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Giri Palanisamy Oak Ridge National Laboratory & Lorrie Apple Johnson U.S. Department of Energy October 16, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Giri Palanisamy Oak Ridge National Laboratory & Lorrie Apple Johnson U.S. Department of Energy October 16, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giri Palanisamy Oak Ridge National Laboratory & Lorrie Apple Johnson U.S. Department of Energy October 16, 2013

2 Located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Part of Climate Change Science Institute Part of Climate Change Science Institute ARM – ARM –

3 “The Secretary, through the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, shall maintain within the Department publicly available collections of scientific and technical information resulting from research, development, demonstration, and commercial applications activities supported by the Department.” Energy Policy Act of 2005 OSTI has the corporate responsibility for ensuring appropriate access to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) R&D results. DOE invests over $10 billion/year in basic sciences, clean energy technology, nuclear research. The immediate output from this investment is information… knowledge… R&D results in many formats, including digital data. OSTI’s mission is to accelerate scientific progress by accelerating access to this information.

4  Type of Data – Atmospheric processes, cloud dynamics  Products - > 3,000  Archive Size - > 300 TB  Users/year - ~ 1,500  Year Started - 1991

5  Southern Great Plains (1993)  North Slope of Alaska: Barrow (1998) and Atqasuk (1999)  Tropical Western Pacific: Manus (1996), Nauru (1998), and Darwin (2002)  First ARM Mobile Facility (2005); Second ARM Mobile Facility (2010)  ARM Aerial Facility (2007)

6  Hard to FIND  Hard to NAVIGATE  Hard to CITE

7 Millions of data files from over 3,000 data products. Most of them are continuous data streams. Large user community and complex use of data (climate change modeling). Data is also published via other portals.

8 Data citation can help by: enabling easy reuse and verification of data allowing the impact of data to be tracked creating a scholarly structure that recognizes and rewards data producers Data should be cited in just the same way that other sources of information, such as articles and books, are cited.

9 To allow users to cite the exact ARM data used in their research publications To allow future data users, and the project, to easily track the data used in various articles Strategy:  DOI’s assigned at the ARM data product level, and presented in the ARM data stream pages and field campaign readme files  DOI’s also sent via Archive data notification emails

10 What is DataCite?  A global consortium composed of local institutions focused on improving the scholarly infrastructure around datasets and other non-textual information.  A service for assigning Digital Object Identification (DOIs) and metadata to datasets. DataCite ( helps researchers find, access and reuse data.

11 DOE Data ID Service DOE/OSTI is the only U.S. federal member of DataCite. Interagency agreement in place with NIH project; in discussions with eight agencies representing 15 projects. OSTI Partnered with Oak Ridge National Laboratory to pioneer procedure. First DOI for a DOE dataset was minted and registered with DataCite on 8/10/2011. DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) has now registered over 545 datastreams, each representing hundreds of subordinate data files. Currently working with 6 DOE data centers, including ARM. Two are fully integrated; 4 others in testing or planning phases.

12  Easier identification and access of datasets across the international community of researchers via DataCite’s resolving tools  Linkage between DOE’s R&D documents and the underlying datasets generated by the research  Standard format for including data in the accepted bibliographic citation framework  Aid researchers in locating exact datasets used in previous work, thus allowing verification of results or new uses for the data

13 DataCite Registers DOI DOE-OSTI submits nightly feed of new DOIs to DataCite Data Citation metadata submitted to DOE-OSTI Dataset Type Dataset Title Dataset Creator/Author or Principal Investigator Dataset Product Number DOE Contract/Award Number Originating Research Organization Publication/ Issue Date Sponsoring Organization URL where the Dataset is posted for access Contact information DOI Assigned By DOE-OSTI Web Service API 241.6 AN = = Creator/Author, Primary Investigator, or Submitter notified of Data Citation availability Data Citation submitted to search engines for indexing DOE-OSTI updates metadata record with DOI creating a full Data Citation DataCite validates DOI registration with DOE-OSTI

14 Dataset Type Dataset Title Dataset Creator/Author or Principal Investigator Dataset Product Number DOE Contract/Award Number Originating Research Organization Publication/ Issue Date Sponsoring Organization URL where the Dataset is posted for access Contact information





19 Since science is not bound by agency, organization, or geography… Federated Searching We integrate or aggregate multiple government R&D-related databases into single-search portals. Innovative technology drills down to selected databases and websites in parallel, then presents ranked search results.

20 Enabling Access to Global R&D Results Multilingual translations capability for 10 languages. More than 400 million pages of scientific and technical information, including: Text Multimedia Data Research results from 70+ countries are searchable via single-query global science portal.





25 Several citation formats are possible using DOI’s. ARM encourages users to include the following information when citing ARM data: Author Original publication date Update period, if applicable (daily, monthly, etc.) Dataset name Dates used Location (latitude/longitude, site name, and facility identifier) Editor(s) or compiler(s) Place of publication Publisher Date accessed DOI

26 ORNL DAAC: Data Products used in literature ORNL DAAC requests that data be cited in list of references; some authors “refer” to data in text or acknowledgements

27 Thank you! Giri Palanisamy Oak Ridge National Laboratory Lorrie Johnson U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information

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