Submarine being dismantled Andreeva Bay, Murmansk Region Provided Russia with program management expertise and lessons learned from U.S. nuclear decommissioning projects 13

15 Fluor Confidential for Battelle & BWXT 14 Management Objectives for Decommissioning  Technical Scope — Ensuring defined technical objectives are achieved  Accelerating Schedule — Ensuring work is constantly brought forward  Reducing Costs — Ensuring non-project costs are driven down or eliminated  Risk Management — Ensuring project risks are identified and managed Four critical project management elements assure that project objectives are SAFELY met

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