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Clean Cities / 1 Re-designation - 2013 Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Pamela Burns Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Coordinator Communications Supervisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Clean Cities / 1 Re-designation - 2013 Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Pamela Burns Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Coordinator Communications Supervisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean Cities / 1 Re-designation - 2013 Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Pamela Burns Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities Coordinator Communications Supervisor Monday, April 29, 2013

2 Clean Cities / 2 US Department of Energy (DOE) designates groups as official “Clean Cities Coalitions” Active network of stakeholders Clean organizational structure A Coordinator Reliable funding Specific, attainable goals and Strategic Plan Partnerships with air quality officials, energy officials and other decision-makers What is Re-designation?

3 Clean Cities / 3 Re-affirms the commitment of stakeholders, committee members and host organization Serves as a quantitative and thorough planning tool Enhances interaction and communication between DOE and local coalitions Give DOE management a better and more-to-date understanding of coalitions accomplishments and needs Why Re-designation is Important

4 Clean Cities / 4 Process ActionResponsible PartyStatus Submit letter of intent to DOENCTCOGComplete Develop strategy to meet petroleum displacement and sustainability goals NCTCOG and Stakeholders In progress Develop presentation materials for webinar NCTCOGIn progress Phone surveys of stakeholdersDOEIn progress Prepare briefing bookDOEIn progress Select key stakeholders to participate in webinar* NCTCOGNo Schedule webinarsDOENo Dry-run webinarNCTCOG/DOE/Key Stakeholders No Re-designation webinarNCTCOG/DOE/Key Stakeholders July, 2014 *If you are interested in representing our coalition during the re-designation webinar, please contact Pamela Burns

5 Clean Cities / 5 Let’s get started! Vision for the next 3 years –Mission –Stakeholder Group structure Petroleum displacement strategies Membership strategies Outreach and education strategies Funding (Lori Clark) Challengers and barriers to success Needs from DOE Other Re-designation

6 Clean Cities / 6 Current mission statement: The DFW Clean Cities Coalition is a locally-based, private and public partnership group that works to advance the economic, environmental, and energy security goals of the United States by supporting local decisions to adopt practices that contribute to the reduction of petroleum consumption in the transportation sector. Vision for the Next Three Years

7 Clean Cities / 7 Where is the Coalition heading over the next three years? Develop new mission statement –Ideas to include: Energy Security Air Quality Public Health Economic Development Other? Develop new vision statement –Example (Western Washington Clean Cities Coalition): Leading the region in clean transportation, through the use of local, sustainable alternative fuels and technologies. Vision for the Next Three Years

8 Clean Cities / 8 Mission Statement Poll

9 Clean Cities / 9 Proposed Structure Clean Cities Coalition Natural Gas Stakeholder Group EVNT Stakeholder Group (Lori Clark) Propane Stakeholder Group Biofuels Stakeholder Group Other (Idle- Reduction, Fuel Economy, Clean Diesel, Hydrogen, etc.) Stakeholder Steering Committee Internal Advisory Committee (NCTCGO staff) DRAFT

10 Clean Cities / 10 Petroleum Displacement Strategies The DFW Clean Cities Coalition is fuel and technology neutral. Strategies promoted by the Clean Cities Program: Alternative Fuels and Vehicles Biodiesel (B100) Electricity Ethanol (E85) Hydrogen Natural Gas Propane Fuel Blends Biodiesel/Diesel Blends (B2, B5, B20) Ethanol/Gasoline Blends (E10) Hydrogen/natural Gas Blends (HCNG) Fuel Economy Fuel Efficiency Behavioral Changes Vehicle Maintenance Initiatives Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Hybrids Light- and Heavy-duty HEVs PHEVs Idle Reduction Heavy-Duty Trucks School Buses Truck Stop Electrification

11 Clean Cities / 11 Petroleum Displacement Strategies

12 Clean Cities / 12 Petroleum Displacement Strategies Poll #1

13 Clean Cities / 13 Petroleum Displacement Strategies Poll #2

14 Clean Cities / 14 Membership Strategies Current Structure: Members and Interested Parties Benefits of both: Monthly Newsflash Email Updates Invitation to showcase and/or view AFVs, related products Grant and funding information Quarterly meetings Expectations of Members: Attend meetings and events Help promote the Clean Cities mission/AFVs Fill out Annual Survey

15 Clean Cities / 15 Membership Strategies

16 Clean Cities / 16 Outreach and Education Strategies Outreach Methods: Electronic Communications –Over 800 people receive monthly newsletter and email updates Events/Workshops –Fuel- and technology-neutral –Fuel- or technology specific Environmental outreach events Trainings –Mechanic/technician trainings –First Responders One-on-One meetings Specific campaigns (ex: Idling Education)

17 Clean Cities / 17 Outreach and Education Strategies

18 Clean Cities / 18 Funding Grants Likely Less Frequent Major Federal Programs Cutting Back Conflicting Priorities Need to Strategically Focus Funds Where is greatest need? What is eligible/emphasized? –Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) –Other

19 Clean Cities / 19 Funding

20 Clean Cities / 20 Funding

21 Clean Cities / 21 Funding - Sponsorships

22 Clean Cities / 22 Funding - Sponsorships

23 Clean Cities / 23 Challenges and Barriers to Success Size of region –Need for active communication between fleets, vendors and Clean Cities Staff –Will new proposed structure help address this? Potential decrease in federal and State grant funding –Need to prioritize how funds are spent –Seek more input from fleets on what is most beneficial Others?

24 Clean Cities / 24 Needs from DOE, etc. DOE provides a wealth of resources to Coordinators, Coalitions and stakeholders –Webinars –Fact sheets and handbooks –Buyer’s Guides (light- and heavy-duty vehicles, lawn equipment, etc.) –Technical Tools (PREP tool, Tiger teams, technical support service) –AFDC (station locator, data and reports) –Clean Cities TV

25 Clean Cities / 25 Needs from DOE, etc.

26 Clean Cities / 26 Needs from DOE, etc.

27 Clean Cities / 27 Other Items? Are there any other items you would like to discuss that we haven’t covered yet?

28 Clean Cities / 28 Contact Pamela Burns DFW Clean Cities Coordinator Communications Supervisor 817-704-2510

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