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DOE/NNSA Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) Capabilities Overview

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1 DOE/NNSA Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) Capabilities Overview
Hans Oldewage Training and Outreach Coordinator RAP Region 4 (505)

2 DOE/NNSA Mission Ensure capabilities are in place to provide an appropriate response to nuclear or radiological emergencies within the United States or abroad. DOE/NNSA Authorities: Atomic Energy Act Executive Order 12656 Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan Presidential Decision Directives - 39, 62 Fact Sheets for each of the DOE/NNSA Emergency Response Assets can be found online at The mission of the DOE/NNSA Office of Emergency Response (OER) is to protect the public, environment, and the emergency responders from both terrorist and non-terrorist events by providing a responsive, flexible, efficient, and effective radiological emergency response framework and capability for the Nation by applying NNSA’s unique technical expertise residing within the DOE Complex.

3 DOE/NNSA Emergency Response Assets
Expert technical advice from the DOE/NNSA complex in response to: Nuclear weapon accidents and incidents Possible acts of nuclear terrorism Lost or stolen radioactive materials Radiological accidents Provide access to expertise in nuclear weapons design, nuclear/radiological materials characterization, and radiological detection and characterization Deployable capabilities, configured for a rapid response to any nuclear/radiological accident or incident After , there was a consensus within the Emergency Response community that a psychological threshold had been passed by terrorist organizations with respect to use of WMD against large civilian populations. Assumptions: Radical terrorists continue efforts to obtain WMD material; CONUS based targets are vulnerable; Warnings and indicators may not be present; Airlift may NOT be available to move DOE Assets. In response, DOE/NNSA reorganized its response posture to greatly enhance the nuclear detection capability for the nation, maximize emergency response flexibility, and provide for emergency support of other Federal agencies and Tribal, State and Local authorities. DOE/NNSA is in the process of decentralizing its detection, identification, diagnostics and consequence management response assets. The revised posture will ensure a more rapid, flexible and efficient response to a radiological event. The guiding premise of this decentralized response is to push as much technical capability as far forward to local DOE/NNSA responders as possible (i.e., to RAP). There is an MOU between DOE and DHS. DHS has operational control of the DOE Emergency Response Assets when deployed.

4 Office of Emergency Operations
CRISIS National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center CONSEQUENCE NARAC SRT Search Response Team Federal Radiological Monitoring Assessment Center FRMAC Emergency Response Officer Nuclear Incident Team JTOT Joint Technical Operations Team Radiation Emergency Assistance Center / Training Site REAC/TS ARG Accident Response Group AMS Aerial Measuring System Radiological Assistance Program RAP NRAT NRAT Nuclear / Radiological Advisory Team

5 Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) Mission
Provide first-responder radiological assistance to protect the health and safety of the general public and the environment. Assist other Federal, State, Tribal and local agencies in the detection, identification and analysis, and response to events involving the use of radiological/nuclear material. The mission of RAP is to provide DOE expertise and resources, in a deployable, tailored fashion, to assist other Federal Agencies; state, tribal and local governments; even private businesses and individuals in resolving any type of incident involving radioactive materials. The Radiological Assistance Program has responded to a wide variety of situations, including incidents involving lost/stolen sources, fixed facility and transportation incidents, terrorist uses of radioactive materials and nuclear weapons incidents. Assistance comes in many forms and may be as simple as referring that private individual to the appropriate State Radiation Authority, providing radiological advice or consultation over the telephone, deploying one or more RAP teams to assist in mitigating the event, or identifying which of the other Department of Energy Assets may be needed to help resolve the situation. RAP supports and provides assistance to the appropriate on-scene authority and never preempts State, tribal or local authorities. The primary responsibility for the incident remains with the owner of the radioactive material. RAP involvement ends when assistance is no longer needed of there are other sufficient resources at the scene.

6 Radiological Assistance Program
RAP is organized on a regional basis to foster a timely response capability and coordination between DOE and other Federal, State, tribal, and local emergency response elements: Eight geographical DOE regions plus a National Capitol Region Each DOE region is managed by a Regional Response Coordinator (RRC) In order to carry out this mission, RAP is implemented on a regional basis…. Each RCO appoints a Federal RRC who manages the program on a day-to-day basis and coordinates requests for radiological assistance. In addition, each region appoints a Contractor Response Coordinator (CRC), an Outreach and Training Coordinator, and an Equipment Coordinator to help implement the program.

7 DOE Regional Map and Coordinating Offices
8 5 1 8 6 7 (0)NCR 2 3 This slide shows the 8 DOE Regions. These Regions were designed around the major DOE facilities across the country. These facilities are designated as the RCOs and are identified by the stars. The National Capitol Region is also shown. Region 1, Brookhaven Area Office (631) Region 2, Oak Ridge Operations Office (865) Region 3, Savannah River Operations Office (803) Region 4, NNSA Service Center (505) Region 5, Chicago Operations Office (630) Region 6, Idaho Operations Office (208) Region 7, Livermore Site Office (925) Region 8, Richland Operations Office (509) DOE HQ (202) 4 2 7 2 U.S. Virgin Islands

8 RAP Team Configuration
Each region has a minimum of 3 teams RAP teams consist of trained employees from DOE and DOE contractors/facilities Each team consists of 8 members; one Team Leader, one Team Captain, one Senior Scientist, and five Health Physics Survey/Support personnel Additional personnel are available, such as Public Information Officers, industrial hygienists, transportation specialists, logistics support, etc. Although a standard team consists of 8 members, the RAP response will be tailored to the individual incident. RAP is very flexible; a deployment may only involve two team members or may involve multiple teams. As the situation demands, RAP teams can also be augmented with specialized expertise, including public affairs specialists, industrial hygienists, packaging and transportation personnel, advisory scientists (etc.). Specific augmentation would be dependent on the event and the required DOE response.

9 RAP Team Response Fully mobilized within 2 hours of notification
On-scene arrival within 6 hours of notification Deployment by dedicated response vehicles, charter air service, or commercial air

10 RAP Team Capabilities Detection and identification of radioactive materials Monitoring to characterize the radiation environment Assessment and evaluation (hazards and risks) Mitigative advice/consultation ‘Hot Line’ support; personnel for monitoring, decon, and material recovery Public Information support Once deployed, RAP personnel report to the appropriate onscene authority and provide advice on how to mitigate the radiological aspects of the incident. RAP team members can conduct search activities to help find lost, stolen or hidden radioactive materials; identify specific radioactive materials involved in the event; conduct radiological monitoring activities to help characterize the radiation environment (sometimes, more importantly, providing proof that there is no presence of radioactive materials); assess and evaluate the radiological data collected to determine hazards and any risks to emergency responders and the public; support hotline activities by monitoring personnel and equipment being brought out of the hot zone; and provide a trained Public Information Officer to address media and public interest in the DOE response to the incident. RAP works under NIMS/ICS. The RAP team provides tactical support to the Incident Commander and integrates as a special team under the Operations Chief.

11 Standard Response Equipment
PPE (gloves, booties, respirators, coveralls, dosimetry, etc.) Communications and Logistics gear (hand-held radios, GPS, cell phones, satellite phones, lap tops, etc.) RAP teams are basically self-sufficient, deploying with their own personal protective equipment, dosimetry, and respiratory protection. To document their responses and communicate their activities to the appropriate authorities, the teams also have standard communications and logistics gear, such as cell phones, satellite phones [Iridium Secure Module, Mini-M, M-4 INMARSAT terminal (future)], portable faxes, laptop computers, hand held radios, digital cameras, GPS units, etc. In the future, RAP teams will also be equipped with gear to conduct classified operations in the field (classified laptops, STEs or STU-IIIs).

12 Standard Response Equipment
Alpha Detection Beta Detection To accomplish their mission and be prepared for any type of response, RAP teams can deploy with a variety of equipment. All teams have a full range of hand held radiation and contamination monitoring equipment. Alpha detectors with scintillation probes Alpha-Beta Smear Counter Beta detectors with pancake probes

13 Standard Response Equipment
Gamma Detection Neutron Detection Gamma Dose Rate Meters Micro-R Meters Teletectors (high-range, telescoping GMs) FIDLER (low energy gammas emitted from plutonium/americium) REM Ball Snoopy SAM 935 (gamma spec instrument w/integrated neutron detector) Ranger (gamma spec instrument w/integrated neutron detector) State-of-the-art gamma and neutron detection systems (hand-held and vehicle-mounted) to carry out search activities

14 Standard Response Equipment
Gamma spectroscopy systems (NaI and HPGe) Air samplers (high and low volume) We also deploy with high and low volume air samplers for detecting airborne radioactivity, and have more analytical equipment, such as the sodium iodide and high purity germanium gamma spectroscopy systems [40% (now), % (future)], to identify the specific isotopes that may be present.

15 Radionuclide Identification
Room temperature (NaI) Spectrum Liquid Nitrogen Cooled (HPGe) Spectrum Most “Room Temperature” Units do NOT have the Resolution to Identify Many Complicated Isotopes DOE responders use high resolution gamma spectroscopy systems to provide much better identification capability. Unfortunately, these systems are not easily obtained or maintained by 1st responders. Mention Detectives here as well. HPGes provide much better resolution and ability to identify isotopes, but…. Difficult to Operate: - Requires Supply of Liquid Nitrogen - Spectrums complicated and difficult to interpret. - Fragile Expensive ($ 50k ++) Image copied from Knoll, “Radiation Detection and Measurement” 3rd Ed. Originally sourced from J.Cl. Philippot, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-17(3), 446 (1970)

16 DOE Triage System The DOE Triage System provides rapid scientific evaluation to any responder Provides reach-back capability to tap into National Laboratory gamma spectroscopy scientists Possible “trip-wire” for other assets Initiate by calling: Send data to: It is impossible for DOE emergency response assets to deploy to all, or even a significant number of, calls to determine the nature of the hazard. A system to allow the first responder to diagnose the situation and get immediate expert advice is needed. The Radiological Triage System focuses on quickly providing the on-scene commander with information with which to make sound and timely decisions. The primary mission of the Triage System is to determine the level of consequence. From the on set, the system discriminates possible malevolent-use devices from simple radiological sources. The operational concept of the Triage System is that the first responder will be faced with an unknown radioactive source and will request assistance. Local responders will bring better diagnostics tools and be able to collect the necessary information and transmit it to an on-call expert for analysis. A summary of the material identity and possible effects and advice on hazards and recommended additional national response asset assistance will be provided to the on-scene commander.

17 24 Hour HQ Emergency Response Officer
RAP Contact Information 24 Hour HQ Emergency Response Officer

18 RAP Region 4 Contact Information 24 Hour Region 4 Contact (Transportation Emergency Control Center): RAP Region 4 RRC (FED): Kent Gray Office: (505) Cell: (505) RAP Region 4 CRC (Sandia Labs): Richard Stump Office: (505) Cell: (505)

19 Mobile Deployable Detection Unit
(MDDU) Overview

20 Mobile Detection Deployment Program Mission
Expand National programs to bridge infrastructure gaps in preventive rad/nuc detection capabilities during heightened alert states, intelligent driven events, high risk events NSSEs and SEAR1-4. Provide equipment and training for force multiplication to these events. DNDO Funded, DOE First Responder managed and executed.

21 Equipment Mobile Backpack Handheld RIID PRDs
Radiation Solutions Incorporated (RSI) – 701 (3 or 5 each) Backpack Thermo Packeye (11 or 22 each) Handheld RIID Thermo IdentiFinder (4 or 8 each) Ortec Detective DX (2 or 4 each) PRDs Mini Rad-D (24 or 48 each)

22 Equipment ID PRDs Thermo Interceptor (11 or 22 each)
Computer system/wireless connectivity Toughbooks (3 or 5 each) Handheld Radios Motorola XTS 5000 (12 or 16 each)

23 Equipment

24 Requesting the MDDU Any civil authority, Federal, State, Local or Tribal, may make a request for the MDDU to the regional RAP team. The RAP team elevates the request to DOE/NA-42. The decision to authorize the use of MDDU assets is then made by DNDO and NA-42.

25 Joint Technical Operations Team (JTOT)
Rapidly deployable response for nuclear terrorism incident resolution Includes locating, access, diagnostics, render safe or destruction, containment and effects, and transportation preparation capabilities Home team available at LANL, SNL, LLNL

26 (National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center)
NARAC Real-time computer predictions for atmospheric transport and dispersion of radioactive materials Computer model calculations based on: Real-time weather data Terrain database 3-D transport and diffusion model NARAC products: Ground deposition plots Instantaneous and time-integrated dose Airborne concentrations Located in the National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, CA. Met data collected hourly from the surface and twice daily from the upper air via dedicated link to the US Air Force Global Weather Agency and NOAA’s satellite broadcast. World-wide coverage databases: Met data and weather forecasts; Terrain and Land use Characteristics (covers most of the world at 0.5 kilometer resolution); maps and population density; HAZMAT properties; health effect levels and PAGs. Transport, diffusion, and deposition determined using a Lagrangian Monte Carlo 3D particle diffusion method - validated against numerous tracer studies (e.g., ETEX, ENSEMBLE, etc).

27 NARAC Response timeline for initial plots:
(National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center) NARAC Response timeline for initial plots: 5-10 minutes for NARAC supported sites 1 hour for non-supported sites NARAC products provide information to Decision Makers to: assess dose and surface contamination downwind deploy field teams plan for AMS surveys develop protective action recommendations ARAC supported sites (sites with computers and software for direct interactive service) use the iClient to request and display predictions. Others participating in the event can view the predictions using the ARAC password protected Web site (i.e., NARAC Web). Products may also be ed or faxed to specific users. After initial plots are distributed, NARAC scientists will modify the source characteristics to match the set of ground and/or aerial survey measurements collected to refine the initial plots. It typically takes NARAC minutes to prepare inputs, run models, quality assure calculations and deliver refined plots. The NARAC iClient (Internet Client) allows users to enter event information, request NARAC model predictions, run local models, and display model results with geographical information. NARAC has developed an expanded web-based capability that will allow users to access NARAC from any computer with a web browser and an Internet connection. Users will be able to: Enter a simplified description of an atmospheric release. Send this information to NARAC. Receive an initial prediction, based upon a simple Gaussian model, within 1 to 2 minutes. Receive a more accurate prediction, based upon our sophisticated 3-D model, within 5 to 15 minutes. ARAC POC for access: John Nasstrom, NARAC Web Page:

28 Aerial Measuring System
Radiological detectors mountable in helicopters and fixed wing aircraft Provides search capability and radiation mapping over large areas around an accident or incident scene One fixed-wing aircraft and one helicopter are stationed at both Nellis AFB (Las Vegas, NV) and Andrews AFB (near Washington, DC). AMS provides information regarding the location, size, intensity, dominant isotopes, and migration pattern of the radioactive air mass or cloud. Sensitivities: KeV Fixed* Helo* Americium Cesium Cobalt Iodine *Surface Area Deposition in microcuries/square meters Products: Contour map of inferred exposure rate at 1 m above ground level Contour map of specific isotope surface area activity Identification and magnitude of dominant isotopes 28 28

29 Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center
Provides the operational framework for coordinating all federal off-site radiological monitoring and assessment activities in support of the Lead Federal Agency and affected States Coordinates and provides quality controlled data and interpretations in an understandable format Multi-agency center initially managed by DOE FRMAC is a multi-agency organization. It is managed by DOE during the Emergency Phase, specifically the NNSA Nevada Site Office in Las Vegas. Management transitions to the EPA at a mutually agreeable time after the emergency phase is over. States and locals requested to co-locate with the FRMAC to prioritize monitoring and assessment activities. Usually located near the Advisory Team (EPA, PHS, and USDA). A-Team provides Protective Action Recommendations to the LFA. FRMAC web site:

30 Consequence Management Home Team
Mission Provide early data assessment resources Function as conduit for data products such as NARAC predictive maps Interpret early radiological measurements Collect radiological data Provide a platform for collection of situational awareness information and to define objectives Provide technical guidance for worker and public protection Provide logistical support for deployed teams Activate thru HQ ERO RAPTER 2011 30

31 (Radiological Emergency Assistance Center / Training Site)
REAC/TS Provides 24-hour medical consultation or direct advice on health issues associated with radiation accidents Provides a deployable team of health professionals or provides patient care at REAC/TS Designated as a WHO Collaboration Center for Radiation Emergency Assistance Provides DTPA and Prussian Blue for treatment of internal contamination Provides training programs for health professionals REAC/TS, located in Oak Ridge (TN), was established in 1976 and has assisted in over 1200 incidents involving radiation. REAC/TS has expertise in and is equipped to conduct: medical and radiological triage decontamination procedures and therapies for external contamination and internally deposited radionuclides, including DTPA and Prussian Blue chelation therapy diagnostic and prognostic assessments of radiation induced injuries; radiation dose estimates by methods that include cytogenetic analysis, bioassay, and in vivo counting. REAC/TS staff include physicians, registered nurses, EMT paramedics, health physicists, radiologists and coordinators. REAC/TS maintains a Radiation Accident Registry System and conducts medical follow-up on radiation accident patients. REAC/TS consultative services can be obtained a a 24-hour basis by calling (865)

32 Accident Response Group
Technical response for accidents or significant incidents involving U.S. nuclear weapons in DoD or DOE custody Composed of nuclear scientists, engineers, and weapons designers capable of covering all weapons in the US inventory Deploys via commercial or military air using a time-phase approach ARG provides world-wide support to DoD for weapons in Dod custody and for DOE for weapons in DOE custody. The ARG organization includes: - Senior Scientific Advisor - Liaisons (to military commands) - Weapons Recovery (to support EOD) - Hazards Assessment (support ASHG in onsite monitoring and assessment, coordinated with FRMAC) - Support Team (ARG logistics, administration etc.) - Public Affairs ARG Advance elements focus on the initial assessment and providing preliminary advice to decision makers. ARG follow-on elements focus on: - health and safety of emergency response personnel and public - weapons recovery - independent safety reviews during weapons recovery operations

33 Accident Response Group
Uses highly specialized equipment and personnel to provide advice to DoD Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams for: collection and identification of components weapons safing and recovery packaging damaged weapons transportation, storage and disposal of damaged weapons Recovery of the damaged weapon or weapon components begins with locating the weapon and gaining access. Team members assess the configuration or structural arrangement of the damaged weapon to allow for work on and package in special containers. Radiography and other NDE methods can be used to examine the weapon’s internal structure. If damage is present, special techniques are available to stabilize internal components. Specialized equipment (e.g. liquid abrasive cutter) is available to cut away wreckage, open shipping containers, or to cut apart the weapon itself. The weapon is rendered safe prior to any packaging and shipping. Special containers can be constructed at the accident site for packaging damaged weapons parts and debris.

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