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Arizona Progress in FY11  Lots of Physics!  On ATLAS, an impressive amount of physics was produced by Arizona on a variety of fronts Quark substructure,

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Presentation on theme: "Arizona Progress in FY11  Lots of Physics!  On ATLAS, an impressive amount of physics was produced by Arizona on a variety of fronts Quark substructure,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arizona Progress in FY11  Lots of Physics!  On ATLAS, an impressive amount of physics was produced by Arizona on a variety of fronts Quark substructure, tt resonance searches, SUSY searches, expanding our understanding of QCD,...  On D0, the pioneering work on measurement of the W helicity was completed as well as beginning a Higgs search in a key channel

2 Arizona Progress in FY11  Arizona simultaneously shouldered significant leadership and service responsibilities on these experiments  On ATLAS Monte Carlo physics convenor, numerous editorial boards, CSC calibration and DQA, HLT Jet and MET DQA, cavern radiation monitoring  On D0 Alogorithms/physics Coordinator, developed improved tracking algorithm at high luminosity, L1MU and L1CTK support

3 Arizona Progress in FY11  Looking to the future  On ATLAS Phase 1 upgrade work for muons (Micromegas) and LAr (digital trigger) Phase 2 upgrade of FCAL  On LSST Development of full chain analysis machinery to investigate the effect of systematic errors on dark energy constraints Development of camera power supply hardware and control software 3

4 Arizona Physics Plans for FY12  Continue to push towards final D0 Higgs search results  ZH  bb  Continue to aggressively analyze ATLAS data and publish our results  Continued search for quark substructure  Continued searches for exotic resonances into jet or pairs  Continued search for SUSY using multileptons  Complete QCD energy flow studies (event shapes) in soft events 4

5 FY12 Request  Justification for our FY12 request  We have demonstrated our successes in producing superb physics results from ATLAS  We are similarly poised to end the physics era at D0 on a high note  We are providing a prominent leadership roles on ATLAS and D0  We are responsible for several crucial service activities on both experiments  All faculty are fully charged and engaged 5

6 FY12 Request  Our FY12 budget request  Fully supports both D0 postdocs for FY12 to rapidly and efficiently close out time critical D0 physics  Restores the lost ATLAS postdoc for Elliott Cheu at a critical time for us (with renewal looming and 2012 data approaching)  Does not require supplemental funding We can finally close the loop so that going forward, supplemental funding would be awarded on extraordinary basis (new responsibilities, etc.) 6

7 FY12 Request  Our FY12 budget request  Provides equipment funding so that we can continue to maintain technical prowess in the high speed optics and data communication areas  Provides sufficient travel to complete out the above tasks and ensure the impact on ATLAS is maximized 7

8 FY12 Request  The consequence of FY12=FY11 will be  Firing of one of two D0 postdocs (recently hired in 8/11 and 1/12 to bolster D0 physics end game) Firing recently hired postdocs will likely affect future hirings  Continued delay of ATLAS postdoc for Cheu during a critical period of data analysis Position lost in part as a result of redirection to D0 This is already hurting our chances for positive renewal  Very modest foreign and domestic travel  Loss of support for Peter Loch convenership  No equipment funds How can we maintain technical expertise? 8

9 Questions to DOE  What is the current view of DOE support for ATLAS and D0?  What is the current view of DOE support for ATLAS upgrades?  What support is there from DOE for new activities at Fermilab or SLAC?  What support is there from DOE for support for LSST?  Are there new funding initiatives for FY12 that we should be aware of? 9

10 Questions to DOE  How will supplements be handled this year?  The new review process for grants has started – can DOE give us any feedback on how the process is going, what has been successful, etc.  Is there a charge sent to the reviewers? Can we see the charge?  Multiple versus single proposals  Mutiple area versus single area proposals 10

11 Questions to DOE  Timescale for our three year review  Our FY12 grant expires on 1/31/13  Pre-proposals are due when in 2013?  Proposals are due when in 2013? (Nov 15 in 2012)  Assuming the same for 2013, then new awards begin May 1, 2013  We need funding from 2/1/13 – 5/1/13 Need to submit proposal for three month “terminal” renewal @ FY12 levels on 8/1/13 11

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