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Lydia Cumming, MRCSP Outreach Coordinator, Battelle MRCSP Outreach Program DOE/NETL Cooperative Agreement # DE-FC26-0NT42589 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Lydia Cumming, MRCSP Outreach Coordinator, Battelle MRCSP Outreach Program DOE/NETL Cooperative Agreement # DE-FC26-0NT42589 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lydia Cumming, MRCSP Outreach Coordinator, Battelle MRCSP Outreach Program DOE/NETL Cooperative Agreement # DE-FC26-0NT42589 1

2 MRCSP’s mission is to evaluate best approaches for CO 2 capture, utilization, and sequestration Developing methods and models to quantify and track injected CO 2 Demonstrating effectiveness of geologic storage Reducing costs MRCSP is 1 of 7 regional partnerships sponsored by US Department of Energy Test Site 2

3 Led by Battelle, MRCSP includes energy companies, industry, universities, state and nongovernmental organizations 3

4 The MRCSP is well into the 10-year Phase III, or Development Phase, of the research Phase III Large Scale Field Validation Site Selection, Permitting, Site Characterization, Site Preparation, and Baseline Monitoring MI Injection Operations (Multiple Reefs) Post Injection Monitoring Phase II Small Scale Validation OH SiteMI Saline MI EOR Fields Phase I Characterization 4

5 These programs function to develop practical knowledge and increase capabilities 5

6 MRCSP has four overarching goals for its outreach program: Continue to be a neutral and credible source of scientific information on CCUS Improve public understanding of CCUS Support the large-volume CO2 injection test Support other MRCSP research activities, including regional geologic characterization projects 6

7 This presentation will describe MRCSP’s approach to support demonstration projects 7 Local: Site-specific activities Regional: MRCSP-wide communication (e.g., web site, teacher training, research) National: NETL Outreach Working Group

8 Identify the various stakeholder groups, issues and concerns Identify required approach, including informal discussion or briefings and needed information materials Agree on communication roles (who does what, where, when, with whom) Work to engage the local media Describe technical issues and regulatory requirements in understandable terms Hold informal meetings to facilitate conversations with community leaders While local outreach activities are site-specific, we followed a similar process at each site 8

9 Phase II projects taught us how to better understand and respond to stakeholder needs Technical issues (e.g., leakage) frequently raised—but often in the context of underlying social factors Differences in policy viewpoints clearly seen, especially those related to coal (positive or negative) Host site relationships are important Familiarity with oil/gas or power generation a factor Process issues (fairness, ability to have a say) frequently raised 9

10 Phase III Project is taking place in depleted oil fields in conjunction with CO2-EOR Gas Producing Zone Oil Producing Zone Dover 33 10

11 Because project activities are mostly “business as usual,” regional outreach is key area of focus - Annual Partner’s Meetings - Site Visits - Community Relations - Media Relations - Outreach Materials - Website Contribute to: - DOE/NETL Best Practices Manuals - NATCARB Database and Publications - EPA Guidelines Requests for Comments - Industry Meetings & Conferences - Trade Associations 11

12 Developing clear communications about CCS technologies critical towards increasing public acceptance  Safety (people need to hear that CCS is safe)  Addressing specific concerns such as the protection of groundwater resources  Key conclusions resulting from MRCSP research and demonstrations  Costs and benefits of CCS  Comparisons with other energy (e.g., Coal + CCS vs Renewables) 12

13 Building website visitation is a work in progress The website objective is to share technical information about CCS and convey key findings (e.g., CCS works, it’s safe). An experiment is underway to assess current visitor behavior and make changes to the website based on that behavior. Ultimate goal is to increase traffic, thus sharing more information. 13

14 Nationally, MRCSP convenes and participates in the Outreach Working Group A group of outreach coordinators from each of the seven partnerships working to better understand and respond to questions about CCS 14 Message Mapping Digital communicationsBest Practices Manual

15 The Best Practices Manual provides a framework for planning and implementation Focused on project developers Based on practical RCSP experience Relatively short narrative, variety of appendices 15

16 Message mapping provides a tool for distilling primary points and developing supporting facts 16 Be direct Reduce jargon Connect with the audience Focus groups are used to test and refine message maps

17 The outreach working group is examining digital communication strategies Invited speakers on: integrated digital communications strategy, search engine optimization, and potential for building virtual communities through education programs Performing a baseline assessment on use of these tools, a literature review, and brainstorming about what might be possible in context of CCS projects. 17

18 The MRCSP communication strategy is monitored, evaluated, and updated annually Monitor stakeholder views on CCS and related issues Monitor website traffic Track number of presentations, papers, site tours, meetings, workshops, and other activities Effectiveness will be assessed based on (1) successful implementation of the large-scale test; (2) the ability to continue to build website visitation; (3) assessing the tone and quality of media coverage; and (4) number and trend of comments and/or complaints received. 18

19 In summary, the MRCSP continues to refine its outreach program Locally, regionally, and nationally, our program seeks to develop clearer communications about CCS technologies Phase II (small scale pilot tests) were instructional  Contributed to DOE Best Practices Manual for Public Education and Outreach Phase III continues to build knowledge  Communicating the results of the large-scale project to a broad audience is of particular interest to members of MRCSP −Distilling key conclusions resulting from research and demonstrations −Using digital communications 19

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